25 Ways to Stop Dog Fights! What is Bite Force PSI? Dog Bite Statistics How to Stop dog Fights? Top 25 Dogs with the Strongest Bite 12 Ways To Prevent Dog Bites What Dog has the Strongest Jaws? Dog Bite Intensity Reasons of Dog Fight How to save your dog from Fights? Dog Bites & Agression Misconceptions How to Prevent Dog's Bite? Dog fighting breeds: Pitbulls, Tosa Inu, Mastiff, Amstaff, Volkodav War dogs, Bait animals Dog attacks and Fights Videos Bait & Fighting Dog Misconceptions
It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.
Dog fighting has been popular in many countries throughout history and continues to be practiced both legally and illegally around the world.
Australia Dog fighting is illegal in Australia. It is also illegal to possess any fighting equipment designed for dog fighting. Despite this, there are many dog fighting rings in Australia which are often associated with gambling activities and other illegal practices such as drug dealing and firearms. The RSPCA is concerned that dog fighting involves the suffering or even the death of dogs for the purpose of entertainment. The illegal nature of dogfighting in Australia means that injured dogs rarely get veterinary treatment placing the dog' s health and welfare at even greater risk. "Restricted Breed Dogs" cannot be imported into Australia. These include the Dogo Argentino, the Japanese Tosa, the Fila Brasileiro, the Perro de Presa Canario and the American Pit Bull Terrier. Of these, the Pit Bull Terrier and the Perro de Presa Canario are the only breeds currently known to exist in Australia and there are strict regulations on keeping these breeds, including a prohibition on transferring ownership.
India Dog fighting is not common barring some rural areas, and is illegal as defined by the Indian law. It is also illegal to possess dogfighting materials such as videos, or to attend an event.
Japan According to historical documents, Hojo Takatoki, the 14th shikken (shogun's regent) of the Kamakura shogunate was known to be obsessed with dog fighting, to the point where he allowed his samurai to pay taxes with dogs. During this period dog fighting was known as inuawase.
Dog fighting was considered a way for the Samurai to retain their aggressive edge during peaceful times. Several daimyo, such as Chosokabe Motochika and Yamauchi Yodo, both from Tosa Province (present-day Kochi Prefecture), were known to encourage dog fighting. Dog fighting was also popular in Akita Prefecture, which is the origin of the Akita breed.
Dog fighting evolved in Kลchi to a form that is called token. Under modern rules, dogs fight in a fenced ring until one of the dogs barks, yelps, or loses the will to fight. Owners are allowed to throw in the towel, and matches are stopped if a doctor judges it is too dangerous. Draws usually occur when both dogs will not fight or both dogs fight until the time limit. There are various other rules, including one that specifies that a dog will lose if it attempts to copulate. Champion dogs are called yokozuna, as in sumo. Dog fighting is not banned at a nationwide level, but the prefectures of Tokyo, Kanagawa, Fukui, Ishikawa, Toyama and Hokkaido all ban the practice. Currently, most fighting dogs in Japan are of the Tosa breed which is native to Kochi. Dog fighting does not have strong links to gambling in Japan.
Latin America Dog fighting is widely practiced in much of Latin America, especially in Argentina, Peru and many parts of Brazil (where dog fights are illegal). The American Pit Bull Terrier is by far the most common breed involved in the bloodsport. The Fila Brasileiro and Dogo Argentino are also used as fighting dogs. The Dogo Cubano and Dogo Cordoba were used for fighting a century ago, but have become extinct.
North America Dog fighting is illegal in the United States. It has been illegal in Canada since 1892; however, the current law requires police to catch individuals during the unlawful act, which is often difficult.
According to a study by the College of Law of Michigan State University published in 2005, in the United States, dog fighting was once completely legal and was sanctioned and promoted during the colonial period (17th century through 1776) and continuing through the Victorian era in the late 19th century. However, by the early 20th century, the brutality inherent in dog fighting was no longer tolerated by American society. It has become increasingly outlawed, a trend which has continued into the 21st century.
As of 2008, dog fighting is a felony in all states. It is against the law even to attend a dog fighting event, regardless of direct participation. According to authorities, dog fighting is increasingly practiced by gangs in low income areas of the United States, and is linked to other unlawful activities, such as illegal gambling and prostitution.
Despite legality issues, dogs are still commonly used for fighting purposes all across the continent. The American Pit Bull Terrier is the most popular breed used for fighting, but foreign breeds, such as the Dogo Argentino (used widely in South America) and Presa Canario (used in Spain) are also gaining popularity.
Russia Although animal cruelty laws exist in Russia, dog fighting is widely practiced.
Laws prohibiting dogfights have been passed in certain places, and in others dogfights are legally held generally using volkodav or wolfhounds. Temperament tests, which are a common and relatively mild form of dog fighting used for breeding purposes, are fairly commonplace. Dog fighting is prohibited in Moscow by order of that city's mayor.
South Africa Dog fighting is reportedly widespread in South Africa, particularly in the Western Cape region of Stellenbosch. The Stellenbosch Animal Welfare Society (AWS) frequently responds to complaints of night time dog fighting in the town of Cloetesville in which hundreds of dogs fight. Young children may be used to transport fighting dogs to avoid arrest of the owners.
United Kingdom The Cruelty to Animals Act 1835 of England and Wales was the first legislation in the world that made dogfighting illegal. Despite periodic dog-fight prosecutions, the illegal canine pit battles continued. Sporting journals of the 18th and 19th centuries depict the Black Country and London as the primary English dog fight centres of the period. In recent years the inner cities, particularly London, have seen a steady rise in the number of convictions for dog fighting, primarily among teenage youths of pakistani descent.
In the 20th and 21st centuries, dog fighting has increasingly become an unlawful activity in most of the world. The reasons fall into several broad categories, and each have motivated constituencies in many areas.
Dog fighting is a form of blood sport in which game dogs are made to fight, sometimes to the death. It is illegal in most developed countries. Dog fighting is used for entertainment and may also generate revenue from stud fees, admission fees and gambling.
At the Beginning...
Dog fighting is a blood sport that has been practised for centuries around the world. Blood sports involving the baiting of animals has occurred since antiquity, most famously at the Colosseum in Rome during the reign of the Roman Empire. For over six hundred years the pastime flourished, reaching the peak of its popularity during the 16th century. The various animal types involved in the bait allowed for the breed specialization and basic anatomical forms of fighting dogs, which we see today.
Accounts of dog fighting in China date back to 240 A.D.. Dog fighting has been documented in the recorded history of many different cultures, and is presumed to have existed since the initial domestication of the species. Many breeds have been bred specifically for the strength, attitude, and physical features that would make them better fighting dogs.
Scholars speculate that large-scale human migration, development of trade, and gifts between royal courts of valuable fighting dogs facilitated the spread of fighting dog breeds. There are many accounts of military campaigns which used fighting dogs, as well as royal gifts in the form of large dogs.
Modern Dogfighting
The development of modern dogfighting that is found in Europe and North and South America can be clearly traced to 1835, when "bull-baiting" was banned in England. When the ban was created, the owners of "bulldogs", which had been used to bait bulls, bears and other animals, began to pit dog against dog. The largest, heaviest bull dogs were soon crossed with smaller, quicker terriers to make the "bull terriers" who became the common breed today - pit bulls. Fights between two or more animals have always been popular spectacles.
The Romans, the Greeks, Spanish, as well as French have pitted dogs against other animals, dating back hundreds or thousands of years.
So when the British people began selectively breeding the popular old-time bulldog for use in dog-on-dog combat, they couldn't take credit for having been the first to pit one animal against another. (It seems the bloodlust of humans extends across time and the globe!)
The dogs that were used in these British dog fights became known as the American Pit Bull Terrier.
The original, old-time bulldog was used for all manner of stock-related work, particularly as a catch dog: used by the butcher to manage unruly bulls, and by the hunter for help in catching and holding wild boar and other game.
The sport of bull baiting became popular in England, having arisen from these functional jobs that the bulldog performed for humans.
Baiting was extremely popular and nearly a national past time. At one point, there was even a law mandating that the flesh of a bull could only be sold if the animal had been baited prior to slaughter. But the baiting of animals was eventually outlawed due to the increasingly loud voices of opposition. And so humans, with their insatiable lust for blood and violence turned to the sport of dog-on-dog fighting.
The bulldog, mixed with tough hunting terriers, was created to be used in this emerging 'sport'. Selectively bred down to a smaller size to increase agility in the pit, these dogs were also bred for stamina and wrestling ability. However, the most important trait in the fighting dog was gameness.
Gameness, the willingness to keep going and not give up is a trait common to breeds of bulldog ancestry. It may also be described as that plucky, never-say-die attitude seen in terriers. Lastly, the fighting dog had to be easily handled by humans, and so any aggression shown towards people was carefully selected AGAINST.
These dogs were eventually to become known as the "Pit Bulldog" or "Pit Bull Terrier", the precursors to our modern APBT.
Pit Bulldogs (the new bulldog/terrier fighting dogs)were imported to America around the time of the Civil War, and they gained great popularity over the years. The dogs were not only the fighting dog of choice, but they were also surprisingly popular with the general public who embraced the breed wholeheartedly.
Viewing art and old photographs from the early to mid 1900's, you can see that the Pit Bulldog was viewed as a valuable part of American culture. Back then, the breed was known as a sound family companion, and a dog that was great with kids - despite the fact that it was also a fighting breed.
All Dogs?
