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Coronavirus and Dogs: Everything You Need to Know
Dog Coronavirus: CCV Canine Disease
Types & Characteristics
Coronavirus, Your Dog & You
Parvovirus in Dogs
What is Coronavirus Covid-19?
an Dogs Get Coronavirus?
18 Signs Your Dog is Bored
Dog Socialization during the Coronavirus
Dog Food Banks List Worldwide
Animals and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Covid-19 Dog Insurance Impact
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs:
SARS-CoV-2 in Dogs: Helpful Tips & Information
Human COVID-19 Symptoms, Structure & Treatment
How to Entertain Your Dog During Coronavirus Quarantine?
Brain Games & Puzzles to Entertain Your Dog
How to Care Stressed Dog?
Coronavirus vs Robotic Dogs
Dog Indoor Activities During the Quarantine
57 Joyful Ways to Make Your Dog Busy Indoors
to Coronavirus: How to Keep your Dog & Puppy Safe!
Do I Need to Put a Mask on my Dog?
Dog Travel During Coronavirus
Can Dogs Infect Human with Coronavirus?
Can Human Infect the Dog with COVID-19?
Dog Quarantine during Coronavirus
Is it Safe to give a Dog to Kennel, during Pandemia?
How to Visit the Vet During Quarantine?
How to Protect Your Dog from Coronavirus?
How to Pet Dogs during Covid-19 Quarantine?
Coronavirus Covid-19 Infographics
How to Keep Yourself & Your Dog Healthy?
How to Make your Dog not Bored?
Quarantine-Safe Dog Activities
What are the Signs of Canine Coronavirus?
Should Dogs to be Tested for Coronavirus?
Dogs being Trained to Detect Coronavirus in Human
How Dog Coronavirus is Transmitted?
Vaccines & Treatment of Canine Disease CCV
Can I walk with Dog during the Pandemia?
Details about HONG-KONG Dogs
with Positive Test for Covid-19
Feline & Canine Coronavirus Comparison
Coronavirus in Dogs
Covid-19 and Dogs
Dog Insurance

All around the world, dogs improve and add value to our lives. They keep us company, protect homes and livestock, and can learn to do extraordinary tasks - so let's make sure we keep them and ourselves, safe & protected !

All the Information on This Page is For Informational Purposes Only! Please, consult your local Medical \ VET Authority for Advice.

Can Dogs Get Coronavirus? - THIS PICTURE by Mike Luckovich !!!

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Coronaviruses (CoV) belong to a large family of about 40 viruses that are named for their crown-shaped structure. Seven of these varieties can infect humans. We have all had a coronavirus infection in our lives, these viruses cause illnesses that range from mild - the common cold, intestinal upset, to severe (SARS, MERS).

Can Dogs Get Coronavirus?

Some coronaviruses are specialized on a single type of animal, including dogs (canine coronaviruses) and cats (feline coronaviruses). Dogs can get certain types of coronaviruses, such as the canine respiratory coronavirus, but this specific novel coronavirus, aka COVID-19, is believed to not be a health threat to dogs.

Can Dogs Get Coronavirus?
What is Canine Coronavirus Disease?
Canine coronavirus disease, known as CCoV, is a highly infectious intestinal infection in dogs, especially puppies. Canine coronavirus is usually short-lived but may cause considerable abdominal discomfort for a few days in infected dogs. The virus is from the Coronaviridae family. The virus gets its name from the fact that when viewed from above under an electron microscope, the virus has a ring of projections that appear like a coronet, or a small crown made of ornaments fixed on a metal ring. There are many types of coronavirus, each affecting different animal species, including humans. Canine coronavirus (CCoV) is not the same virus as SARS-CoV-2 that causes the novel coronavirus COVID-19. CCoV does not affect people. CCoV causes gastrointestinal problems in dogs, as opposed to respiratory disease.

Risk to People
Some coronaviruses that infect animals have become able to infect humans and then spread between people, but this is rare. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) are examples of diseases caused by coronaviruses that originated in animals and spread to people. This is what is suspected to have happened with the virus that caused the current outbreak of COVID-19. However, we do not know the exact source of this virus. Public health officials and partners are working hard to identify the source of COVID-19. The first infections were linked to a live animal market, but the virus is now spreading from person to person. The coronavirus most similar to the virus causing COVID-19 is the one that causes SARS.

Risk to Pets
There are no any reports of pets or other animals becoming sick with COVID-19. Further studies are needed to understand if and how different animals could be affected by COVID-19.

Animals vs Coronavirus
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Some cause illness in people and others cause illness in certain types of animals. Coronaviruses that infect animals can become able to infect people, but this is rare. People do not know the exact source of the current outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). And also there is no any evidence that companion animals, including pets, can spread COVID-19.

Different Genes
It is also important to consider that the genes of dogs are very different to genes of humans. While it looks as though the coronavirus might have originated in a bat, it's a mystery how the virus jumped from bats to humans, and if there was another animal in the middle, bridging this gap. Even if this case does show that the virus can jump to dogs, we do not know enough at this stage about its possible transmission to other dogs, animals or even back to humans again. Take distemper, canine parvovirus, and heartworms for example - these are all examples of infections that cannot be transmitted from dogs to humans due to the differences in our genetic make-up among other things.




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Stanley Coren
Rania Gollakner

Dogs can become infected with two types of coronavirus infections, neither of which are known to be able to cause illness in humans.

Canine Enteric Coronavirus (CECoV)
According to PetMD, the enteric coronavirus strain causes gastrointestinal GI disease that is typically mild and self-limiting, meaning that symptoms are generally not severe, and resolve on their own without treatment. CECoV is a common cause of diarrhea and vomiting in puppies, and more commonly infects dogs than the respiratory strain.

Canine Respiratory Coronavirus (CRCoV)
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), the canine respiratory coronavirus strain typically causes mild upper respiratory symptoms, similar to those caused by canine respiratory pathogens associated with canine kennel cough complex. CRCoV may cause co-infections with other respiratory pathogens, such as Bordetella bronchiseptica, parainfluenza virus, and adenovirus. Occasionally, dogs infected with CRCoV develop more severe disease, including pneumonia.

COVID-19 and Dogs

When it comes to dogs, the phrase "coronavirus disease" has long been used to refer to a highly infectious intestinal disease that mostly affects puppies who are less than six weeks of age. As the novel human coronavirus, or COVID-19, continues to spread across the world, some dog parents are wondering if their dogs can get infected. You may have even seen photos on social media of dogs wearing protective masks. But the good news for our pups is - so far, there is no substantial evidence that dogs can contract or spread COVID-19, but there is actually a disease called Canine Coronavirus (CCV) - that's unrelated to this current outbreak in humans.

How to Protect your Dog from Coronavirus? Can Dogs Get Coronavirus? What are the Signs of Canine Coronavirus?
What Is CCV In Dogs?
A canine coronavirus infection (CCV) is a highly contagious intestinal disease that infects only dogs - other animals and humans can not catch it.. It can be found in dogs all around the world. This particular virus is specific to dogs, both wild and domestic. The coronavirus replicates itself inside the small intestine and is limited to the upper 2 \ 3 of the small intestine and local lymph nodes. A CCV infection is generally considered to be a relatively mild disease with sporadic symptoms, or none at all. But if a CCV infection occurs simultaneously with a viral canine parvovirus infection, or an infection caused by other intestinal enteric pathogens, the consequences can be much more serious.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs Information

It usually only lasts a few days and is not a serious health threat for adult dogs. Puppies, however, are more susceptible to complications. In many cases, dogs catch canine coronavirus by oral contact with feces from an infected dog. They can also catch it by eating from contaminated food bowls or through direct contact with a sick dog. Your dog is more likely to catch CCV in places where multiple dogs gather or are overcrowded, like in kennels. There is also a Respiratory Coronavirus (CRCoV) that dogs can catch. It's related to kennel cough, is highly infectious in crowded spaces and causes coughing, fever and nasal discharge.

