Dog Driving a Car Video! Best 24 Dog Car Barriers Dog Car & Vehicle Travel Accessories How to Secure your Dog in Car? Dog-Friendly Road Trip Planner 7 Ways to Secure Your Dog in Car How should you Transport your Dog in the Car? Dog Car Accident First Help! What is the Best Car for Dogs? Where should a Dog sit in the Car? How long does it take for a Dog to Overheat in a Car? Buy Dog Car Travel Accessories & Protectors: Barriers, Crates, Harnesses, Cages, Kennels, Belts Dog in Car Tips, Videos, Pictures, Images Backseat & Front Dog Travel Safety Dog Car Vehicle Booster Seat 10 Car Safety Items for Your Dog How to Travel by Car with Dog Best Gear for Dog Car Trips Is it Ok to Leave your Dog in Car? Dog Travel Safety & Instructions The Ultimate Dog Traveling Guide Dog Trip Accessories, Seats, Belts Hammock, Net & Cage Dog Car Barriers Dog Car Seat Cover Buying Guide Dog Car Travel Seat Belt DIY Homemade Dog Truck Ramp Dog & Puppy Transportation Dogs Die In Locked Cars! Dog Car Restraints Best Dog Car Barriers Dogs in Cars (Photo) Dogs in Cars (Video) Dog Car Harness Dog Drives Car Dog Car Bed Cover Travel Dog Bed Dog Campers
You have heard of it, you knew it affected people, and you were even vaguely aware that it could affect your pet. But how does it happen? And most important, how can you help your pet avoid it? Heatstroke is a deadly disease that can kill your beloved companion, even with emergency treatment. The best way to avoid this terrible situation is prevention, and it's all up to you.
Does your dog adore a car ride? Maybe he rides shotgun, or loves to hang his head out the rear window scenting the breeze. Or maybe he just sacks out in the luggage well behind the rear seat and snoozes the trip away.
If that describes your dog, honey, you have been gonged. I don't care whether you are driving I-80 from start to finish or going half a mile to the dog park. Your dog and you are in unnecessary danger the second you turn that ignition key, and this week's article is your wake-up call.
WATCH DOG VIDEO !!! Dogs and Car Safety None of us would ever dream of letting an infant or child ride in a car without appropriate safety restraints, but I can't tell you how many times I've seen friends of mine carefully strap in their kids and then let Zippy the dog ride loose. Let me be blunt, here: If you have a thirty-mile-an-hour collision, your twenty-five-pound dog is going to turn into a projectile just the way your twenty-five-pound toddler would.
One woman I know drove into a ditch with her three small dogs loose in the car - two were killed outright. The third ran away and disappeared forever. A friend, a dog trainer yet, got T-boned a few years ago. Her dogs were loose. One was trapped in the crushed car with her, which I guess is a good thing. The other one escaped out a broken window and was found, injured but alive, after a week. Am I making my point? Wait, there's more.
A loose dog in the front passenger seat may be killed by the airbag. An injured or frightened dog who's loose may interfere with emergency personnel, or even bite them. A scared, disoriented dog may survive the crash only to be hit by a passing car.
Are The Barrier Devices Safe for Your Dog?
I mentioned "appropriate restraint," but what is appropriate restraint? First of all, forget those metal or mesh barriers that you can put up between the front and back seats or between the backseat and the cargo area. They keep your dog from climbing in your lap and spoiling your view of the road, and that's better than nothing. But Zippy will still turn into a Ping-Pong ball on impact in a crash and can escape through a broken window or smashed-in door. And don't even start me on those cute plush booster seats that let your Yorkie see out the window but don't strap him in. Now he can go flying around the passenger compartment from a launchpad a foot higher up than he otherwise would have been. Whoopee.
How Can You Best Protect Your Dog in the Car? What's left are crates and harness-style restraints. I've always assumed, like most people, that crates are the best choice, but as I researched this article I began to have my doubts. I couldn't find any online reports of crash testing for travel kennels. I checked the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration websites. Nada. I phoned the two agencies. Each referred me to the other. I searched the archives of Consumer Reports. No tests of travel kennels, at least not in the last decade. I called the most famous manufacturer of travel crates; a nice man in the marketing department told me they got lots of thank you letters from customers. But had they done any formal crash testing? I asked. The nice man took my contact information and said he'd ask the folks in Engineering. I haven't heard back.
Do Dog Harness-Type Restraints Work in the Car? And I did find several crash test videos online. Just to reassure you, they all used stuffed animals. The clearest and most detailed were in German, which I don't speak, and were made by a manufacturer of harness-type restraints, so the testers had an interest in the outcome. That having been said, the videos are both troubling and informative. In one test, which appears from different angles in a couple of the videos, an ordinary travel kennel that's seatbelted in essentially explodes on impact at 72 kilometers, just under 45 miles, per hour. The stuffed cat ricochets around the passenger compartment and finally lands on the edge of the back passenger seat in a way that will remind you of a certain scene in Million Dollar Baby. The stuffed Husky harnessed next to the cat likewise flies forward into the air between the two front seats and then bounces back and up and around. At several points his body flexes in ways that suggest a real dog would be breaking bones. The video then shows the same accident but with the stuffed Husky wearing the company's safety harness. Let's just say it looked a lot more survivable.