Not just any dog can be trained to fight. Many dogs are born with a temper, but most fights between two dogs, like in the park, usually end quickly, with one backing down.
To breed successful fighting dogs, that willingness to back down had to be eliminated. Fighting dogs continue to attack, regardless of the submission signals of an opponent. Similarly, these dogs will continue to fight even though badly injured. Gameness a dog's willingness or desire to fight is the most admired trait in fighting dogs.
Why Do People Get Involved?
For a lot of people, it's about ego - breeding fighting dogs makes them feel tough. Some fighters liken dog fighting to boxing, and see the owner as coach and the dog as prize fighter.
While some might typify dog fighting as a symptom of urban decay, not every dog fighter is poor. There are people who promote or participate in dog fighting from every community and background. Licensed vets are often well paid to provide care for dogs at fights. Audiences contain lawyers, judges and teachers drawn in by the excitement and thrill. To them, dog fighting is not brutal, it is an art.
When dog behavior specialists and behaviorists evaluate the bites caused by dogs, they make use of a scale. This is vital when identifying assault problems and giving a diagnosis. While there are diverse scales, the most traditionally used scale is Dr. Ian Dunbar's dog bite scale. However, there are six categories of dog bites which are:
1. The Level One Bite This is whereby even with the aggressive behavior of the dog, its teeth do not get in contact with the skin. This is just the regular dog simply trying to frighten another dog or a human being so that the person or dog will leave.
2. The Level Two Bite In this level, the teeth come in contact with the skin but do not leave any skin puncture. Here, the dog takes its aggression to the next level. It does not mind taking this behavior a step forward to let anyone know that it does not want them around. See Also Is German Shepherd more a Hero or Aggressive Dog? Level one and two bites are the most typical dog bite issues. The dogs are sometimes not harmful, and the diagnosis for their aggression problems is taken care of with adequate treatment.
3. The Level Three Bite Here, there are about one to about four tooth punctures from just a distinct bite. However, the punctures are not deeper than over half of the dog's teeth. This is the point whereby the dog shows itself as a threat to both people and other animals.
4. The Level Four Bite While the punctures range from one to four, there is a minimum of one puncture being deeper than over half of the dog's teeth. Whoever gets bitten, be it a human or another dog, will possibly be left with deep bruises surround the wound. These wounds are gotten from the dog shaking its head from left to right. In level four, the warning sign goes up. This dog needs to be kept far away from not just people, but animals included. The dog is kept till its issue is analyzed by an expert.
5. The Level Five Bite This comprises of diverse level four bites and assaults. This dog is clearly harmful to people and its fellow animals. Diagnosis is not good. In this level, behavior specialists approve that the dog is put out of its misery. This is recommended because, asides being very dangerous to others, it would face life the hard way when locked up in solitary confinement.
6. The Level Six Bite The only good thing about this level is that it is very rare. It hardly occurs. Here, the victim either an animal or a person dies during the assault. Finally, it is vital that one meets an expert who specializes in the area of aggression if they have a dog possessing aggressive qualities. The quicker he intervenes, the better the diagnosis. A determinant of a dog's strength is the force of its bite. Knowing the dog breed with the strongest Bite force can be basically be measured scientifically. This measurement is done in Pounds per square inch also known as PSI.
Did your dog make the cut? All these dogs are ranked by their bite force which is measured in Pounds per Square Inch or PSI. This is not a reflection of any single animal and should only be taken as a scientific study.
What is PSI? PSI is a unit made to calculate the pressure released upon any given point. The full meaning of psi is "Pound per Square Inch" or "Pound-force per Square Inch". PSI is a measured result of all the pressure applied over one square inch of a pound. It is a very commonly used system and is easy to understand for even some of the most scientifically challenged people. To understand this a little better, take a tire for example. The average tire's pressure generally falls around 32 psi or pounds per square inch. PSI is the scientific method used to explain the force that a dog is able to put forth through their bites. This list documents the twelve strongest dogs based on the psi system.Meanwhile, the PSI that the jaws of animals will make use of is normally average.
However, the pressure may vary based on - What gets bitten, Feelings of the dog - its mood, The dog itself. If compared, while humans make use of an average bite force that ranges from 120-140 PSI, the Nike crocodile's bite force is 5,000 PSI. Well, the bite force of the average dog is placed around 230-250 PSI even though some of these dogs have more strength. Measuring the exact bite force of dogs gets very complicated.
What Dog has the Strongest Bite?
1. Kangal Dog with the Strongest Bite! Bite Force - 743 PSI Kangals are guard dogs originating from Sivas City in Turkey. They are the strongest dogs in the world and hold the crown for the top bite. These dogs have been used as guard dogs to protect sheep and other flocks against bigger predators such as wolves, jackals, and bears. They are known for their loyalty, protectiveness, and for their gentleness towards children and other animals. This breed is not the best when it comes to strangers due to their protective nature. This means that taking them out for a walk can be a little troubling at times. As with all breeds, be sure to give them proper socialization at a young age to keep them used to meet new people. Luckily, this only adds to the amazing job they can do when involved with the police force or as a home protector. This dog breed can easily take down any medium-sized predator in minutes with their strong muscles and agility. They have great amounts of strength and when talking about bite force, they have the highest pressure per square inch currently recorded. According to the many research tests available, evidence points to the Kangal as having the strongest dog bite in the world.
2. American Bandogge - 730 PSI Just one look at this big boy and you will know it's a dog not to mess up with. If you think its burly frame is fearful enough to behold, wait till you learn how much pain its jaw can inflict! The Bandog has a bite strength of 730 PSI, which is strong enough to tear a limb and haunt you with scars. The American Bandogge is not a standardized breed recognized by the American Kennel Club or any major canine organization. Simply known as "Bandog" since the Middle Ages, it is used to refer to any muscular and heavily built crossbreed whose parents fall underneath the Molosser category, particularly war dogs who participated the Holy Crusade. Bandogs were developed with the sole purpose of serving as a formidable guardian. The term "Bandog" was derived from the fact that strong metal chains were used to bind this ferocious beast. The exact origins of the Bandog remains a moot point but one thing is for sure, this dog has man and beast stopping capabilities!
3. Cane Corso - 700 PSI Second on our list is Italy's most valued canine, the Cane Corso. This large and imposing dog is the descendant of the great canines of Roman antiquity. In the recent past, dogs of this breed served as catch dogs in rural areas. They were also employed as sentries and attack dogs by carters, night watchmen, and tax collectors. The Cane Corso's most prominent feature is its large and imposing head. It also flaunts a lustrous short coat that is either jet black or fawn in color. The Cane Corso has an atrocious bite force of 700 PSI. Hence, this puma-like dog is a fearless opponent to anyone who poses a threat to his master. Although the Cane Corso packs a considerable bite strength, these dogs are obedient and affectionate to their family members once they display a definite preference. They are quite intelligent and eager to learn, which makes them practically easy to train. However, their strong prey drive and overprotectiveness should concern you if you have pocket pets or if you always seem to have frequent visitors at home.
4. Dogue De Bordeaux - 556 PSI Next up is the oldest Molosser-type hailing from Bordeaux, the port city in southwestern France. The Dogue De Bordeaux, also known as the French Mastiff and Bordeaux Mastiff, has been around since the 14th century. Fanciers of this breed made sure to preserve the line pure in future generations. In the distant past, these dogs were assigned to various capacities involving brute strength. They pull carts, haul heavy objects, guard livestock, and watch over the mansions of the nobles they serve. Today, the Dogue De Bordeaux is best known as a laidback companion who snores and drools a lot. Inside the home, these dogs are calm and quiet. Likewise, they are quite tolerant of kids, unlike other mastiffs. As long as you won't hurt or threaten this dog, there is no reason for him to demonstrate his bite strength of 556 PSI. The Dogue De Bordeaux has a powerful build and a monstrous skull, which is claimed as the largest in the canine world. So, it comes as no surprise that its jaw packs a lot of punch.
5. Tosa Inu - 556 PSI The Tosa Inu is the product of crossbreeding European dogs with the purpose of creating the fiercest canine gladiator. Tosa breeding was at its peak between 1924 and 1933. Back then there were roughly 5, 000 breeders in Japan who aspired to create an impregnable hybrid. It has a bite strength of 556 PSI but unless you are a thief, you won't have to worry about getting your arm lacerated. Like a samurai, these dogs are honest, dignified, and loyal. Tosa Inus can easily cope with a variety of activities as long as they receive proper training and good leadership. However, the Tosa Inu is often presented as a wild menacing dog due to its dark history. Many countries, including Australia, Denmark, Germany, Norway, and Malaysia, have currently banned the ownership of the said breed.
6. English Mastiff - 556 PSI English Mastiffs are a larger breed of dog. These dogs tend to be calm and very powerful when needed. The ancestors of the Mastiffs are the "Molossus", who were noted as being ferocious and talented war dogs. Today English Mastiffs are very calm and gentle dogs. Despite this dog being giant in stature, they are an extremely gentle breed who will even watch over your children with caring and grace. This dog is also noted to be one of the largest dog breeds in the world and can be a bit of a lazy partner at times. They do not require as much play as some of the other breeds on this list, but they do require a huge portion of food to keep them going daily. Their bite force is enormous and they have one of the highest "bite forces" recorded in dog breeds with 556 pound per square inch. With this enormous about of bite force, the breed can easily break any bone in your body.