SARS-CoV-2 and Dogs
What Causes CCV?
This intestinal disease is caused by the canine coronavirus, which is closely related to the feline enteric coronavirus (FIP), an intestinal virus that affects cats. The most common source of a CCV infection is exposure to feces from an infected dog. The viral strands can remain in the body and shed into the feces for up to six months. Stress caused by over-intensive training, over-crowding and generally unsanitary conditions increase a dog's susceptibility to a CCV infection. Additionally, places and events where dogs gather are the most likely locations for the virus to spread.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs Myths & Truths
Diagnosis of CCV
A CCV infection will usually have some symptoms in common with other bacterial, viral, or protozoic infections, or with general food intoxication or intolerance. Therefore, certain tests may have to be administered to determine the actual cause of the infection. Biochemical analysis and urinalysis will typically show normal physiology, so sometimes specific serologic serum tests or antibody titers - measurement of antibody strength, may need to be used.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs: PROTECTION, SAFETY & CARE
How is Canine
Coronavirus Transmitted?

Most cases of canine coronavirus are contracted by oral contact with infected fecal matter. A dog may also become infected by eating from contaminated food bowls or by direct contact with an infected dog. Crowding and unsanitary conditions lead to coronavirus transmission. The incubation period from ingestion to clinical signs is one to four days. The duration of illness is two to ten days in most dogs. Secondary infections by bacteria, parasites, and other viruses may develop and prolong illness and recovery. Dogs may be carriers of the disease for up to six months - 180 days, after infection.

COVID-19 and Dogs
What are the Signs
of Canine Coronavirus?

Most canine coronavirus infections are sub-clinical and produce few clinical signs in dogs. Occasionally an infection may cause more severe symptoms, particularly in young puppies. The most typical sign associated with canine coronavirus is diarrhea, typically sudden in onset, which may be accompanied by lethargy and decreased appetite. The stool is loose, with a fetid odor and orange tint. It may contain blood or mucus. If a puppy has a mixed infection, for instance both coronavirus and parvovirus the illness will be more severe.

How to Protect your Dog from Coronavirus? Can Dogs Get Coronavirus? What are the Signs of Canine Coronavirus?

Adult dogs can show little or no symptoms in many cases - however, in some cases, you may notice mild vomiting and or a few days of diarrhea. In rare cases, you may also see signs of mild respiratory problems - coughing or breathing problems. Puppies can experience more severe symptoms and complications from CCV. They may have more prolonged bouts of diarrhea and therefore, can suffer from dehydration.

A rare but notable condition puppies can develop from CCV is enteritis - inflammation of the small intestine, and this can be life-threatening in severe cases. If you notice these symptoms in your puppy, contact your veterinarian immediately! Keep Your Dog Hydrated! Rebound for dogs bottles. It is important to closely monitor dogs and puppies with diarrhea and make sure they are staying hydrated. A severely dehydrated dog may need intravenous fluids. So make sure you give your dog plenty of fluids and electrolytes to rebalance what they may have lost from diarrhea.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs: PROTECTION, SAFETY & CARE
Are there Diseases that can be Confused with Canine Coronavirus?
There are many causes of diarrhea in dogs. Severe cases of coronavirus can be easily confused with parvovirus, and they may occur at the same time. Be sure to see your veterinarian if your dog has diarrhea that does not resolve within 24 hours or is associated with significant lethargy or loss of appetite.

Is there any Treatment?
There is no specific treatment for canine coronavirus. Antibiotics are ineffective against viruses, but may be useful in controlling secondary bacterial infections. Withholding food for 24 hours after diarrhea ceases and gradually reintroducing small amounts of food may be the only required treatment. A dehydrated patient may require intravenous fluids to correct the fluid and electrolyte imbalances. Early medical intervention is the key to successful treatment of severe cases.

SARS-CoV-2 and Dogs

Puppies that have been exposed to this infection and are showing symptoms will need the most guarded care. What appears to be a small amount of diarrhea and vomiting can lead to a fatal condition for a defenseless, puppy. Most adult dogs will recover from a CCV infection on their own and without the need for medication. In some cases, diarrhea may continue for up to 12 days, and soft stool for a few weeks.

If the infection does cause inflammation of the small intestine enteritis, respiratory problems, or blood poisoning - septicemia, antibiotics may need to be prescribed. If severe diarrhea and dehydration occur as a result of the infection, the dog may need to be given extra fluid and electrolyte treatment. Once the dog has recovered from the infection, there will usually be no need for further monitoring. But, keep in mind that there may still be remnants of the virus that are being shed in your dog's feces, potentially placing other dogs at risk.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs Myths & Truths
What About Vaccines?
Canine coronavirus vaccines are available. This vaccine is not recommended for all dogs and will be administered based on your dog's lifestyle and risk assessment. This vaccine will only work for the CCoV type of coronavirus. It is not effective for the prevention of COVID-19.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs: PROTECTION, SAFETY & CARE
Can Dogs Spread COVID-19?
Current evidence suggests that humans cannot catch Covid-19 from your dog and you cannot infect them with it either. Unfounded fears that dogs can spread COVID-19 Can Cause Harm! The type of coronavirus that typically infects dogs is not zoonotic - it does not affect humans in any way. If dogs go out and have contact with an infected person, they have the chance to get infected. By then, pets need to be isolated.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs: PROTECTION, SAFETY & CARE
Coronavirus COVID-19 can be Transmitted from Dogs to Humans through Coat?
This fact is not completely proven & checked out!
Needs more clarification, but Australian government has released some rules to obey during the pandemia. They say someone infected with coronavirus could pat the dog, and the pet could return home with residues of the virus still on its coat. Animals can not catch the human coronavirus COVID-19, but they can act as a conduit for infection! Veterinary experts admit the risk for transmission through this path is low, however. Health experts know COVID-19 survives on hard, immovable surfaces like metal and glass longer than it does on soft flexible surfaces such as fur and textiles. Professor Jacqui Norris from the Sydney School of Veterinary Science at the University of Sydney told that specific studies on fur have not yet been done. Animal coats have natural antiviral and antibacterial properties on them that would restrict the ability of a coronavirus like SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19 to survive.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs: PROTECTION, SAFETY & CARE

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) says that while this virus seems to have emerged from an animal source, it is now spreading from person to person. The CDC recommends that people traveling to China avoid animals both live and dead, but there is no reason to think that any animals or pets might be a source of infection with this novel coronavirus.

Two dogs in Hong Kong whose owners tested positive for COVID-19 have tested positive for the virus in what health officials characterize as likely to be a case of human to animal transmission. Local government health officials emphasize that there is currently no evidence that pet animals can be a source of infection of COVID-19 or that they become sick. Because there was no evidence that the dog had actually developed antibodies to COVID-19, some experts have questioned whether there is enough evidence to say that the dog actually had contracted the disease.






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For now, healthy pet owners do not need to do anything other than follow basic hygienic precautions such as washing their hands with soap and water before and after contact with any animal. If you test positive for COVID-19 or have been exposed to the novel coronavirus, experts recommend that you should restrict contact with animals - both to avoid exposing the pets and to prevent getting the virus on their skin or fur, which might be passed on to another person who touches the animal. To reduce the spread of all germs, you may consider wiping your dog's paws when they come in and out of the house with a paw cleaner and paw wipes. Dogs do not need a face mask to protect themselves against the novel coronavirus COVID-19. If you are still concerned or notice a change in your dog's health, speak to a veterinarian.

Coronavirus and Dogs: SAFETY & CARE, COVID-19 IN DOGS

And the most important protection of all: Under no circumstances should owners abandon their dogs because of COVID-19 fears!

Here are some rules to keep your dog safe during the pandemia:

Wash your hands often before and after interacting with your dog.

Minimize face licks and cuddles.

Bathe dogs more frequently.

Keep your dog away from non-household members.

Follow social distancing practices for all when out for a walk.

And if you are infected with COVID-19, here is what the CDC is recommending:

Avoid contact with dogs - this includes snuggling, being kissed or licked and sharing food.

Have someone else take care of your pet while you are sick.

If you must care for your pet while you are sick, wear a face mask and wash your hands before and after every interaction!

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs

If you are able to get a shopping trip in before self-isolation, buying a little extra food for your dog than you normally would buy is a good idea, so that you are able to feed them for the duration of your time indoors. Also, be sure to check that you have enough medication at home if your dog is on regular treatment. It might also be worth seeing if a family member or close friend is in a position to look after your dog for you should you suffer from more serious symptoms.

How do I Look After My Dog if
I am Unwell and Self-isolating?