WATCH DOG VIDEO !!! How to Choose a Safety Harness for Your Dog None of us would ever dream of letting an infant or child ride in a car without appropriate safety restraints; protect your dog the same way. I won't recommend specific brands here. But after repeatedly watching the crash test video and studying pictures of the harness, I believe I have identified the features that you should be looking for when you shop. Just bear in mind, please, that this is me applying my common sense and observational skills. I would be much happier to turn this question over to actual engineering experts employed by an independent testing agency.
Look for broad, thickly padded straps, especially the strap running down the center of the dog's chest. The broad straps will distribute the force of the impact as widely as possible, and the padding will cushion the dog's chest wall and hopefully prevent or at least minimize crushing. I'd like to see the harness fasteners constructed like those on actual car seatbelts, which obviously have been tested for crashworthiness. Same goes for the tether between the harness and the seatbelt buckle.
And, finally, that tether should be short. That struck me as especially important. Think of how a dog who's got the full six feet of leash to play with can lunge harder than he could if you were holding the leash at a point a foot from his collar. Similarly, a dog who's sent flying forward in a crash will build up more momentum if her harness tether is three feet long than she will if it's half that length. That difference in impact could make a difference in the degree of injury. It might also mean the difference between the fastener's remaining intact or bursting apart and launching your dog into the windshield. Finally, please tell me that I didn't need to tell you that the tether should fasten at the dog's back, not at her neck.
How to Choose a Sturdy Dog Crate for the Car On the whole, I now suspect that a well-made, properly fastened harness is safer than a crate. But plenty of dogs are more at ease traveling in crates, and as for those cats I just know are out there, they pretty much have to travel in crates. In the videos that showed a plastic crate flying apart, the crate was fastened to the seat by a single seatbelt strap. The crate was also set so its long axis was perpendicular to the back of the seat. Plastic, of course, is fairly brittle. With the force of the crash brought to bear on just one narrow section of the crate, it's no wonder the crate broke down. Buy the sturdiest crate you can. Place it in the car with the long side against the seat back, then secure it not only with the seatbelt but also with a couple of wide, heavy-duty luggage straps. You might have a mechanic install anchors for these.
More Car and Dog Safety Tips Phew! After all that drama, a few less thrill-packed pointers. Don't let your carefully harnessed dog hang his head out the car window: dust and debris can fly into his eyes and nose. We are often advised not to leave our dogs alone in the car at all, but what are you going to do if you need a restroom and the building doesn't allow dogs? My answer is to park in the shade if there is any, leave the car windows open, and move fast. Heat builds up in a closed car with unbelievable speed, even when the outside temperature is fairly mild. Take breaks often - it will do both you and your dog good to stretch your legs. And I can't resist one piece of nondoggy advice: Please don't talk on the phone, even with a hands-free device, and please don't text. Study after study has shown that drivers who talk or text are just as impaired as drivers who are drunk. Your dog needs you to take care of her, so bring yourself home safe.
7 WAYS TO SECURE YOUR DOG IN CAR This article proudly presented by WWW.THEBARK.COM
Your dog is a member of your family, and it can be fun and convenient to take him with you when you hit the road. Unfortunately, without careful preparation, you may be putting him in danger. What can you do to ensure pooch has a safe journey? Perhaps the best solution is a doggy seat belt. Most cars werenโt designed with dogs in mind, so your regular seat belt won't fit him. Buy the right car dog harness, though, and you can keep any sized dog safely strapped up in the back of your car. This should also ensure he does not go poking his head out the window. We all know how much dogs love to feel the breeze through their fur, but it is actually pretty dangerous. He could get struck by a flying object, or even jump out.
1. Start small. Don't let your dog's early trips be long if you think he's uncomfortable. Start slowly, simply sitting in the car and giving your dog some high value treats. Don't even start the car! Little by little, increase the exposure to the car, closing the doors, starting the car, and, eventually, backing out of the driveway. If your dog seems uneasy, take a step back and continue to reward and share quiet, calm time with your dog until he's ready to move on to the next step.
2. Enjoy short excursions. Brief excursions to a fun place the drive through window for a snack to share or the bank drive-in window-can be a great way to make your dog realize that car trips can be fun.
3. Only include your dog on trips you enjoy. Let's face it: not all car travel is fun for us. And, if it's not fun for us, it won't be fun for our dogs. If you are tense, your dog will be tense. Save the doggie car trips, at least the early ones, for trips you are excited about taking.
4. Make the car a happy place. You don't have to have a full-blown case of road rage to create a tense atmosphere in the car one that your dog will pick up on before you yourself realize your irritation. Be calm and cool in the car.