7. Presa Canario - 540 PSI This majestic dog hails from the beautiful Canary Islands and is a far cry from the gentle, dainty canary. The Perro de Presa Canario, simply known as Dogo Canario, is considered as one of the most lethal canines. In fact, it has been linked to numerous fatal attacks to date. The Dogo Canario is a historical war dog and were also used in dog fighting before it was illegalized in the 1940s. This bad boy shows off a heavy, rectangular body and a massive head. It can slam its powerful jaw shut with 540 PSI thus, causing serious injury or even death due to hemorrhage. Dogo Canarios are still prominently aggressive. So, it comes as no surprise that this breed is outlawed in many countries. Regardless, the Dogo Canario is much loved in its native land. They have proven themselves an exemplary guard dog and a lovely family member. Do take note that this dog is not ideal for the average family. They need a big yard to play, regular mental stimulation, and most of all, an unyielding Alpha. If your dog thinks he is a better Alpha than you, he is more than willing to take the role.
8. Dogo Argentino - 500 PSI The Dogo Argentino was developed in Argentina for the purpose of creating a dog that would exhibit tenacity in hunting as well as an unshakeable resolve in protecting its owner. It descended from the Cordobra Fighting Dog along with other vigorous breeds. With a bite strength of 500 PSI, quick reflexes, and a heavy stature, the Dogo Argentino is unsurprisingly feared by many. These dogs can take on wild boars and buffalos with ease. They are also quite neat. True, the Dogo Argentinos are inherently aggressive but they do not snap without a reason. With early socialization and obedience training, these dogs can be a wonderful addition to the family, a relentless guardian, and a skilled hunter that will bring you dinner.
9. Wolfdog - 406 PSI This dog is a hybrid between a wolf and a domestic dog. Due to this, keeping them can be slightly more dangerous than keeping your average dog. They also can be a bit harder to come by when looking for a breeder to purchase one from. The physical characteristics can also be a little unpredictable due to the complicated process of mating dogs with feral wolves. Even when the wolf is not completely feral, there currently is no completely domesticated wolf to breed from. That being said, these dogs have a pack mentality and can be extremely loyal.
10. Leonberger - 399 PSI The Leonberger hails from the city of Leonberg in Baden-Wรผrttemberg, Germany hence, the breed's name. They were bred to resemble lions but truth be told, these dogs look more like cuddly teddy bears, do not they? Despite their enormous size, Leonbergers are as gentle as they are adorable! These giants are prized by their playfulness, nimble wits, and leniency towards small children and the elderly. Families who have owned a Leonberger mentioned how this breed thrives in close-knit families and also gets along well with other pets. They are also quite sensitive, which makes them ideal therapy dogs. Although the Leonberger may have a big heart, it is best not to push this gentle giant to its limits. When angered, it can unleash a bite force of 399 PSI. These dogs are also aggressive chewers and excessive barkers. And although they love children, it is wise that you supervise playtime with these dogs as their size can easily knock down a toddler.
11. Akita Inu - 350-400 PSI Does the name Hachiko ring a bell? Hachiko was the Akita Inu that waited at the Shibuya Train Station for 10 long years to see his master return. The dog's story caught media attention and was later adapted into films and storybooks. The Akita Inu is showered with love and admiration not only by the Japanese but also by the entire world because of the stout heart and working spirit they possess. While this breed has a couple of commendable traits, the potential is there for this dog to attack with deadly consequences. The Akita Inu can slam its scissor-like jaw shut with up to 400 PSI and you really could not force the dog to open its mouth until it decides to let go. Its sheer size alone is a reason why this breed is feared by some. Despite having an irresistibly cute fox-like face and fluffy coat, some find the Akita Inu intimidating due to its strong striking physique. The Akita Inu, in general, do not have the tendency to bite although they can be stubborn at times. As expected of a brave and loyal dog, they only attack other humans and animals if their family members are in danger. Their territorial personality makes these dogs prone to defend their human family, even if it costs them their lives.
12. Rottweiler - 328 PSI Rottweilers are a toughened breed of dogs. Originally, they were bred to help with work such as pulling carts and guarding the homestead. They were one of the first dog breeds formally adopted by the police, which still help out in the force today. They are medium in size with a great build and amazing amounts of strength. They are very agile and have high levels of endurance to keep them going. They are also commonly used in many different search and rescue missions by the police and military. This breed is a wonderful combination of strength, intelligence, and endurance. Rottweilers are considered to be fearless, good-natured companions that can beat out just about any breed with their good behavior. This breed is also very alert and can go into defense mode in a matter of seconds when threatened by danger. This dog is used in police operations due to their confidence and powerful build. The bite force in an average Rottweiler is 328 pounds per square inch. That is more than double the weight of this dog's breed.
13. Siberian Husky - 320 PSI Huskies are delightful pets! They will always be a sled dog by heart so you need to provide them with a huge playground and energy-depleting activities. Otherwise, they will run around your house like a lunatic or cause a community meltdown with their loud howling. Aside from being annoyingly playful at times, there is nothing negative to say about this breed. But do take note that these gentle, happy go lucky dogs have a tremendous bite force of 320 PSI. So, it is quite a relief that they only inherited the lupine facial features of their wild and menacing ancestors, not their temperament.
14. African Wild Dog - 317 PSI Unlike most of the other dogs included in this list, this breed falls under the rare category of being a "cape hunting dog." This means that this breed is seen as a type of ultimate hunter. This dog breed is a relative of the Sub-Saharan Dog and it is one of the largest dogs in this particular family. They are also known for being hypercarnivorous meaning that at least 70% of their diet is made up of meat. It is also worth noting that according to the IUCA, this breed is considered an endangered species. African Wild Dogs are very social animals and tend to live in packs. They even have been observed to have social hierarchies for bothmales and females within the pack. This breed tends to be a great hunting dog by nature. You can estimate this animal's competitive hunting nature by comparing them to wild animals such as hyenas. This animal is very agile at catching their prey and is only topped in game by bigger threats such as the lion. One of the breed's favorite types of prey is the antelope, which they can easily catch as they can be found in large numbers throughout the Sahara. Of course, living in the wild combined with many years of evolution has made their jaw very strong. Their amount of bite force is enough to break any bone in a deer.
15. American Bulldog - 305 PSI American Bull Dogs are a strong and powerful breed of dog. They tend to be well built with muscular body types and sport a large head with strong neck muscles. These dogs make great family pets and can adapt to your home's daily life rather easily. They tend to care for their owners and will form strong bonds to anyone they are in regular contact with. While this breed is a cuddler, they are very strong and confident in their abilities. One thing you may want to watch out for is their reaction to strangers. While this dog can be very loving at home, the breed tends to regularly not be trusting of new people. This, of course, can be overcome by regular social interaction in their puppy hood. Also, be warned that this breed can get a bit destructive if not given proper playtime and exercise daily. This breed has quite a bit of power behind them when needed and won't hesitate to confront any attackers if they are truly threatened. Their build topped with the agility of the breed makes them a force to be reckoned with for all intruders that may try to enter your home. They are powerful not just with body stature, but also with their jaw strength.
16. Doberman - 245 PSI Dobermans are a medium to a large sized dog which are very popular as a domestic house pet. This breed came to be around during the late 19th Century when a tax collector from Germany named "Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann" developed the breed. Doberman dog breeds are highly intelligent, alert, and strong by nature. This extremely loyal breed will stick beside their owner no matter the circumstances, and because of this has become a favorite among owners looking for a dog to protect their home and family. Dobermans are very adaptive and when trained they behave gently with little kids and adults alike. They are very muscular in build and have an athletic body type, which gives them extra points in defense. While many Doberman have tails, you can find a significant number in the breed that have knobs or are generally lacking in the tail department. These dogs are extremely strong and have the build and intelligence to prove it. Their jaw is a bone-breaker and this is why they are also used by many different police forces as guard dogs.
17. German Shepherd - 238 PSI The German Shepherd ranks as one of the most commonly found domestic dogs in the world. In countries like the United States of America, the German Shepherd ranks as the second most popular dog breed. This breed was initiallybred as a working class dog in Germany. They are highly intelligent dogs and can often be found being used in roles where rescue missions are being carried out by the local police force or even the military at times. These dogs are hard working, easy to train, and can easily adapt to a new environment. Shepherds are known to be very gentle in nature and extremely calm around children or in family settings. They also make wonderful guard dogs due to their intelligence, loyalty, and overall strength. While these dogs are generally passive, they can become defensive if they or their families are put in danger. Their biteis strong enough to break any bone in the human body or to confront any other animal that may threaten them.
18. Great Dane - 238 PSI The Great Dane, also referred to as the โApollo of Dogs,โ will surely intimidate you with its imposing size. This dog can take up your couch, bed, and the rear seat of your car. However, this elegant and well-muscled canine has a heart as big as he is! Great Danes are sensitive creatures. Their patient, sweet, and loving disposition is an irony to their gargantuan size. These dogs can thrive when they are in contact with their family members. Otherwise, they become mentally unstable and aggressive to boot.
19. American Pit Bull - 235 PSI American Pit Bulls are a medium size dog that can hit between 30 to 90 lbs in weight by the time they are adults. They are a powerful, muscular, and strong breed that is popular throughout the U.S.A. In fact, they currently own the honor of being the strongest dog in their size category. The American Pit Bull was initially bred to guard livestock and watch over them in the event of an attack by predators. While this breed has had a bad rap in recent years, their nature can generally be translated to that of being an overgrown child. These dogs are extremely gentle to those they guard and will only turn vicious in the face of a threat to their families. That being said, this breed will give their own life in defense of those it cares about and is an extremely loyal partner to anyone who is willing to take one into their home. Pit Bulls are a very athletic breed of dog and require you to exercise with them daily. If you miss playing time, do not be too surprised to find some up-turned couch cushions when you return home the next day. They have a wide face with a powerful jaw which is their main defense. They can easily break many hard to damage things if they desired.