If you are unwell and have noone else in your household able to look after your dog, contact your friends and family or a neighbour to see if they can help. If you are self-isolating, you should not go out at all. It is a good idea to create a plan in advance for who would be able to walk and feed your dog and take them on comfort breaks should you find yourself unable to do this. You could try setting up a WhatsApp group to build a connection with other dog owners in your neighbourhood. This could help you meet other dog owners, who could help to pick up essentials such as picking up dog food on a trip to the supermarket.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs: PROTECTION, SAFETY & CARE

Local Authorities or community groups may be providing additional support, so keep an eye on local noticeboards or online forums. If that's not possible, you might want to contact your local boarding kennels to see if they have space available. There is currently no evidence to suggest that dogs can catch Covid-19, but we'd always recommend washing your hands before and after feeding, playing with or petting your dog. If you have moved recently or changed your phone number, ensure these details are up to date on your dog's microchip.

Visitors to the door
We are all reducing our social contact at the moment, but you may still need to take a delivery of food or a package from the postman. If your dog likes greeting visitors at the door, make sure you secure them in another room before opening it.

Stroking other peoples dogs.
We are all trying to avoid getting too close to other people and it's best to avoid stroking other people's dogs too. If you do pet a stranger's dog, remember to clean your hands with an alcohol based hand gel afterwards, or wash your hands with soap and warm water.

Additional support for the Elderly
The Cinnamon Trust is the only specialist national charity that helps the elderly to look after their much loved and much needed companion animals. They have a network of over 17,000 volunteers all over the UK who help owners provide vital loving care for their pets and help keep them together. Be this through walking dogs or fostering when owners might be in hospital. During this time of uncertainty their volunteers are on hand to help the elderly that might be in self isolation or feeling poorly and can not get out. For further information
Contact Cinnamon

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs: PROTECTION, SAFETY & CARE

I am Running out of Dog Food
What should I do?

We would recommend ensuring you have at least 14-day supply of dog food at all times and planning ahead with your food shop as you would for other essentials. If you are self-isolating and need dog food, ask a friend or neighbour to collect it for you and leave it on your doorstep.

If I Run Out of Dog Food, can I give my Dog Human Food?
Should there be a shortage of your dog's usual food, owners may need to change food brands. We would advise, if possible, changing this gradually over a few days. If your dog has a medical condition requiring a specific diet, then taking guidance from your veterinary surgeon for details and tips on how to do this and what foods are most suitable for your dog.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs Helpful Practical Tips & Information
What Happens if there is
a Shortage of Dog Food?

There are people's concerns about making sure their four-legged friend still gets his or her favourite meal time treats but, as far as we are aware, it is unlikely there will be a major shortage. Although, you may need to switch to an alternative brand if your local supplier is short.

COVID-19 and Dogs
What if I cannot Afford
Dog Food Anymore?

Many food banks are able to supply items such as pet food to people needing support. If they are unable to supply such an item, food banks are able to signpost people to local organisations who might be able to help as well.

COVID-19 and Dogs

One of the most common reasons that dogs are taken to the vets with poisoning is because they have eaten paracetamol or ibuprofen. These are medicines that are found in most homes and so are commonly found by dogs. Since people are concerned about the effects of coronavirus, these medicines are around dogs more frequently than ever before and so dogs are at increased risk. Ensure that any medications are kept out of reach of your dog. If you are unwell and need to take any tablets make sure that you or someone else puts them away in a cupboard that is inaccessible to your dog.

Never put alcohol-based hand wash or disinfectants on your dog, as this could irritate their skin or may be poisonous if it's licked.


Dog Insurance Prices Impact
from Coronavirus Covid-19


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Can I Walk my Dog
During the Covid-19 Pandemia?

Before taking a walk, check your local regulations. As long as the area where you reside remains safe enough to venture outside, dog owners feeling healthy and well should plan to continue walking their dogs daily, albeit with added safety measures. Observe any local ordinances concerning curfews, even if that means adjusting your dog walking schedule. Owners should wash their hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds before and after each walk. Consider carrying around a pocket-sized bottle of hand sanitizer during your walks. Practice social distancing measures by walking your dog in uncrowded areas when possible. If you live in a big city, make efforts to take your dog down less heavily trafficked blocks, or try adjusting walks to less busy times of day and night.

SARS-CoV-2 and Dogs

The Government has outlined that healthy people who do not have symptoms and have not received a letter telling them to stay at home, can go outside once a day for exercise, and this should include walking your dog too. If you live in a multi-person household, each member of the house could take it in turns to walk your dog. Keep your dog on-lead when out walking and don't be afraid to ask people not to pet your dog to ensure you stay at least two metres apart from other people at all times. If you don't have a garden and need to take your dog out for a comfort break, please stay outside your property, and keep your dog on the lead. Do not forget to pick up after your dog and wash your hands thoroughly when you are back inside.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs: PROTECTION, SAFETY & CARE
Can I Walk My Dog Off Lead?
During the pandemia, the advice would be to keep your dog on a lead for the time being. If you tend to use a long lead - just slowly introducing a short lead, this can be done by slowly limiting their distance from you, using positive rewards to let them know they are doing a good job! Your daily walk is a good time to spend quality time with your dog so where possible try to give them your undivided attention.

Coronavirus and Dogs
Can I Meet My Friends
and their Dogs for a Walk?

No. You should only socialise with people you are already living with. If you see someone you know when you are on your walk, including other dog owners, stay at least two metres apart, avoid petting their dog and wash your hands thoroughly when you get home.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs: PROTECTION, SAFETY & CARE
How Long should I walk my Dog For?
Can I take a Longer "Dog Walk" in the Car?

We appreciate how difficult a time this must be for you, especially as you are trying to avoid highly populated areas when taking your dog for a walk. Government guidelines say you should only be going out once a day and not for long periods to try to limit contact with others. Your dog will appreciate any time outside, however short. Consider how you can keep your dog's walk interesting.

Coronavirus and Dogs

You could try mapping out a slightly different route in advance to give your dog a chance to experience new sights and smells. A fallen tree, bench or even a bus stop can be made into a fun for your dog by getting them to jump over, circle around or just place their paws on them in return for a treat. Make sure anything you ask your dog to stand on is low to the ground and sturdy enough to keep them having a fun and safe time. Try giving your dog a different trick or action for them to do at every lamppost, tree, post box, etc - rewarding them with a treat or quick game.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs
Someone else is Walking my Dog for Me.
How can I protect us Both?

Where possible - create a spare pack of dog walking essentials, including poo bags, treats and some favourite toys to give to the person walking your dog. Ensure your dog's collar and lead are on securely and keep 2 metres apart, ensuring you both wash your hands after handling your dog.

Can I take my Dog out More than Once?
The Government has advised that each person in the household can go out with the dog once a day.

COVID-19 and Dogs
Taking your Dog to the Toilet
So long as you, or a member of your household, has not shown signs of coronavirus then you can take your dog to the toilet, but remember that you should only be going out to exercise once a day. During this difficult time you could:

Share responsibility for taking your dog on walks to go to to the toilet with other adults in your household so that they can got out more than once.

Let them go to the toilet in your garden

Let them go to the toilet just outside your front door if you do not own a garden.

If you need to take your dog out for a walk to use the toilet, remember to practice social distancing and keep 2 meters, or three steps away from others. Be prepared and check that you have enough poo bags to see you through a period of quarantine. If you are quarantined because you, or a household member has shown signs of coronavirus, you should not take your dog for walks to go to the toilet. Instead, give them regular access to the garden so they can go to the toilet there. If you do not have a garden then you should let your dog go just outside your house.

Coronavirus and Dogs
Visiting the Vet during the Quarantine
Government advice is to stay at home and avoid others unless absolutely necessary. Unless your dog requires urgent treatment you should avoid visiting the vets. If your dog needs urgent veterinary care during this time, call your local veterinary practice and ask them for advice. All vets will only be providing limited services and may be retaining some stocks that may be useful for human health. Your vet will be able to advise on what services they can offer. If there is an emergency and you are quarantined because you or a member of your family has shown signs of coronavirus, it is vital that you phone your vet for advice. Do not visit the surgery in person as you could infect other people.


18 SIGNS WHEN YOUR DOG IS BORED - This image (c) by Chris Cline
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Kristina Lotz

So, how to know if your dog is bored? While some emotions may be harder to determine, boredom is one that most dogs display quite clearly. While different dogs will exhibit various reactions to boredom, the solutions are the same: find activities your dog will find challenging and spend time providing the stimulation the dog needs. Please, Note: Signs of boredom will be different for every dog, and severity is often breed-dependent! Few of these signs could show Stress and / or Separation Anxiety. Please, consult with your vet or dog trainer if you are unsure!