20. Labrador Retriever - 230 PSI America's favorite dog for three consecutive decades is the Labrador Retriever. It comes as no surprise as they are energetic, outgoing, goofy, and simply affectionate. But according to Animal Friends, the family favorite is also a culprit of canine attacks and they all seem to dislike delivery workers. Labradors are notable for their soft mouths. They were originally bred as sporting dogs whose special talent includes retrieving their master's game unharmed or unmarked. Later on, they were employed to operate various tasks as they are quite intelligent, gentle, and eager to learn. Aggression, however, has not exited from this breed's genes, only suppressed. True, Labradors rarely cause fatal harm to their victims but you cannot deny that these dogs pack a powerful punch.
21. Dutch Shepherd - 224 PSI Dutch Shepherds are sheep herding dogs, originally used by farmers to keep check of their flocks. The breed is originally from the Netherlands where they were primarily bred as a working-class pet. This particular breed is not too choosey or demanding in nature and has the ability to easily adapt to different habitats around the world. They have similarities to the Belgian Shepherd as well as the German Shepherd in their nature. Dutch Shepherds are said to be one of the most active dog breeds out there. More than anything they love to be involved with their family and sink into play time with your kids. This breed is also known for being very calm, but due to their working-class origins will need plenty of daily exercises to wear them out! This breed is commonly used by police and other security agencies as well, due to their powerful jaw and outstanding intelligence compared to other breeds. They are calm and gentle until danger finds them or their loved ones.
22. Alano Espaniol - 227 PSI Being really big dogs, they come from a line of bull baiting dogs in Europe. They were once the battle dogs off the Middle East. Very serious and reserved, they are not loud and always in your face. They love being at the top and can actually be obedient its owners. They are energetic and acts best with an emergency owner too. Cautious of strangers, they desire a powerful leader of the pack. This leader will be trained to avoid being dangerous. They do better as outside dogs than being inside.
23. Boxer - 230 PSI This breed does have a powerful bite. Originally bred to hunt, the Boxer was essentially "designed" to have power in the jaw. In effect, the head itself was perfected to allow the dog to be a successful hunter. The wide, undershot jaw was thought to give the dog strength to lock onto prey and hold it in place as his humans worked their way over. It is thought that the wide nose and open nostrils were features bred in to allow a Boxer to breathe easier while his mouth was locked into his prey.
24. Chow Chow - 220 PSI This breed of dog originally hailed from northern China. They were bred to be a general purpose working dog and despite their fluffy appearance have overseen the safety of livestock for years. Some records have even indicated that this dog might have helped support Mongolian armies in battle. This dog is built quite sturdily and even has a double coat to protect it from bad weather. These dogs do have a tendency to be aggressive or over-protective as adults, so they will require proper socialization when young. This dog can be a good choice for smaller living arrangements such as in an apartment due to the fact that they have lower amounts of energy than most breeds.
25. Malinois Dog - 195 PSI Malinois is a medium breed of dog that is also known as "Belgian Shepherds". They originated in the French city of Malines, hence the given name of the breed. This breed is recognized for its amazing sense of smell. They are commonly used as detection dogs to help detect explosives and narcotics that otherwise may go unnoticed by most human senses. These dogs are easy to train by nature and have a very high level of intelligence. If you choose to bring one home to your family, expect them to be extremely playful and able to calmly handle your children. This breed was originally bred to become working dogs and this has stayed true to their nature over the years. Many police agencies in the world are using Malinois within their squads still today. In fact, you can find these dogs working everywhere from the United States Secret Service to the Royal Australian Air Force, they are helping to find dangerous explosives and uncover illegal drugs. This breed is very powerful and built to be strong. They also have an impressively strong jaw. An average adult Malinois has a bite force of 195 psi. This means when they bite, 195 pounds of pressure is applied to each square inch. That is more than enough to break one of your bones in one try.
DOGS THAT BITE THE MOST Chihuahua English Bulldog English Bulldog Bulldog Pit Bull German Shepherd Australian Shepherd Lhasa Apso Jack Russell Terrier Cocker Spaniel Bull Terrier Pekingese Papillion
81% of dog bites cause no injury at all or only minor injuries that do not require medial attention.
You have a 1 in 112,400 chance of dying from a dog bite or strike
Most dog bites involve dogs who are not spayed or neutered
Fatal Dog Attacks states that 25% of fatal attacks were inflicted by chained dogs of many different breeds
Over 30 breeds and dog-types were associated with dog bite-related fatalities.
You are at more risk of dying from: Cataclysmic storm: 1 in 66,335
Contact with hornets, wasps and bees: 1 in 63,225
Air and space transport incidents: 1 in 9,821
Firearm discharge: 1 in 6,905
Choking from inhalation and ingestion of food: 1 in 3,461
Heart disease and cancer: 1 in 7
12 WAYS TO PREVENT DOG's BITE This article is proudly presented by WWW.PAWCASTLE.COM
Know when a dog can attack. Preventing dog bites lies in your understanding of the dog's behavior. The obvious signs of a dog that might attack you include raised fur, snapping, growling, or a rigid body posture. You should also avoid approaching an anxious dog. Anxiety is represented by behavior like covering, lip licking, turned head to avoid eye contact, tucked tail between the legs, or repeated yawning. An anxious dog will also show its eyes' whites. And, do not forget that a dog wagging its tail is not necessarily friendly - it could be anxious and ready to attack.
1. Keep a distance between you and the dog when walking close to a leashed dog, do not let the size of the dog fool you.
2. If the dog is on a very long leash and a walk with the owner, alert them so that they can control and prevent the dog from biting.
3. Ask the owner's permission if you'd like to approach the dog, whether the dog is out in the yard or on a leash.
4. If a dog approaches you aggressively turn to the side, you won't appear threatening anymore.
5. Place an object between you and the dog.
6. Do not run, be still, withdraw slowly, and move away at constantly slow pace when you are threatened.
7. Do not approach a barking dog. Also, do not approach if it's snarling, sleeping, eating, growling, and not when she's nursing her precious pups.
8. If you spot an unleashed dog a block ahead from you, be careful about approaching it. It is safe to change your route or turn around to avoid a confrontation or an attack.
9. Do not stare at a dog in the eyes. Aggressive dogs stare at each other, and that dog ahead of you might attack because it thinks you are threatening to attack.
10. Speak to the dog softly to calm it down.
11. Wondering if you should approach that dog or not? Look out for a color-coded warning, probably on the dog's collar or leash. Signals to watch out for include "No Dogs", "Nervous Dog", "Blind", "Deaf", "Do Not Feed" or "Caution".
12. In case you are attacked, curl up into a ball to protect your head, face, and neck.
Most law enforcement experts divide dogfight activity into three categories:
Street Fighting Hobbyist fighting Professional activity
Street fighters engage in dog fights that are informal, street corner, back alley and playground activities. Stripped of the rules and formality of the traditional pit fight, these are spontaneous events triggered by insults, turf invasions or the simple taunt, "My dog can kill yours." Many of these participants lack even a semblance of respect for the animals they fight, forcing them to train while wearing heavy chains to build stamina, and picking street fights in which they could get seriously hurt. Many of the dogs are bred to be a threat not only to other dogs, but to people as well - with tragic consequences.
Street fights are frequently associated with gang activities. The fights may be conducted with money, drugs or bragging rights as the primary payoff. There is often no attempt to care for animals injured in the fight and police or animal control officers frequently encounter dead or dying animals in the aftermath of such fights. This activity is very difficult to respond to unless it is reported immediately. Professional fighters and hobbyists decry the techniques and results of these newcomers to the "blood sport."
Hobbyist fighters are more organized, with one or more dogs participating in several organized fights a year as a sideline for both "entertainment" and to attempt to supplement income. They pay more attention to care and breeding of the dogs and are more likely to be traveling across state lines for events.
Professional dog fighters often have large numbers of animals (often 50 or more) and earn money from breeding, selling and fighting dogs at a central location and on the road. They often pay particular attention to promoting established winning bloodlines and to long-term conditioning of animals. They regularly dispose of animals that are not successful fighters or breeders using a variety of methods, including shooting and blunt force trauma. Unlike professional dog fighters of the past, both professionals and hobbyists of today may dispose of dogs that are too human-aggressive for the pit by selling them to street fighters or others who are simply looking for an aggressive dog - thus contributing to the dog bite problem.
In recent years, a fourth category of dog fighters seems to be emerging, with some wealthier individuals from the sports and entertainment worlds allegedly using their financial resources to promote "professional" dog fighting enterprises, which essentially use the philosophy and training techniques usually associated with street fighting.
BREEDS USED IN DOG FIGHT This article is proudly presented by WWW.DOGICA.COM
The breeds most commonly used in fighting tend to be: Pit Bulls Staffordshire Bull Terriers American Staffordshire Terriers American Pit Bull dogs Modern American Bulldogs American Bull Terriers Russian Volkodav Kavkazian Shepperd Mastiffs of all kinds or mixes/cross breeds related to those breeds Tosa Inu Bullterrier
Dog Fighters have to put in a lot of effort to train their dogs to fight, as naturally these dogs are gentle, loving, affectionate, tolerent breeds. Although these are the usual breeds used, other breeds have been known to be used.