1. Destructive Behavior
Is your dog chewing on shoes, the couch, etc? He may be bored. Too much energy and not enough outlet equals a nice chew fest.

2. Digging
If you have a digger in the backyard, you guessed it, he is probably bored! Digging is a self-rewarding behavior and is a great energy releaser or at least your dog things so. You, probably not so much.

3. Tail Chasing
Though there are other reasons dogs may do this obsessive behavior, pent up energy can be one of them.

4. Demand or Excessive Barking
Does your dog bark at you incessantly? Guess what? He IS trying to tell you something. Possibly, I am bored, play with me!

5. Listlessness
On the other side of the coin, your dog may just lie there or act "listless." She may have "given up" on life, so to speak, and figures there is no end to her boredom. She may even be depressed.

6. Biting
Is your dog following you around, biting your clothes, ankles, anything he can reach? This "puppish" behavior could be a sign he has nothing to do with all that energy he has, and biting you seemed like a good idea to him. Probably not to you, however.

7. Whining
While apparently random whining can be caused by stress, it can also be caused by boredom. Especially in young dogs, you may find them whining at the door when they just went to the bathroom, sitting and whining, or following you around whining. Take this as a clear sign that they are begging for something to do.

8. Harassing Other Dogs
If you have more than one dog, your bored pup may decide a good diversion is to attack one of your other dogs. While it is all in fun to the harasser, the victim may not agree. Best to keep your dog occupied than to chance what may turn into a fight.

9. Getting Into Trouble
Aside from chewing, your bored dog may pull all of your clothes out of the laundry basket, strew garbage everywhere, or decide all your pillows should be off your bed.

10. Getting in Your Face
Dogs understand body language better than we do. Does your dog force himself in your lap and put his face right in yours, staring at you? He is probably asking for attention or something to do.

11. Pacing
Is your dog pacing your floor and won't sit still? He is probably bored and is looking for something to do. Some will even get the "zoomies" and run full tilt through your house.

12. Excessive Licking or Chewing
Some dogs, if bored enough, may over-groom or chew on their paws just for something to do. This could also be a sign of an allergy, so be sure to talk to your vet. Some dog's may lick you over and over too.

13. Constantly Seeking Attention
Although you may enjoy structured activities with your dog, he may need more time. Does your dog try to climb onto your lap when you are using the computer? Does she bark or whine to get your attention? There is a message there.

14. Obsessive or Compulsive Behaviors.
A really bored dog may develop serious, destructive behaviors such as chewing his feet, continuous scratching, or tail chasing. These signs of boredom are often missed because owners attribute them to other causes, and the dog may have more than one problem. Parasites could cause itching and biting or scratching, for example. Report these signs to your veterinarian, who may be able to prescribe drugs that can help with these problems while you look for ways to keep your dog busy.

15. Stealing Food
If your dog is getting the right nutrition, but is still breaking into the biscuit container or stealing food off the counter, take note. Many people eat more when they are bored, and our pets do the same - a dog who may not normally dig through the trash, when bored, can become a counter-surfing, trash-eating monster. One way to counteract this bad habit is by making their mealtimes more fun. Giving a bowl full of dry kibble is boring. Putting the meal in a puzzle toy, maze, slow feeder, instituting the meal into a training session, hiding it around the house, sticking the meal in a treat ball - there are a ton of great options for more fun dinners.

16. Pawing At You For Attention!
Most dogs want attention from their owners, and will do whatever they can to get it. This may include normal stuff like sitting in your lap, following you around the house, and so on. When a dog is bored, though, they will take it to the extreme. Pawing, jumping up, extra licking, and neediness are all things to watch out for. Going to their human friend and the one who provides the entertainment, is a natural next step when your pup is looking for something to do. If your dog is getting desperate, do not brush them off or push them away. Mental stimulation is critical, especially for the super-smart, high-drive breeds. Puzzle toys are a great way to provide entertainment, especially for food-driven dogs. Mental stimulation is a fantastic add-on once your pup is exercised well!

17. Trying To Escape
If your otherwise well-behaved dog has taken to escaping the yard, or slipping out the front door, it may be their way of telling you they need more fun in their life. They may also dig under fences, chew or scratch at the door, or leap over gates, all of which are signs something needs to change. You can start by making the outside world less appealing by taking them out into it more often. Letting them interact with other dogs and people can help, too. Your dog wants friends.

18. Exsessive Sleeping
Just like people, many dogs take a nap when they are feeling bored, simply because they have nothing better to do. It is common for dogs to spend about 50% of the day asleep, 30% resting, and 20% being active. But if your dog is lazing about more than necessary, you may want to play games and get them out of the house more often. Do, however, consult a vet if they are lethargic or won't get up, as this may be a sign of a health issue.


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Firstly, the very fact that your dog has your company to enjoy means they are already happier than when knowing that they are being left home alone.

Being indoors doesn't have to be dull. Dogs are social animals and they really enjoy being with us. Play is good for your dog physically, mentally and emotionally. Boredom makes dogs destructive. Keeping your dog entertained can be a challenge. Give Your Dog Mental & Physical Exercise! To keep your dog mentally and physically challenged give them some fun activities to do.


Spending a little bit of extra time making sure your dog gets some meaningful interaction leads to a happy, healthy dog. Dogs are not natural couch potatoes. They have been bred to work alongside humans. Relieve dog boredom by giving them something to do. With a little bit of imagination you can come up with all sorts of ways to help keep them entertained and busy. Make your pup busy with these easy & simple ways to entertain your dog indoors, during the coronavirus quarantine:

1. Play Some Nose Games With Your Dog
Hiding treats around the house or playing a game of hide and seek with your dog is a fun way to add in some extra mental stimulation to their routine. It's one of the most versatile games you can teach your dog. Start off with a simple game of "guess which hand" to get them started. It can be played anywhere, with toys or treats you already have. Grab some treats and have your dog watch as you place them around the room. Give your dog the cue to "find the treats" and encourage your dog to pick them up, remembering to praise them every time they find one. After your confident that your dog understands what "find the treats" means you can making it a bit more challenging. Have them stay in another room as you hide the treats, and start hiding them in spots they have to sniff out such as under a rug.

2. Play Some Tug of War With Your Dog
Tug is a great way to mentally & physically challenge your dog. Short games of tug work wonders for tiring out our canine friends. Minute for minute a nice game of tug is one of the most physically & mentally challenging games you can play. And contrary to myth playing tug of war with your dog will not make him aggressive. If you do not have a tug toy you can make your own with some fleece or old t-shirts. Tug is a great interactive game for dogs, but there are a few basic rules to follow to keep it safe and fun.

3. Use Interactive Dog Toys
Using food dispensing toys, such as the Kong Wobbler and Bob-A-Lot Treat Dispenser, are an easy way to give your dog some more mental stimulation and relieve dog boredom at the same time. There is also a lot of great DIY toys you can make from items around your house like the great dog bottle game. Interactive dog toys are a great way to keep your dog occupied and mentally stimulated.

4. Work on Some Simple Obedience Training
Training your dog any new command gives their brain a workout. A few 10 minute sessions a day working with your dog on new tricks or commands burns a lot of mental energy. Teaching your dog a reliable recall & working on impulse control are some of the important basics to master - it's always a great starting point. Sit, lay down, shake, stay and come here are the basic commands to start with.

5. Give Your Dog a Simple Job
Have them help out with your chores or everyday routines. Teach your dog how to do some chores around the house. He can load laundry baskets, he can know how to clean up dog toys, he will carry sticks and logs out to our wood pile. Incorporating your dog into everyday tasks can help relieve boredom. It also helps build their confidence. A dog that feels useful is a happy, confident dog!

6. Give Your Dog a Not So Simple Job
Find jobs for your dog that fulfill their breed tendencies. Retrievers tend to love fetching and Border Collies usually excel in agility. Find out what your dog absolutely loves doing and make it into a job for them. I personally love lure coursing for dogs - you can even set up a simple coursing track in your own yard. It's a great way to burn off a lot of mental and physical energy, and if your dog loves to chase they will love lure coursing. If your dog likes to pull and you are handy consider building him his own dog cart.

7. Build a Digging Box For Your Dog
If your dog loves digging build them their own personal digging box in your yard. Bury toys in it and let them find it - some dogs love digging so much this can keep them entertained for hours.