Bait dogs, which are dogs used for fighting dogs to practice on, tearing them apart, can be any breed. They are often stolen family pets, obtained from adverts where they are offered free, or at a low price.
"Bait" animals are used to test a dog's fighting instinct, and these animals are often mauled or killed in the process. Trainers obtain bait animals from several sources: wild or feral animals, animals obtained from a shelter, or in some cases, stolen pets. Sometimes the animals are also obtained through "free to a good home" ads.
According to news reports compiled by the Humane Society of the United States, the snouts of bait dogs are wrapped with duct tape to prevent them from injuring dogs being trained for fighting. Their teeth are filed and their nails are cut until nothing is left. Other animals, such as cats and rabbits are also reported to be used as bait animals. Experts have said small dogs, kittens and rabbits are more at risk of being stolen for bait than larger animals.
RULES OF DOG FIGHTS This article is proudly presented by WWW.REAL PITBULL.COM
In the Pit: A "Typical" Match During its heyday, rules were been written up meant to govern the "sport" of dog fighting. In "professional" fighting circles, these rules are still utilized to one extent or another. There are various versions, all mostly following a similar pattern. A fight that was conducted under typical rules would have been conducted as follows:
Dogs were matched into other dogs who were similar in size/weight, and also well-conditioned. Dog fighters typically rejected the proposition of pitting a Pit Bull against a poorly conditioned or sick dog, or against a breed other than a Pit Bull. Many considered it inhumane to match any breed that hadn't been bred for the task. The irony of this position seems to have been lost on the dog fighters, considering the dogs suffered in the pit no matter what breed they were.
Two dogs along with their handlers and a referee were present in the pit during the fight, handlers in very close contact with their dogs at all times. A dog who would snap or attack his handler would be terribly difficult to handle, so dogs who displayed this tendency were typically eliminated from the gene pool. Dogs and their handlers waited on opposite sides of the pit until the referee commanded "release your dogs", at which time the fight began. The dogs were broken off each other throughout the match, returned to their corners, and then released again. Each time the dogs were released, they had to cross over what was called a "scratch line" (a predetermined distance a dog needed to travel from his corner towards the center of the pit), in a certain amount of time, or else the opposing dog would be declared the victor. Fights could last anywhere from a few minutes to over 2 hours.
Dogs who lost because they refused to fight or gave up - the ones that didn't display gameness, typically called "curs", were usually destroyed.
Dogs who survived or won a match went on to fight again, and/or to become stud dogs. Essentially these dogs were mere money making machines for humans.
Old match reports and accounts from eye witnesses describe brutality and violence that is difficult to imagine. Dogs with broken limbs, disemboweled, faces half torn off, struggling to survive in the pit are commonly referenced. These were not simply "wrestling" matches, or exhibitions just to demonstrate "gameness" as some dog fighting supporters would have you believe โ these were life and death struggles for the dogs involved, and they routinely went through incredible amounts of pain and suffering during their ordeals.
DOG FIGHTING TODAY This article is proudly presented by WWW.REAL PITBULL.COM
Today, this archaic brutality continues, despite being illegal all across the U.S. Dog fighting is a felony in all 50 states in the U.S. Spectating is illegal in all states except Hawaii and Montana. It is considered a felony to be a spectator in 24 states, and the list of states is growing.
So Why Do People Get Involved? For a lot of people, it's about ego - breeding fighting dogs makes them feel tough. Some fighters liken dog fighting to boxing, and see the owner as coach and the dog as prize fighter.
While some might typify dog fighting as a symptom of urban decay, not every dog fighter is poor. There are people who promote or participate in dog fighting from every community and background. Licensed vets are often well paid to provide care for dogs at fights. Audiences contain lawyers, judges and teachers drawn in by the excitement and thrill. To them, dog fighting is not brutal, it is an art.
Dog fighting is an entertainment for very few people but enough to cause 16,000 dogs (44 per day) each year to be killed by organized dog fighting. Training of dogs for the fights involves the destruction of other animals, including cats. Dogs rescued from fighting make poor pets and must often be destroyed. Organizers of dog fights face prison terms of five years and $250,000 in fines. In some jurisdictions, even attending a dogfight can result in imprisonment and fines.
Dog fighting, despite its felony status in all 50 states, is still a grave concern to animal advocates. All across the country, humans abuse dogs in heinous ways. From nonchalant, impromptu "street fights" to the large-scale organized matches held on a regular schedule at set locations, dog fighting still occurs every day.
Dog fighting is an ANIMAL ABUSE ISSUE. Pit Bulls happen to be the breed most used in dog fights. But if Pit Bulls did not exist, dog fighting would still take place. There is no quenching the blood lust of human "kind". Brutality against animals in the form of staged matches or fights between animals or even between man and animal is an activity almost as old as man himself โ it was in existence long before the Pit Bull. Those who make dog fighting a PIT BULL ISSUE do the dogs a grave disservice. These dogs are VICTIMS in every sense of the word. Exploited, abused, tortured for human gain, Pit Bulls are innocent beings caught up in a tragic societal issue.
ALL dogs can potentially fight, and intradog aggression is a very common behavioral issue.
The dogs are not perpetrators, they are not evil partners of the humans, nor are they mere "tools" of a "trade". These dogs abused by man are living, feeling, breathing, helpless victims, with a world to offer if humans would only give them the chance. They have so much worth and substance, but their countless positive traits are trampled on and stifled by the real "animals" who mistreat them. Allowed the opportunity to blossom into their true selves, even those dogs who have been exposed to the cruelty of the pit can live as companions and enjoy those luxuries afforded to "normal pet dogs". Dogs saved from fighting busts do not need "rehabilitation", what they need is a chance to show who they truly are, their intrinsic natures - their positive attributes of love, trust, loyalty, courage, and gentleness.
On August 27, 2007 professional American football player Michael Vick pleaded guilty to felony charges of running a dogfighting ring.
Vick joined three others who had pleaded guilty earlier to federal offense charges for running a competitive dogfighting ring called "Bad Newz Kennels" over a period of 6 years. The case drew widespread publicity in the United States owing to Vick's fame, his image as a role model, and certain gruesome details of the operation, including how underperforming dogs were executed via means such as electrocution and hanging. The related unlawful gambling he funded was especially objectionable to his professional football league's Player Code of Conduct. The four co-defendants face up to five years in prison and fines of up to $250,000 plus restitution. It is also likely that Vick will forfeit ownership of the $700,000 15 acre estate in Surry County, Virginia which was developed for the enterprise. A Virginia state grand jury met to consider additional state charges on Vick on September 25, 2007.
In the wake of the Michael Vick case the Animal Legal Defense Fund drafted a recommended amendment to state laws that would enable prosecutors to charge dogfighters under the respective state's Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (commonly referred to as "RICO") statute.
Applied to animal fighting, RICO,which was originally designed to be a weapon against a wide variety of organized criminal efforts, including drug dealing and gambling,would give prosecutors increased muscle in seeking justice for the animals abused and as in the highly publicized Michael Vick dogfighting case executed by their owners. Thirty two states currently have RICO statutes to which this amendment could be applied. The amendment was enacted in Virginia in July 2008, making it the third state, along with Oregon and Utah, whose law lists dogfighting as a RICO predicate offense.
Your first instinctive response may be to yell at the top of your lungs to try to break up the battle. Your second is often to reach in and attempt to bodily rescue your canine pal, especially if it appears he is getting the worst of it. Neither of these actions is likely to be effective. Yelling often adds fuel to the stress and arousal that led to the fight in the first place, and only intensifies the battle.
So, how to stop fighting dogs? First of all, take a look at these simple Dog Fighting Stop tools:
Air horns Direct Stop (citronella) Halt! Dog Repellent (pepper spray)
If you have ever witnessed a dog fight at the dog park, you understand how scary and dangerous they can be.
Breaking up a dog fight is serious business and it can go bad in a heart beat. It is important to know your limitations and don't get into the middle of something you can't physically deal with.
A dog fight is one of the most frightening things a dog owner can witness.
Learning how to keep a dog fight from happening in the first place is one of the best things you can do for you and your dog.
In some cases, human intervention can fuel the fire and it is best to let it fizzle out. If a play session seems to be getting too rough, start by calling your dog in an upbeat, relaxed tone. A well-trained dog should respond to you and heed your command. This is probably a good time to take a break. Note: a dog without a reliable recall should not be allowed to play off-leash with other dogs.
To prevent play sessions from escalating to fights, it is essential that your dog have a strong foundation of training and socialization before you allow him to play off-leash with other dogs. You should be able to call your dog away from other dogs and be sure he will listen.
Know that shouting, screaming, hitting and kicking dogs usually ignites their rage towards one another. If two dogs seem to be truly fighting for more than 30-60 seconds and it seems to be getting really serious, it may be time to physically intervene.
First things first: NEVER physically get in the middle of two dogs fighting.
If you put your hand (or other body part) anywhere near the heads of these dogs you WILL be injured. This includes trying to grab their collars. Don't be foolish enough think a dog will not bite its beloved owner. In the heat of a dog fight, your dog does not see who is intervening. He will bite any and everything in his way. DO NOT underestimate your dog. It's not personal. Remember, if your dog is injured, he will need you to take care of him.
There are a few ways to try and break up a dog fight. No matter what method you use, be sure to remain as calm as possible. Avoid yelling at the dogs and other people.