8. Get Your Dog a Jolly Ball
Any big ball toy can be a lot of fun, and jolly balls just tend to be more durable than a soccer ball - if your dog is a tough chewer make sure you get one without a handle. Some dogs love playing with these all by themselves, but of course you can always make it more interesting by playing with them. The allure of these magical items is not understandable by human, but many dogs go insane for their jolly ball.

9. Work on Clicker Training Your Dog
Clicker training your dog can be used for training new behaviors and rewarding ones you did not even ask for. It's a way to clearly communicate with your dog the exact moment they perform a desired behavior. All the extra mental stimulation makes for a tired doggie. Dogs are always learning from us - just teaching them where to sit while you prepare dinner is mentally stimulating and enforcing good manners.

10. Practice Some Free Shaping Games
Shaping is building a particular behavior by using a series of small steps to achieve it. Letting your dog make their own choices burns an amazing amount of mental energy and helps your dog develop learning behaviors. Studies have found that by using positive training techniques such as shaping help a dog learn to make better decisions in the future. Check out Dr. Sophia Yin's excellent video demonstrating free shaping:


11. Use a Stuffed Kong
to Keep Your Dog Busy

When you leave your dog at home give him a stuffed Kong or another tough interactive toy to keep his mind occupied. One of dog's favorite things is a frozen peanut butter filled Kong. Usually, dogs can get too busy working on that Kong.

12. Make Some Frozen Treats For Your Dog
You can freeze dogs treats in ice or make some ice cubes from broth. Just like a stuffed Kong, frozen dog treats are a great way to occupy your dog when you leave the house or need to do some chores. If you have a full sized Kong it's pretty amazing how long they can keep a dog occupied.

13. Give Your Dog Some Extra Attention
Dogs are social creatures, so a nice belly rub, massage, or grooming session is an easy way to create a meaningful interaction with your dog. It is a great way to bond and keep your dog occupied at the same time.

14. Alternate Toys
to Keep Your Dogs Interest

According to studies dogs get bored with the same old toys. To keep your dog interested in his toys only give him access to a few at a time. Keep them interesting by playing a simple game of fetch or tug, interaction will always make a toy much more desirable. If your dog is a tough chewer like mine consider some Kong or West Paw Zogoflex toys.

15. Provide Your Dog with
a Nice Neighbourhood View

Dogs like to know what's happening outside so give them a chance to scope out the yard. A lot of dogs love napping in the warm sunlight in front of windows. Of course if you have cats they might have to compete for the nice sun spot.

16. Make Your Dog Work for His Food
When it's time for his meals you can use a treat dispensing toy or simply make him do a few tricks to work for it. If you feed kibble you can also try hiding pieces around the house. Studies have found that dogs prefer earning treats to simply being given extras. It goes back to the fact that dogs have been bred to work alongside us, working is not only something to keep the occupied - it gives them a purpose.

17. Teach Your Dog to Relax
Not all dogs are naturals at relaxing. The relaxation protocol is a useful technique to teach your dog to sit and stay in a variety of situations. Sometimes a nice simple belly rub is enough to soothe and relax your dog - it's also a great bonding experience.

18. Make a Flirt Pole
for Energetic & High Drive Dogs

It's a rod with a lure on the end and many dogs love chasing after them. You can make your own with PVC pipe, bungee cord, and a toy for the lure. Word of caution: flirt pole chasing can be really hard on a dogs joints so keep sessions short and do not play with dogs under 1 year of age to avoid growth plate injuries.

19. Make a Simple DIY Puzzle Toy
One simple way to relieve dog boredom is by making a DIY puzzle toy for your dog. If you have got a muffin tin and some tennis balls you can make yourself a dog puzzle right at home.

20. Give Something to Chew On
Get some chew Toys, bones, or Bully Sticks. Most dogs love chewing, but be sure to keep an eye out for their safety. If they start to break them into pieces they become a choking hazard. Our personal favorite chew toys are Benebones - they are durable, tasty & generally less expensive than antlers or bully sticks.

21. Play the the Shell Game
The shell game is a simple problem solving game for dogs. To play the shell game with your dog let your dog watch as you place a treat under one of three cups. You then shuffle the cups around and encourage them to "find the treat." The shell game gives your dog plenty of mental stimulation, and helps them work on their problem solving skills.


22. Teach Your Dog to Clean Up His Toys
If your dog's toys are kept in a container you can teach them to put their toys away. It sounds weird to teach your dog to clean up after themselves, but it is actually a lot of fun. Teaching your dog new skills boosts their confidence, and it's a great way to give them more mental stimulation. If your dog already knows "drop it" have them pick up a toy and give them their drop it command once they are standing over the container. Praise them like crazy, then rinse and repeat. Eventually with consistency you will have a dog that will be able to clean up after himself.

23. Play a Game of Tug of War
Playing a game of tug of war is one of the best ways to engage in meaningful play with our dogs. It's a great way to mentally and physically exercise your dog. And since it does not require a ton of room you can play it indoors. And contrary to what some people say playing tug will not make your dog aggressive, and letting them win will not make them dominant. Letting your dog win just makes the game more fun for your dog, and it will encourage them to play more. Dogs that play tug with their owners have been found to be more obedient and have higher confidence. Tug is a great way to exercise your dog as long as you have your dog follow a few basic rules such as "the game stops if your teeth touch my hand."

24. Teach Your Dog to Help With Chores
Dogs love having a job to do, even if it's something as simple as fetching you your slippers. You can make them feel even more useful by teaching them the names of some items you would not mind having retrieved. If you want to impress all of your friends teach your dog to fetch you something from the fridge. When teaching your dog to open the fridge tie a towel around the handle so it is easy for them to pull open the door. And if you are feeling like a superstar you can teach your dog to help out with daily chores.

25. Play Interactive Games
Play with your dog some interactive games such as tug, find the treats, puzzle games and fetch. Interactive games are an easy way to give your dog plenty of mental stimulation, and they can help cut down on problem behaviors such as excessive chewing or barking. If you are going to play fetch indoors use a lightweight ball to avoid breaking all of the things.

26. Teach Your Dog The Names
of Their Toys

Have you seen Chaser the Border Collie? She knew over 1,000 words and can pick out any given toy among 800 just by it's name. We can not all be overachievers like Chaser, but we can teach our dogs the names of their toys and make some fun games out of it. Start by playing with one specific toy and giving it a name while you do. After some practice & praise your dog will assign that verbal name with the chosen toy. Once your dog has learned that specific toys name you can test their skills by seeing if they can pick it out among their other toys.

27. Teach Your Dog to "Go Find" Their Toys
Once your dog knows the names of some of their toys teach them the "go find it" game. Have your dogs toys in a pile or container and tell them to "go find" their favorite toy. As your dog gets better at this game you can make it more challenging by increasing the number of toys they have have to sift through. Keep it fun for them by rewarding them handsomely with a treat or quick game of tug when they succeed. This game will give your dog a great mental workout.

28. Teach Your Dog a New Trick
Does your dog know how to weave through your legs and jump through a hoop? There is always a new trick you can teach your dog, and trust me when I say teaching your dog how to weave through your legs is a lot easier than it sounds. Does your dog already know a bunch of tricks? One of the best things about trick training is that there is always room to improvise and make it more challenging. Once your dog knows a bunch of tricks you can step it up a notch and combine their learned behaviors into brand new tricks.

29. Play The Which Hand Game
If you have been thinking about teaching your dog some scent work games this is a great game to get you started. The only thing you will need is some dog treats, and if you don't have any on hand - you can use some chopped up fruits & veggies or make your own homemade dog treats. How to Play the Which Hand Game:

Place a treat in one of your hands.

Close your fists and hold them out in front of your dog.

Let the dog choose which hand it's in.

When your dog sniffs or paws the correct hand open it up and give them the treat.

If he chooses incorrectly do not discourage him, it takes a few tries to catch on.

A gentle "touch" command will be helpful.

30. Play a Game of Hide & Seek
Hide and seek might not seem all that complex or entertaining to us, but a lot of dogs get a real kick out of it. If your dog does not have a good stay command down you can ask a friend to help by having them distract your dog as you go and hide or you can practice your "stay" before you get started.


31. Get Some Puzzle Toys For Your Dog
Keep you dog mentally stimulated by giving them a puzzle to solve. There are a ton of dog puzzle toys available, as well as treat dispensing toys like the Kong Wobbler. There is also a ton of great DIY toys out there you can make. I love the simple muffin tin game - if you have a muffin tin and some tennis balls you are ready to play.

32. Play a Game of Fetch
Most of us do have some extra room indoors for a simple game of fetch, but if you live on the 5th floor with a St. Bernard you should probably skip this game. When it comes to playing indoor fetch hallways, stairways, and big living rooms are popular choices. Be careful with heavy toys around anything that's fragile or able to be tipped over, and it's probably not a good idea to play fetch inside the kitchen. If you don't like the idea of playing fetch indoors you could turn it into a simple game of catch.

33. Master The Art of Doggie Massage
Learning how to give a dog massage is enriching for owner and dog alike. A nice massage can help soothe and relax nearly any dog. And dog massages are great for older dogs or those with arthritis, since it helps soothe sore and achy joints. Giving your dog a massage reduces anxiety, relieves stress, improves circulation, and creates a great bond between you and your dog. If your dog has a hard time settling down for a massage you can practice the relaxation protocol.

34. Try Some Free Shaping Games
If you haven't heard of 101 things to do with a box you have been missing out on some fun training opportunities. It's a great foundation for learning how to practice free shaping techniques, and it only requires a box and a clicker. The basic principle of shaping games is to encourage our dogs to try something new. They get to make their own decisions and increase their mental and physical flexibility. You start out with a box on the ground and without any cues let your dog investigate and decide what to do. Shaping can be used with any item, not just a box. Here is a great video of shape training a dog to crawl under an object.

DOG TRICKS TUTORIAL35. Give Your Dog Regular Grooming Sessions
Although your dog won't find a grooming session as exciting as a game of tug it is something that needs to be done from time to time. Our dogs need to be brushed, bathed, have their teeth brushed, and have their nails trimmed when they start to get long. Some dogs tolerate grooming better than others, and the more you practice using positive rewards the easier it will become. Do not be afraid to hand out lots of treats during a grooming session - you want to ensure your dog will associate grooming habits with a positive experience.

36. Play a Game of Tag
Playing tag is a fun interactive game for dogs, but it does require a partner. Each of you will sit or stand at one side of the room with a toy or some treats. Take turns calling the dog over and rewarding them when he comes. Make sure your dog is receiving lots of positive reinforcement each time they obey. This is a simple and fun way to reinforce a reliable recall.

37. Create Your Own Indoor Doggie Obstacle Course
Create your own obstacle course inside your home. Have your dog jump over some towels, weave through his toys, and then lay down on a blanket. Use your imagination and come up with a set of obstacles for your dog to follow. Once your dog has learned how to jump over the towels you then move onto the toy weave. Building on prior tricks will keep your dog mentally stimulated and encourages focus.

38. Teach Your Dog to Chase Bubbles
It's such a simple way to keep my dog happy, entertained & exercised. Some dogs are fascinated by catching bubbles. There is even a wide selection of pet bubble making toys on the market. You don't have to go out and buy special bubbles either - the bubbles that are available for children are nontoxic.


39. Teach Your Dog the "Go To" Command
Does your dog know how to go to the couch or to his bed? This trick is simple to teach and it's helpful when you are making dinner or having guests over. If you tell your dog to go to his spot while you are making dinner enough times it will become a habit. No dog in the kitchen while cooking means you won't be finding dog hair in your dinner as often.

40. Teach Your Dog to Grab His Leash
Before you go for a walk - teach your dog to go and grab his leash, then he has to fetch your boots and his harness. It's not asking much, but it's enough to keep her focused and busy while your are getting ready. As a bonus teaching your dog to go fetch their leash or harness is a nice way to get in some extra mental stimulation.

41. Teach Your Dog to Turn On / Off Lights
This can come in quite handy when it's getting late and you find yourself needing some more light and youare feeling a bit lazy. Instead of having to get up and turn on the light have your dog do it for you. To start with this trick a touch stick or good "touch" it command are handy. If you have a small dog you might have to improvise to make it possible for your dog to reach the light switch. Do not attempt this trick if the occasional scratch mark on your wall will bother you.

42. Make Some Simple Dog Treats
Your dog might not be an active participant in the making of dog treats, but he will certainly be reaping the rewards. I love making my own dog treats rather than buying them from the store. It's nice knowing exactly what goes into what our dogs are eating, plus when you make your own you can control the portion size. By making your own dog treats you will not only have a great supply of training rewards on hand, but you will also impress your dog with your excellent culinary expertise.

43. Teach Them To Say Please by Sitting
Does your dog come up to you and nudge your hand when they want something? If you don't find this behavior desirable teach your dog that sitting politely is the key to gaining your attention. Do not be afraid to teach your dog how to act - without guidance they develop bad manners. Our dogs look to us for cues all the time, they like to know what's expected of them. Reward polite behaviors handsomely, with consistency your dog will get into the habit of asking for things in a polite manner.

44. Stair Master (Pup Edition)
Utilize all areas of your home! If you have a staircase, you can throw a ball up the stairs for your dog to retrieve and return to you at the bottom of the steps. Catch, toss, and have your dog return the ball several times to ensure a tired doggie.

45. Watch Movies For Dogs
Yes, that's right. There are movies and TV programs designed especially for dogs. Dogs do not quite see television the way we do, but there are some dogs that seem to recognize the movement on the screen and become very excited. Some dogs will not respond at all to images on the screen. However, the sounds coming from the TV can be heard by most dogs and might interest your dog. It might be worth a try to see if your dog enjoys watching.

46. Run your Dog Up and Down the Stairs
In homes with big flights of stairs, running up and down can be a great exercise for your dog. Keep in mind, however, that this is not a good exercise for some dogs.
If your dog is old, has health issues, has \ or is prone to arthritis and other joint problems, etc. - don't do this!

47. Play Keep Away Game
Also called "Monkey" as well as several other names, Keep away is a game that you can easily play at home if you have some space. You will need someone else to play with you and your dog. Just get a ball, throw it to each other and let the dog have fun trying to get it.

48. Teach your Dog to Use the Treadmill
Dogs can use the treadmill, preferably those designed specifically for pets. They need a bit of training, however first get your dog used to a dog treadmill when it's turned off. Then, turn it on at a slow pace. Don't leash your dog on the treadmill - just keep an eye on them and give them treats from the front end of the treadmill.

49. Canine conditioning classes online
There are some great online classes for canine conditioning. Similar to online or TV fitness programs for people, classes like E-training for dogs, FitPAWS, Fenzi Dog Sports Academy, and others are a great way to exercise your pooch indoors.

50. Make a Homemade Dog Toy
Studies show that dogs get bored with the same old toys. Rather than constantly buying new ones, try rotating them or get creative and make a DIY toy or two! Many can be made from old clothes, towels, water bottles and other items around the house. It's a fun way to pass the time when you are trapped inside, and your pooch will love you for your efforts!

51. Snuggle Up & Relax on the Couch
After a nice training session or game there is nothing better than a little bit of relaxation. We all need time to unwind, and many of our dogs love to lounge around with us.

52. Play "Pick a Hand" with Your Dog
Right in line with our other nose-based games we have the ever simple, and yet entertaining, pick-a-hand game. First, get your dog's favorite treats. Next, hide one in one of your hands behind your back. Then, present both closed hands to your dog. Allowing them to sniff and inspect your hands. Once your dog paws at, or nudges the correct hand with their sniffer, praise them and allow them to have the treat. Don't scold or get upset if they choose the wrong hand. Remember, praise and showing them what they are doing right, works so much better than focusing on what they did wrong or unwanted. If they don't get it right away, try a couple more times until they do. An easy, fun game.

53. Teach your Dog to Ask for Things the Way you Prefer
If your dog used to bark at you any time he wants something - try to teach him to ask you for things in a different way. You can teach him to quietly come up to your and rest his head on your lap. Like this you can know whenever he is hungry, wants to go outside, or wants you to play - he simply will rest his head in your lap. If you have a dog that nudges you with their nose, barks at you or does some other undesirable action when they want something. Teach them how you'd prefer them to ask. Some common ways are, sitting quietly looking at you, licking your hand, resting their heads on you. Your dogs look to you for how you want them to act. They want to please you and if they know you prefer them to ask another way, they will usually strive to make you happy.