Here are several ways to break up a dog fight : 1) Circle behind one dog and grab his back feet or legs, and raise them into the air. Without the use of his legs, he won't be able to continue fighting. Pull the dogs apart and back slowly away, continuing to hold their legs. Move in a backward arc so that the dog can't reach around to bite you. He'll be walking on his front legs only, so he won't be able to maneuver with much agility.
When you've reached a safe distance, perhaps 20 feet, hold the dog safely until he calms down, which is easiest if you turn him so he can no longer see his opponent.
2) Hose them down. One of the simplest ways to break up the fight is to throw a bucket of water or hose down the dogs. It will break their attack instinct immediately, and each will forget about their aggression toward the other dog. No harm done, and in most cases the dogs will walk away, a little wet but not worse for wear.
3) Startle them with a loud sound. Bang two pieces of metal together near their heads, or use a tiny air horn to startle them. If you don't have any props on hand, clap loudly or give a shriek. Startling the dogs with sound will do the same thing startling them with water does. They'll forget why they were fighting and walk away from each other.
4) Hit a latched-on dog in the face with a hose or a heavy stick.
5) Use a barrier to split them up. Look for something you can use to stick between the dog and separate them. A large piece of cardboard, plywood, a garbage can lid, a big stick - any of these can be used to separate the dogs without putting your hands in harm's way.
6) Throw a blanket over the dogs. Some dogs will stop fighting when they can't see each other anymore. If you have a large blanket, a tarp, or another piece of opaque material, try tossing it over the fighting dogs to calm them down.
7) Break them up with a partner. If none of the easier techniques are proving effective, you may need to separate them physically so they don't end up ripping each other to pieces. You and another adult should each approach one dog from behind; it's much safer to do this with a partner than all by yourself.
8) Grab the attacker's collar and twisting it to cut off dog's air. This will finish the fight immediately.
Breaking Up a Dog Fight with Another Person 1. Each of you shall grab the back legs of the fighting dogs, and then pick them up like wheelbarrow. With the dogs' legs up, they are pulled apart and kept from each other.
2. Do this by circling behind one pooch, grabbing his back legs, and then raising them up into the air. Without the use of his back legs, the dog will be forced to stand on his front legs and will not be able to continue fighting.
3. Separate the dogs as you back away slowly. Just hold their feet or legs continually as you carefully move in a smooth backward arc. That way, your pet won't be able to reach around and bite you. Because the dog will only be using his front legs, he'd be kept from maneuvering with any agility.
4. The moment you have reached a safe distance, at least about 20 feet away, try holding the dog securely until he calms down. Turn him away so he doesn't see the other dog, and try to change his state of mind using distraction.
Splitting up a Dog Fight While Alone
1. It's extremely dangerous to pull two aggressive dogs apart when you are all by yourself. However, if the situation asks for it, move forward carefully with the plan below.
2. Get a leash if you don't have one with you. The dogs will surely continue on fighting as you look for a restraint, but you have to take the necessary steps to guarantee your own safety.
3. Try approaching one of the dogs, especially the aggressor, if you can determine which dog this is, and the moment you're close enough, loop the leash around the dog's belly, just in front of his back legs. Try slipping the free end of the leash through its looped handle, and then pull it taut. Immediately back away, as you pull the dog, till you get to something you can fasten and secure the pooch to, perhaps a fence post or a telephone pole.
4. After this, move towards the second pooch from behind, grab him by the hind legs, and then pull him away using the same method above. Drag the dog using the wheelbarrow method at least 20 feet away from his opponent, and find a way to restrain him until help arrives.
Breaking Up a Fight From Afar 1. Stay calm - Most dogfights only last for seconds. Your greatest advantage in this situation is a clear head. The best thing you can do is to startle the dogs enough to distract them. Resist the urge to grab your dog by the collar. This might be your first impulse, but when dogs are really fighting, they may whip around and bite instinctively, even without any past aggression. When the dogs' bodies are rigid and it's clear they are actually fighting, not playing, don't risk reaching your hand in there.
2. Make as much noise as you can Dogfights don't last long, so use whatever you have at hand. Yell, shriek, stomp your feet, and clap your hands - whatever you can do to attract the dogs' attention. If you have metal dog bowls or garbage cans nearby, you can bang two pieces of metal together.
3. Hose them down Water, as much as you have, can really get a dog's attention. Douse the fighting dogs with a hose, a bucket, or a cup of soda if you have to. No harm done, and in most cases the dogs will walk away, a little wet but not worse for wear. If you are going to a dog park or another location where there will be unfamiliar dogs, bring a spray bottle to use in an emergency.
4. Use a barrier to split them up Look for something you can use to separate the dogs. A large piece of cardboard, plywood, a garbage can lid, a big stick - any of these can be used to separate the dogs without putting your hands in harm's way.
5. Throw a blanket over the dogs Some dogs will stop fighting when they can't see each other anymore. If you have a large blanket, a tarp, a jacket, or another piece of opaque material, try tossing it over the fighting dogs to calm them down.
Knowing When to Step In and How to Do It
1. Know circumstances in which you should intervene Again, it's important to note that most scuffles between dogs last only seconds and can appear worse than they really are. Fights involving fighting breeds should be stopped as they have trouble reading social signals from other dogs. Fights between dogs of two very different sizes, or two females in heat likely will need to be broken up, as well as fights involving dogs who are known to have done physical harm in the past or will not walk away.
2. Do not get between the dogs Under almost no circumstances should you get between two dogs that are actively biting. In the confusion, the dogs will mistake you for another target and you will get bitten. If the dogs are very small, then you may be able to step between the two dogs to block their view from each other and diffuse the situation.
3. Grab hold of the dog Approach your dog from behind and grab the top of its hind legs. Lift their back paws off the ground into a wheelbarrow position. Begin walking backwards, circling to one side so the dog will not be able to turn and bite you. This works best if someone else is there to grab the legs of the other dog so you can pull them apart. Never insert your arms into a dog fight, as you will get bitten. You may also be able to use a leash looped around the hind legs to pull your dog out of the fight. Once they have been separated, keep the dogs out of each other's sight. They may start to fight again when they see each other. Put your dog in the car or behind a closed door as soon as possible. Use a belt or a tie as a temporary leash if the dog does not have one, and if you are alone. tie one dog to an immovable object and remove the other dog to another location.
4. Use your legs If nothing else is working, you may feel that you have to get physically involved to prevent serious injury to your dog. If you are wearing pants and heavy shoes, you may be able to push some dogs apart with your legs and feet. Understand that this should only be attempted with smaller dogs, and that it should not be done of the dogs are actively biting, as they will bite your legs. Understand that you are at potential risk of injury yourself. This method is not advised for large dogs, such as German shepherds, since it is possible to receive collateral damage from a nasty bite to the groin. This technique is especially effective when done with more than one person. It is not necessary to kick or try to hurt the dogs - the goal is to separate them. Once you have separated the dogs, don't forget to protect yourself. In particular, if one or more of the dogs becomes aggressive towards you, do not turn and run - continue to face the dog, stand still, and avoid eye contact.
Stopping Fights Before They Start
1. Observe how your dog interacts with other dogs Does your dog bark, pounce, and snap? How rough does she normally play? If you know what behavior your dog usually exhibits around other dogs, it will be easier to tell when there is a fight brewing.
2. Watch the dogs' bodies When dogs play, it often sounds a lot like it does when they are fighting. Dogs will growl, snap their jaws, and bite one another roughly. Instead of listening, watch the dogs' bodies. If they look loose and relaxed, and they are wagging their tails, they are probably just playing. However, if the dogs' bodies appear stiff and rigid, and their tails are down, they may getting ready to fight.
3. Intervene in harassment and rough play In some cases, one dog will think it's playtime, but the other isn't having it. If this is the case, it may be better to separate the dogs. Sometimes, playtime can be too rough, even if both dogs seem to like it. A very large dog might accidentally hurt a small dog, for example.
4. Do not encourage competition Dogs can get territorial over food and toys. Some breeds are more apt to defend their rights to beloved possessions, while others are better at sharing. Know your dog's unique personality traits so that you can prevent a battle from happening when another dog comes around. Put treats, food, and toys away when your dog is having social time with other dogs. Feed multiple dogs in separate rooms if they tend to get territorial.
5. Teach your dog to play nicely When you first bring your dog home, it is your responsibility to teach your dog not to attack others. Use positive reinforcement to reward good behavior. When your dog bites, growls or exhibits other behavior that seems too violent, separate her from the dog he is playing with and put her in time out until she calms down.
6. Teach your dog to come when called If your dog is good at obeying your call to come, you will be able to pull her out of most tense situations before they escalate too much. Start training her how to come and stay when she's still young, and practice often, especially in the company of other dogs.
If you are still not feeling sure about how to stop dog fight, please read this detailed article on dog fights by WWW.PAW-RESCUE.ORG
While we hate that there are people who would abuse animals, the term "bait dogs" is very overused by the well intentioned but misinformed. Unless there are witnesses to the cause of injury, mysterious bite marks on a dog remain an unhappy mystery with an unknown perpetrator. To shout "bait dog!" whenever a dog with bites appears keeps a popular myth alive and may actually be encouraging copycat crimes by offering animal abusers ideas we would rather they didn't have. What's in a name? Well, lots if your name is "bait dog" or "fighting dog". And these labels often determine the fates of the dogs that wear them. Bait dogs are typically thought of as "victims" and "non aggressive" but fighting dogs are all too often viewed as "vicious, trained killers" instead of the abuse victims that they truly are. There are many mistaken beliefs about fighting dogs, and the supposed use of bait dogs to "train" fighting dogs. This article attempts to address some common concerns and misconceptions about fighting dogs, and the "bait dog myth".
What's a "bait dog"? - In a nutshell, according to popular Pit Bull culture, which often includes elements of myth, a "bait dog" is a young, weak, or inexperienced dog - Pit Bull or otherwise, that is used to teach fighting dogs how to fight. The objective is to use a dog that does not fight back and injure the fighting dog, and to help the fighting dog "learn" how to fight, "get a taste for blood" and so on.
What's a "fighting dog"? - For the sake of this article, a fighting dog is one that has been used in the illegal "sport" of dog fighting and has been fought in organized fight conventions or used in informal street fights - any dog that has been purposefully conditioned to fight and then allowed to fight another dog, or dogs confiscated from "fight busts", whether or not they have actually been fought. It is important to note here that dogs coming out of fight busts have not necessarily been fought or even conditioned to fight. Don't assume! Judge the dog's behavior and not his unknown history.
Historically, dog fighters never used "bait dogs". Fighting dogs were not traditionally "trained" to fight, but rather physically and environmentally conditioned to do so. First, they were exercised, running and walking mostly, to build up stamina. Second, they were consistently placed in threatening situations with other dogs that encouraged defensiveness and kicked fight drive into gear, resulting in dog-directed aggression. Remember - fighting behavior is something that ALL dogs can potentially perform. Fighting is defensive behavior, conditioned in the dog through environmental processes. With Pit Bulls, in part this conditioning would occur by means such as: chaining in close range of other dogs, lack of socialization & training, "rolling", etc.
So where'd this idea of using bait dogs come from? Most likely from misinterpretation of old time fighting dog magazines and books that talked about "cat mills" and treadmills, on which some dogs were encouraged to run by use of a small animal in a cage held in front of the dog. Another possibility was a misunderstanding of the process of "rolling" during which a new, young fighting dog would be placed in the pit with an older, seasoned dog in order to teach the young one "the ropes". It's ironic that the true method for conditioning a fighting dog actually involved putting him up against a more experienced dog, not a weaker or non-aggressive dog unlikely to fight back. Rolling was all about allowing the new dog to gain experience and learn to maneuver in the pit against a strong, experienced fighter. Rolls were typically stopped before either dog could get seriously hurt. Lots of rescue organizations seem to be quick to label - if it's cute, beat up, and sweet, the Pit Bull must have been a bait dog... right?
These are all assumptions made carelessly and not based on fact. The histories of many dogs coming into rescue are only known in part or not at all. Just because a rescue places a label on a dog does not mean that label is accurate. Ask for details - often you will find that the details are sorely lacking. Same goes for labeling dogs of unknown history "fighting dogs" when they happen to have a scar or two. Bottom line, if an organization does not know for a fact the dog's history, they should not label the dog! The term "bait dog" in our opinion should never be used, as it sends the wrong message about Pit Bulls in general, and propagates mythology. The "taste of blood" myth goes something like this: once a dog has fought another dog or killed another animal or otherwise had the opportunity to "taste blood", the "taste for blood" will drive him to viciousness towards other dogs and people. Let's get this straight - "tasting" blood won't make your dog vicious, or a good fighter. And no, a dog who fights will not automatically be "vicious" towards people, since dog-directed aggression is completely different than human-directed aggression.
The two behavioral issues are NOT related. ALL dogs can and will fight another dog given the right set of circumstances. In the case of fighting Pit Bulls, you have dogs that were repeatedly put into situations that encouraged and demanded dog-directed aggression. Given a whole other set of circumstances, you might never see dog-directed aggression in a particular dog. This is one reason why ex-fighting Pit Bulls can and DO make wonderful pets and YES can even get along with other dogs when supervised properly - change the circumstances and you change the behavior of the dog! We must drive this point home: dog-directed aggression does NOT equal human-directed aggression: a dog that fights other dogs will NOT necessarily be vicious towards humans. There is another important reason why ex-fighting Pit Bulls can make great pets. Pit Bulls as a breed have NEVER been meant to be aggressive towards people! Pit Bulls were bred to excel in the pit, BUT also be extremely deferential towards humans, and safe to handle EVEN under duress.
Don't dog fighters use "bait dogs" to train fighting dogs?
"Bait dogs" are safe to place in new homes, while fighting dogs are not? As the recent extremely successful rescue and placement of some high profile fighting dogs has shown, ex-pit dogs can and do flourish in kind, knowledgeable, and responsible homes. These dogs are proving that the baggage they come with needn't be carried around for the rest of their lives. In fact, these dogs are showing just how resilient the Pit Bull breed is and how very quickly they bounce back from bad beginnings. The atrocities committed against dogs in the name of "dog fighting" are horrendous. These dogs are victims in the purest sense of the word. Breed is irrelevant in these cases. The dogs are exploited, their innate talents misused to the highest degree imaginable, their true value stifled and ignored. The bottom line is, each dog should be evaluated on his or her own merits โ labels mean nothing, and a label does not determine behavior! Careful evaluation of all dogs entering an adoption program is a must - fighting dog, "bait dog", or just dog โ good dogs come from all walks of life, and their future should not be determined based on a label they have been saddled with. "Bait dogs" and Dog Fighting are Animal Abuse Issues, NOT "Pit Bull Issues"!
This is called PROPAGANDA, anti Pit Bull propaganda.
Any bad behavior can be corrected, but it takes time, commitment, patience, understanding and leadership. Depending on the type of aggression, a professional may be needed. Aggression could be indicating an underlying medical issue, and pain can cause a dog to be aggressive. Aggression is one of the most common behavior problems that we see in dogs, and also one of the most alarming. It's always scary when your dog growls at you over his food bowl, tries to bite a visitor in your home, or barks and lunges at other dogs on walks. Unfortunately, there are a number of commonly-held beliefs about aggressive behavior in dogs that are outdated, misleading, or just plain wrong, this can make things very confusing if you have an aggressive dog and aren't sure what to do! Read on for some surprising facts on what really causes aggression and how to effectively treat it.
MYTH: A "good" dog should never growl or snap! As humans, it's easy for us to assume that our dogs should never be aggressive under any circumstances and if they are, it means something is terribly wrong with the dog. But the truth is, growling, snarling, and snapping are all normal ways for dogs to communicate with each other and settle conflicts. Expecting your dog to never do any of these things, no matter what happens, is a bit like expecting a person to go through life without ever having a single disagreement or argument with someone else โ not very realistic, in either case! Dogs may growl or snap at each other over resources like toys, chew items, or favored resting places, which can be perfectly normal as long as there are no injuries. Sometimes there are also social conflicts between dogs in the same household, which may be resolved by growling or aggressive posturing. It's more concerning when this behavior is directed towards humans, but can still be reasonable and not a sign of a behavior problem under some circumstances, such as if the dog is injured or in pain, or suddenly startled by something.
MYTH: Most dog aggression is caused by dominance It's a common misconception that when dogs are aggressive towards humans, it's because the dog is trying to be "dominant" and needs to be shown who's boss. This idea was originally based on an outdated behavioral model of interactions between captive wolves, and has since been widely discredited. We now know that social status plays virtually no role in human-directed aggression or any other behavior issue that we see in pet dogs. Instead, most aggressive behavior towards humans is motivated by fear or anxiety. Barking, growling, or even biting is your dog's way of trying to defend itself against something scary or uncomfortable, such as being approached by a stranger, getting a nail trim, or having a valued item taken away. Effective treatment for aggression issues is based on teaching the dog to be comfortable in these situations by using positive reinforcement. Confrontational, dominance-based training techniques such as leash corrections and alpha rolls tend to increase the dog's anxiety and make the problem worse.
MYTH: Dogs with aggression issues need more obedience training Many dog owners assume that if their dog is growling or trying to bite, an obedience class is the best option to try and improve this behavior. It might surprise you to know that many dogs with aggression issues are very well-trained and know lots of obedience commands, but it doesn't make any difference in their aggressive behavior at all. This is because aggression has nothing to do with whether your dog knows how to sit, or lie down, or heel on command - it's an emotional problem, not a training issue. Of course, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't train your dog! Obedience training has many benefits, including helping you build a better relationship with your dog and giving the dog structure in its day-to-day routine. But if your dog is acting aggressive towards you, other people, or other dogs, you should be aware that a basic obedience class is not going to solve the underlying problem. An appointment with a veterinary behaviorist for an evaluation and personalized treatment plan would be a much more effective option.
MYTH: Neutering your dog is the best way to treat or prevent aggression Another common misconception is that testosterone fuels aggressive behavior, and therefore neutering male dogs is a good "quick fix" for aggression problems. In fact, studies have shown that neutering has no effect on most types of aggression in dogs, except for certain types of dog-to-dog aggression - male dogs who don't like other intact males. There are many other health and behavioral benefits to neutering, including eliminating the risk of testicular cancer, reduced risk of prostate issues such as cysts, infections, and prostatic enlargement, and a decreased tendency to urine mark and roam in search of females. These are all very valid reasons that many owners choose to neuter, so by all means, if you have a male dog, you should consider it. Just don't expect it to solve your dog's aggression issues, as it probably won't make much difference.