54. Laser Pointer Chase
A fun game many dogs like is to chase a laser pointer. That's right - it's not just for cats! You can pretty much play this until you are exhausted from playing. It's a great time and will entertain both of you. You can also make a bait stick. It is basically just a stick with a long rope or string attached to it and then some sort of "bait" you think your dog will chase. It can be a small toy of theirs, a smallish ball, or anything you think your dog will want to get. The first time you play this you may have to entice your pooch by waving it in front of their face a few times until they decide to get that thing bouncing and jumping all around. You simply hold the stick on the opposite end as your rope is connected to.
Warning! Laser can be Dangerous
if you direct it to Dog's eyes.

55. Change up your Dog's Play Time
Dogs, just like people, can get bored with the same old thing every day. So make sure you keep your dog's games, tricks, and even routines a bit interesting by switching things up. If your dog plays one particular game with you every couple days, the next time he is bored switch things up and pay something new. When a dog learns a new game or new trick they are mentally stimulated. It's also a good way to make your dog use their brain. Any time they are doing something new they have to concentrate extra hard to be sure they are doing it correctly. It's this level of concentration that allows them to use up some of that mental energy and hold their attention. When their attention is on, whatever new thing they are learning it's not on how bored they are.

56. Show your dog this PAGE for DOGS! :)
DOGICA® Page for Dogs

You should show them all the love! Engaging with your pups is important, but maybe you want to take funny pictures of them to send to social-distancing relatives or re-create famous movie scenes for a blog. Some extra care and attention are also key because if this coronavirus crisis is stressing you out, they will feel it, too. If your dog loves napping next to you, have a stack of blankets for snuggling. Or if your dog is more like a cat, let him have enough alone time. A bond between human and canine is strong, and fostering that will help everybody through tough times.



Coronavirus and Dogs: Quarantine-Safe Activities - BY WWW.CANINEJOURNAL.COM !!!

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In the same way it is important to keep your dog physically stimulated with walks and play time, it's also essential to exercise their brain. Most dogs are extremely motivated by food, so this can be done relatively easily with food-based games as part of their daily routine. Brain games are beneficial for every dog, but they are particularly important if you have a dog who can not do as much physical exercise, for example if your dog is a little older or is recovering from an operation. Brain games also help build self confidence in puppies as they encourage them to learn to play by themselves. If your dog isn't feeling stimulated, they can become bored or frustrated. This can lead to them developing unwanted habits as they try and find an outlet for their energy so it is best to try and keep them engaged, plus you can have fun with them in the process.

Engage your Dog's Brain while using
Food & Toys in Creative Ways!

Mealtimes are a great time to introduce brain games as most dogs are extremely motivated by food. We recommend using a portion of your dog's daily food for games in order to avoid overfeeding. If you are going to use additional treats, it is worth chatting to your vet first to see if you need to adjust your dog's diet.


Scatter Feeding and Search Games
One of the simplest games you can start with is scatter feeding. This encourages your dog to search for their food and helps encourage their natural foraging behaviours. Scatter feeding is essentially what it sounds like. Instead of using a bowl, scatter your dog's food on the floor, around the house or in the garden. This is best done on a hard, easy to clean surface if being done indoors. As your dog gets better at using their nose to find the food, you can scatter it over a larger area or an uneven surface, like grass. Once your dog has mastered this, you can start hiding small piles of food for them to find. Pick places you do not mind them rummaging, and where there is no danger of anything getting damaged. As they grow in confidence you can make the hiding places harder to find, or even hide the food underneath something like a plant pot. If your dog is finding it too hard to find the food and starts to get frustrated, you can help them by taking them closer to the food or throwing treats near to them.

Activity Toys and Puzzle Feeders
There are lots of different toys and interactive feeders available that are designed to get your dog's brain working, but there are also plenty of things you can do with everyday items you have at home. A toy that you can quickly make yourself is a destruction box. Simply fill an old cardboard box with scrunched up balls of paper, old toilet rolls, anything that's safe for your dog to tear up and then scatter their dry food and some of their favourite toys in and around the box. This is best done outside, or on a hard, easy to clean surface as it can get quite messy. Whatever you choose, make sure you start off at an easy level. If your dog is finding it too hard to get their food, they might lose interest and give up. Activity toys like KONGs encourage your dog to get active as they need to move them around to get the food out. Puzzle feeders are similar but require your dog to do some problem solving. These can be a little trickier, so you might have to show your dog what to do if they are struggling, or teach them some other skills first such as picking things up or pulling them.

Toy Stuffing
Toy stuffing is another way of making mealtimes more engaging. Toys that you stuff with food, like the KONG, are usually made from rubber and come in different sizes to suit your dog. Start by filling the toy with dried food that will fall out fairly easily. Once your dog is comfortably getting this food out, you can gradually make things a little more challenging. You can either soak some of the dry food first or plug the end with tinned meat so that they have to really work to get the dry biscuit in the middle. As your dog gets used to using the stuffed toy, you can increase the difficulty by packing them tighter and using sticky substances such as Marmite or peanut butter. You could also try adding various items to the stuffing mix such as fruit, vegetables, treats, fresh meat, spreadable cheese, pate etc. Variety and changing the mixture will keep their interest. The tighter you pack the food, the more challenging it will be for your dog. Just remember to put the tastiest food at the other end to spark their interest and encourage them to eat all the way through. You can even try freezing the food inside the toy using water or gravy. This will help it to last even longer and is a nice treat on a hot day. Just make sure you give this to your dog on a hard, easy to clean surface.

Brain Games with Multiple Dogs
Different dogs will respond to these games in different ways. Some may become relaxed and settled, whilst others may be more active and playful. If your dog shows negative behaviours around food or becomes possessive, then we suggest consulting an expert first on which games might work for them, so you don't encourage these behaviours. If you have more than one dog, you may want to separate them while you play these games, so that they can take their time and enjoy them without feeling like they need to fight for their food, or for attention. We recommend supervising your dogs while they play with any puzzle toy or activity feeder, to make sure they do not chew or swallow any item that could be harmful.






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The first known dog to test positive for the coronavirus has died in Hong Kong after apparently recovering from the disease, according to a local report. The pooch, a 17 year old Pomeranian, passed away Monday after being returned home to its owner following a government quarantine and a negative test for the virus, the South China Morning Post reported. The dog belonged to a 60 year old woman who recovered from the virus herself and refused to allow the city's Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) to conduct an autopsy on her dog. The dog did not develop symptoms of illness while infected, and had been allowed to return home after finally testing negative for the virus.


A second dog in Hong Kong has repeatedly tested positive for the Covid-19 virus after its owner was confirmed as being infected, the government said. The german shepherd living in the Pok Fu Lam area on Hong Kong Island was sent for quarantine along with another mixed-breed dog from the same residence, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department said in a statement. No positive results were obtained from the mixed breed dog and neither dog has shown any signs of disease. The department will continue to closely monitor both dogs and conduct repeated tests on the animals.


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Boston Dynamics' dog-like robot, Spot, is being used in a park in Singapore to help encourage social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic. Spot, clearly, is no ordinary squirrel-chasing canine. It is an agile, four-legged, arrestingly doglike robot that Singapore has deployed to help enforce distancing measures during the second month of a partial coronavirus lockdown. Painted safety yellow, the color of construction vehicles, the robot is accompanied by a parks officer at the 150-acre Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park. Its recorded message reminds people to maintain social distance.

Cameras installed on its body will help estimate the number of visitors in the park, but officials said they cannot recognize individuals and won't collect any personal data. When Spot became available for lease last September, its first applications included inspecting construction sites and utility installations, cluttered environments dangerous for humans. It also got a three-month trial as an "observation device" on the Massachusetts State Police bomb squad. But as the COVID-19 pandemic forces societies to reconsider even routine human interactions: exercising in a park, weaving through a grocery aisle, getting your vitals checked at a hospital - machines are being pressed into a new range of tasks.


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Dogs Medicine, Veterinary, First Aid

Can Dogs Detect or Sniff Coronavirus?

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Medical Detection Dogs is looking into whether man's best friend could play a role in preventing the spread of Coronavirus. The charity has spent years successfully researching the science behind dogs' sense of smell and believes that dogs could detect the disease. It has always adopted a rigorous, scientific approach to its work, and produced more than a dozen peer reviewed research papers which support its belief that each disease has its own unique odour.

Can Dogs Detect or Sniff Coronavirus?

Medical Detection Dogs will be working in partnership with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and Durham University, bringing together the team which recently collaborated to successfully prove that dogs can be trained to detect malaria. Together they have started preparations to intensively train dogs so they could be ready in 6 weeks to help provide a rapid, non-invasive diagnosis towards the tail end of the epidemic, and approached government about how dogs can play a role in the fight against the disease.