MYTH: Dogs should always be punished for growling or biting Many owners assume that punishment is necessary to deal with aggressive behavior and unfortunately, poorly educated trainers may also perpetuate this myth by recommending harsh techniques like leash corrections, verbal scolding, "alpha rolls", and even the use of shock collars to punish dogs for unwanted displays of aggression. But in fact, studies have repeatedly shown that these methods are ineffective and often make the problem worse. Remember that growling, snapping, and even biting are your dog's way of communicating that it feels anxious or uncomfortable. Punishing dogs for this behavior does nothing to teach them what we want, and tends to increase their frustration and anxiety, which makes things worse over time, and places the trainer or dog owner at risk of being bitten. Instead, effective treatment for aggression uses positive reinforcement and careful management to set the dog up for success.
MYTH: Once a dog has bitten, euthanasia is the only option Sadly, it's a common belief that once a dog has bitten someone, it can never be trusted again. In fact, aggression is often a very treatable problem with professional help, smart management, and a good training plan, many dogs who have bitten people or other dogs in the past can go on to live safe and happy lives. Every case is different, so it's important to consult with a professional for an in-person evaluation if your dog has bitten someone or you have concerns that this might happen. A veterinary behaviorist can help you determine what is causing the aggression, give a realistic prognosis and risk assessment, and put together a detailed treatment plan to address the problem.
Widely accepted categories of aggression include: Defensive fear-related aggression
Possession aggression resource-guarding
Maternal aggression
Territorial aggression
Status-related aggression
Pain-related aggression
Protection aggression
Predatory aggression
Play aggression
Idiopathic aggression
Note - that there is no category for "abuse-related" aggression. Abuse can be one of several causes of fear-related or defensive aggression, but is much less common than the fear-related aggression that results from undersocialization.
What you can do? 1. Spread the word about our $5,000 reward by ordering a free reward action pack, which includes posters, postcards, brochures, and stickers with information about our reward for you to post around your neighborhood. You can also download dogfighting poster [PDF] and print it out.
2. Help take a bite out of dogfighters. Urge your local radio station to run one of our public service announcements (available in English or Spanish) about our standing $5,000 reward for information leading to a conviction of illegal dogfighting.
3. You an also fundraise for local bus ads, billboards, and PSA placements. Fundraising is a great way to get the kids involved: Have them hold a bake sale or car wash.
>4. Do you have friends who offer services or own stores? Have them donate half their proceeds of a weekend towards a fund to advertise our animal fighting reward.
5. Educate the masses (or at least your circle of friends). Order a copy of our educational video, "Life on the Chain, Death in the Ring," and invite your friends over for a viewing party. Pictures are worth a thousand words, and there is no better way to get people motivated to do something than to let them see the problem. Host a party and then split into groups to plaster the city with reward posters.
6. Want to go further? Have an official viewing in a church or other public area (with permission, of course), and advertise the event. What a way to build a local coalition!
7. If you live in a state where dogfighting penalties are deficient, write to your state legislators and urge them to upgrade the law. Wherever you live, urge your local, state, and Congressional representatives to support better funding for enforcement of animal fighting laws.
8. Learn about our grassroots End Dogfighting Campaign and get involved.
11. Write letters to the editor about the cruelty and dangers of dogfighting.
12. Make friends with your sheriff, and bring animal fighting issues to his attenton. Call or visit your local law enforcement office and bring them animal fighting reward posters. Even better, present law enforcement with statements from local animal control or shelter workers regarding the signs they see of animal fighting in the community.
13. Let your sheriff know about The HSUS' day-long training courses for law enforcement on animal fighting, with experts who discuss the signs of animal fighting and how to eradicate it. Once your sheriff is serious about cracking down on dogfighting and cockfighting, word will quickly spread that your town is no safe haven for animal fighters.
14. Post our dogfighting video on your website, blog, or social networking profile like Facebook to raise awareness about dogfighting.
15. If you suspect dogfighting in your own neighborhood, alert local law enforcement. Urge your local officials to contact The HSUS for practical tools, advice, and assistance. The HSUS has a standing reward now doubled to $5,000 for information leading to a conviction of illegal dogfighting.
16. Support stronger laws. Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center to keep up to date on dog fighting legislation in your state.
17. Alert the media! Your local newspaper and television station are always looking for stories, especially investigative ones be sure to contact them about the cruelty and dangers of dog fighting.
18. Call or write your local law enforcement department and let them know that investigating dog fighting cruelty should be a priority. Dog fighting is a CRIME and the police MUST investigate these cases.
19. Keep your eyes and ears open. If you suspect dog fighting in your own neighborhood, contact the police or your local animal control officer. Provide as much information as you can, such as the date and time you noticed something wrong, the address or location, and what led you to believe there was dog fighting taking place.
20. Protect your pets. Dog fighters sometimes steal companion animals to use as bait dogs. Don't let your animals outside without supervision, and make sure they have proper identification tags and are microchipped.
21. Adopt a Pit Bull and let your perfect pooch be an ambassador for the breed! Be sure to read our Pit Bull adoption tips before you start your search.
22. Set a good example for others. If you are already the proud parent of a Pit Bull, be sure to always show them the love and good care that they deserve. And always let others know what great companions they make!
23. Volunteer! If your local shelter is facing a Pit Bull dilemma, volunteer to help keep adoptable Pit Bulls and Pit mixes mentally and physically fit by exercising them or taking them to obedience classes. You can also lead a chew-toy drive at work to collect rawhides or hard rubber playthings to keep them busy, or help create a fundraiser to support a free sterilization program for Pit Bulls in your local shelter.
24.Educate others in your community about the horrors of dog fighting and start a neighborhood watch program.
25. Teach your children. Do your kids have questions about dog fighting? Visit our children's website, ASPCAKids, for information about dog fighting that's written especially for kids.
How to Spot Signs of Dogfighting in Your Community Often hear the dog barking and screaming noices around your neighbourhood
An inordinate number of pit bulls being kept in one location, especially multiple dogs who are chained and seem unsocialized
Dogs with scars on their faces, front legs, and stifle area (hind end and thighs)
Tick or flea infestations. Such a condition, if left untreated by a veterinarian, can lead to an animal's death.
Wounds on the body.
Patches of missing hair.
Extremely thin, starving animals.
An owner striking or otherwise physically abusing an animal.
Dogs who are repeatedly left alone without food and water, often chained up in a yard.
Dogs who have been hit by cars or are showing any of the signs listed above and have not been taken to a veterinarian.
Dogs who are kept outside without shelter in extreme weather conditions.
Animals who cower in fear or act aggressively when approached by their owners.
Dogfighting training equipment such as treadmills used to build dogs' endurance, "break sticks" used to pry apart the jaws of dogs locked in battle, tires or "springpoles" - usually a large spring with rope attached to either end, hanging from tree limbs, or unusual foot traffic coming and going from a location at odd hours
DOG FIGHT F.A.Q This article is proudly presented by WWW.ASPCA.ORG
Where Does Dog Fighting Happen?
There Are International Networks
Breeds Used In Fights
Why Are These Breeds Used In Fights?
Why Do Dogs Fight If They Do Not Want To?
The Breeds' Loyalty & Eagerness To Please Makes Them Perfect Victims
How Are Dogs Made In To Fighting Dogs?
This Abuse Leads To Victimisation Of Whole Breeds
What Happens To Dogs If They Lose Fights?
Torture Is Purposely Prolonged & Painful
His Legs, Nose, Mouth,Tail & Ears Hacked Off For Losing Fight
Their Chances Of Being Adopted Are Low
Emotional Trauma Of Fighting Dogs
Do Breeds Used In Fights Feel Less Pain?
What Is A Bait Dog
Where Are Bait Dogs Obtained From?
How Can I Protect My Pets From Becoming Bait Animals
Why Do People Enjoy Such A Cruel Activity
What Kind Of People Are Involved?
When and How Did Dog Fighting Come to America? Where Did These Animals Come From?
How Has the ASPCA Combated Dog Fighting Through the Years?
How Does the ASPCA Combat Dog Fighting Today?
Are There Different Levels of Dog Fighting?
How Widespread is Dog Fighting in America?
Is Dog Fighting More Prevalent in One Part of the Country?
What Types of People Are Involved in Dog Fighting?
What Other Crimes Are Associated With Dog Fighting?
Why Do People Get Involved In Dog Fighting?
What Dogs Are Used In Dog Fighting?
Does This Mean the Pit Bull Is Unsuitable As a Family Pet?
Can All Dogs Be Trained to Fight?
Where Do the Dogs Who Are Used In Dog Fights Come From?
How Are Fighting Dogs Raised and Trained?
Why Do Fighting Dogs Have Their Ears Cropped and Tails Docked?
What Goes On In a Dog Fight?
How Long Do Dog Fights Last?
What Happens to the Losing Dog?
What Are the Laws Related to Dog Fighting?
What Happens to Dogs Who Are Seized From Dog Fight Operations? Can They Be Rehabilitated?
Dog Fighting Is So Widespread, Why More Cases doesn't appear to light?
What Can Communities Do to Combat Dog Fighting?
What Can Citizens Do?
How Prevalent Is Dog Fighting in New York City?
Does the ASPCA Animal Hospital See Many Dogs Who Have Incurred Injuries As a Result of Dog Fighting? What Kind of Injuries Do These Dogs Most Often Show?
DOG FIGHT in AFGHANISTAN This article is proudly presented by WWW.TIME.COM and Photographs by Lorenzo Tugnoli
In the winter months, the brutal sport has made a comeback since the Taliban's ouster. Banned under the Taliban as un-Islamic, dog fighting has experienced a resurgence around Afghanistan.
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