Can Dogs Detect or Sniff Coronavirus?

Dogs searching for COVID-19 would be trained in the same way as those dogs the charity has already trained to detect diseases like cancer, Parkinson's and bacterial infections - by sniffing samples in the charity's training room and indicating when they have found it. They are also able to detect subtle changes in temperature of the skin, so could potentially tell if someone has a fever. Once trained, dogs could also be used to identify travellers entering the country infected with the virus or be deployed in other public spaces. Dr Claire Guest, CEO and Co-Founder of Medical Detection Dogs, says: In principle, we are sure that dogs could detect COVID-19. We are now looking into how we can safely catch the odour of the virus from patients and present it to the dogs. The aim is that dogs will be able to screen anyone, including those who are asymptomatic and tell us whether they need to be tested. This would be fast, effective and non-invasive and make sure the limited NHS testing resources are only used where they are really needed.

Can Dogs Detect or Sniff Coronavirus?

Our previous work demonstrated that dogs can detect odours from humans with a malaria infection with extremely high accuracy, above the World Health Organisation standards for a diagnostic. We know that other respiratory diseases like COVID-19, change our body odour so there is a very high chance that dogs will be able to detect it.

This new diagnostic tool could revolutionise our response to COVID-19 in the short term, but particularly in the months to come, and could be profoundly impactful. Professor Steve Lindsay at Durham University says: If the research is successful, we could use COVID-19 detection dogs at airports at the end of the epidemic to rapidly identify people carrying the virus. This would help prevent the re-emergence of the disease after we have brought the present epidemic under control.


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Sophie Le Poder



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A coronavirus is a kind of common virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. Its called coronaviruses because under a microscope, they look like a crown. Most coronaviruses aren't dangerous. But in early 2020, after a December 2019 outbreak in China, the World Health Organization identified a new type of coronavirus. Officials named this new virus severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 - this photo by Fusion Animation !

This is the virus that causes COVID-19. Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that range from the common cold to MERS coronavirus, which is Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus and SARs, Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus. The disease causes respiratory illness, like the flu, with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and in more severe cases, difficulty breathing. You can protect yourself by washing your hands frequently, avoiding touching your face, and avoiding close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with people who are infected.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs: PROTECTION, SAFETY & CARE

It is caused by a member of the coronavirus family that has never been encountered before. Like other coronaviruses, it has transferred to humans from animals. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared it a pandemic. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) and Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (Mers) are both caused by coronaviruses that came from animals. In 2002, Sars spread virtually unchecked to 37 countries, causing global panic, infecting more than 8,000 people and killing more than 750. Mers appears to be less easily passed from human to human, but has greater lethality, killing 35% of about 2,500 people who have been infected.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs
What Caused the New Coronavirus?
Doctors are not sure. Coronaviruses can affect different species of animals, in addition to people. MERS and SARS were both linked to animals. Studies show COVID-10 has ties to snakes, bats, and pangolins. Many people who got the disease early on were linked to a large live seafood and animal market in China - you might hear it called a "wet market." The first cases may have come from animals sold in the market, then spread from person to person.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs Information
How many People
have been Affected?

The number of people infected by SARS-CoV-2 changes every day. China's national health commission confirmed human-to-human transmission in January. As of 31 March, more than 780,000 people have been infected in more than 170 countries, according to the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering.

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How Does COVID-19
Affects the Body?

How does The SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19
Coronavirus Spreads?

Coronavirus disease spreads primarily through contact with an infected person when they cough or sneeze. It also spreads when a person touches a surface or object that has the virus on it, then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth. The virus, mainly spreads from person to person. Most of the time, it spreads when a sick person coughs or sneezes. They can spray droplets as far as 6 feet away. If you breathe them in or swallow them, the virus can get into your body. Some people who have the virus do not have symptoms, but they can still spread the virus. You can also get the virus from touching a surface or object the virus is on, then touching your mouth, nose, or possibly your eyes. Most viruses can live for several hours on a surface that they land on. A study shows that the COVID-19 coronavirus can last for several hours on various types of surfaces:

Copper: 4 hours

Cardboard up to 24 hours

Plastic or stainless steel: 2 to 3 days.

That is why it's important
to disinfect surfaces
to get rid of the virus !

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 vs FLUE Infographics by WWW.WEBMD.COM !
Coronavirus Symptopms
According to the WHO, the most common symptoms of Covid-19 are fever, tiredness and a dry cough. Some patients may also have a runny nose, sore throat, nasal congestion and aches and pains or diarrhoea. Some people report losing their sense of taste and or smell. About 80% of people who get Covid-19 experience a mild case about as serious as a regular cold and recover without needing any special treatment. About one in six people become seriously ill.


The elderly and people with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes, or chronic respiratory conditions, are at a greater risk of serious illness from Covid-19. Here are the most common symptoms and the percentage of people who had them:

Fever: 88%
Dry Cough: 68%
Fatigue: 38%
Coughing up Sputum, Thick Phlegm: 33%
Shortness of breath: 19%
Bone or Joint Pain: 15%
Sore Throat: 14%
Headache: 14%
Chills: 11%
Nausea or vomiting: 5%
Stuffy nose: 5%
Diarrhea: 4%
Coughing up Blood: 1%
Swollen Eyes: 1%

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs Information
COVID-19 Prevention
There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease (COVID-19), but If you are in an area where it's spreading, take these steps:

Wash your hands often with soap and water, or clean them with an alcohol-based sanitizer. This kills viruses on your hands.

Practice social distancing. Because you can have and spread the virus without knowing it, you should stay home as much as possible. If you do have to go out, stay at least 6 feet away from others.

Do not touch your face. Coronaviruses can live on surfaces you touch for several hours. If they get on your hands and you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth, they can get into your body.

Clean and Disinfect. You can clean first with soap and water, but disinfect surfaces you touch often, like tables, doorknobs, light switches, toilets, faucets, and sinks. Use a mix of household bleach and water (1/3 cup bleach per gallon of water, or 4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water) or a household cleaner that is approved to treat SARS-CoV-2. You can check the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website to see if yours made the list. Wear gloves when you clean, and throw them away when you are done.

There is no need to wear a face mask unless your doctor tells you to. You will need one if you have been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 or have COVID-19, or if you are a health care worker or caring for someone who has it.


Where do Coronaviruses Come From?
Coronaviruses are circulating in animals and some of these coronaviruses have the capability of transmitting between animals and humans. It's called spillover event.

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and Dogs Information
Coronavirus Treatment
There are no specific treatments for coronaviruses, but symptoms can be treated. Clinical trials are under way in the U.S., Israel and in China to test vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19. One vaccine called mRNA-1273, which was developed by using messenger RNA, would tell your cells to pump out a protein that will kick-start your immune system to fight the virus. It is worked well in animals and is ready to test in humans. As this is viral pneumonia, antibiotics are of no use. The antiviral drugs we have against flu will not work, and there is currently no vaccine. Recovery depends on the strength of the immune system.

Coronavirus and Dogs

People who get a mild case need care to ease their symptoms, like rest, fluids, and fever control. You can take over the counter medicine for a sore throat, body aches, and fever. But don't give aspirin to children or teens younger than 19. You might have heard that you should not take ibuprofen to treat COVID-19 symptoms - the World Health Organization made that statement in March 2020. But they reversed it soon after and said there's no proof that taking it causes any harm.

Antibiotics won't help because they treat bacteria, not viruses. If you hear about people with COVID-19 getting antibiotics, it is for an infection that came along with the disease. Those with severe symptoms need to be cared for in the hospital.

CORONAVIRUS: HOW TO STAY HEALTHY? - This photo is by IstockPhotos !
What is the Outlook for People With COVID-19?
Every case is different. You may have mild, flu-like symptoms for a few days after exposure, then get better. But some cases can be severe or fatal. Doctors aren't sure yet if you can get reinfected after you have had it. With other coronaviruses that only cause colds, you have a period that you are immune, but that goes away over time.

Who Can Get Infected
with Coronavirus Covid-19?

Anyone can get it, and most infections are usually mild, especially in children and young adults. But if you are not in an area where COVID-19 is spreading, have not traveled from an area where it is spreading, and have not been in contact with someone who has it, your risk of infection is low. Older people and those with weakened immune systems or medical conditions like chronic bronchitis, emphysema, high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease, cancer, or diabetes are most likely to get a serious illness.



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