5. Include comforts but don't sacrifice safety. Make your dog comfortable and happy in the car with a plush toy, a soft blanket, or a crate mat, but don't sacrifice safety. As much as your dog might enjoy riding with his head out the car window, please don't allow him to do it due to danger to his eyes from projectiles. Even an insect wing embedded in his eye will cause damage. Our dogs are harnessed and buckled in the car at all times but have their memory foam pads to stretch out on and a plush toy for fun!
6. Share super treats. Road food can be good food! Bring along great treats to reward good behavior and to keep your dog busy. Irie loves Nutrish Soup Bones for car trips and to chew in hotel rooms or at our destination.
7. Teach your dog travel words. Teach your dog travel words such as "car trip" to let them know you are ready to go off on an adventure!
8. Give your dog a cue that means fun's ahead. We use our Kurgo harnesses for fun car travel but, if we are taking the dogs to the vet, we use a different harness. When Irie sees her good harness come out, she jumps up off the couch and she's ready to roll!
9. Stop frequently. Just as if you were traveling with a small child, plan on making more frequent stops. Not only will it make your dog happier but stopping and stretching will make you a better driver. You will also discover the fun that even the simplest stops can bring.
10. Never leave your dog alone in the car. You are bringing your dog along to travel with you so, please, plan your trip accordingly. Don't leave your dog alone in the car. Temperatures can soar in a closed car even when it is not that hot - if you plan to leave the car running, consider that engines and air conditioners fail and such failures could cost your dog his life. Even in temperate weather, leaving your dog unattended in the car can make your dog anxious, and you are also leaving him vulnerable to thieves.
11. Dog MUST have enough air in the car for breathing. It could be an A/C produced air - less good, but better than nothing! or a nature wind, which enters by the way of open windows.. lack of the air discomforts dogs a lot! Except that, dog can go overtemperatured and get a hot, which is pretty dangerous
12. Lunging is dangerous when it comes to road safety because your dog could lunge into traffic, perhaps even pulling you along with them. Your dog may lunge when they see something particularly exciting, like another dog, cat, or other animal. A dog may also lunge when they see someone they know, or they get closer to the dog park. Because lunging is usually the result of an over-excited dog, there are a few ways to go about limiting the behaviour. First, make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise, so that they donโt have pent-up energy. Another way to phase out the lunging behaviour is through exposure. If, for instance, your dog lunges to get to their favourite tree, you can follow these simple steps:
Notice when your dog sees the target and starts to get excited
Have the dog sit calmly for a few seconds before giving the treat
Start walking towards the target again
The moment that the excitement turns to pulling behaviour, turn around and walk away from the target
Try again, getting closer and closer to the target during each attempt - this will likely take place over a few training sessions
When your dog remains calm until you have almost reached the target, have them sit calmly for 10 seconds before giving the treat. Allow them to approach the target completely, with plenty of praise
Although this may not seem helpful, the training will carry over to other situations, too. If you see a cat on the sidewalk ahead, for instance, have your dog sit and wait. Once the cat has moved on or your pooch is calm enough to continue, you can proceed with your journey. Eventually, your dog will look to you before lunging after exciting things. Even off-leash, this training will encourage your dog to think twice before chasing after something. This is great if your dog is sometimes off-leash in a backyard. Just be patient โ this training process is going to be longer than teaching them to sit at the crosswalk.
13. Finally, dogs simply adore to check out what is going on around and forward, during their car trip. So, make them happy - provide them a nice point of view all around the car and let them to see what they feel like. Do not close car's windows with any covers or blinds. This will make your dog bored and fall asleep in a time.
BEST 24 DOG CAR BARRIERS This article is proudly presented by WWW.PETLIFETODAY.COM and Jenny Jarvis
As the years go on, the world is becoming more and more pet friendly. Of course, a lot of that depends on your are, some are more pet accessible than others, but gone are the days of only taking your pup to the vet. Besides dog parks and walking your puppers around for exercise, you will probably find that taking your dog with you for even your every day errands is easier than it ever has been. The more you take your dog places, though, the more you will realize all the risks that come into play with your dog in your car. To keep both him and you safe, you may find a car barrier is an absolute must for you. If you are on the road with your pet often, check out our lists of the best dog car harnesses, the best dog seat belts, and the best dog travel crates as well to find the perfect solution for your pet. We reviewed dozens of dog car barriers to identify the best of the best. We looked at temporary installed barriers and for the dog that goes everyone, ones that can be more permanent fixtures. We picked the best soft mesh barriers and the best heavy duty installs for your bigger or more enthusiastic dogs, too.
Who Should Buy a Dog Car Barrier? If you have ever had a dog jump into the front seat while you are driving, you know exactly why dog owners need a car barrier. If you don't confine your dog to a crate while travelling in the car, a barrier is a necessity for all dog owners. Even a well-behaved dog will want to be close to you, so a barrier will take away the need for any of the training for you. And, should your less than well-behaved dog be resistant to break this habit, the barrier takes away the constant fighting with your fur baby. He may whine still, but you won't have to actively fight him, and that's a win.
Not only is the barrier necessary to prevent your struggle to avoid annoyance, it's necessary for both your and his safety. Keeping him in the back without a barrier will allow you to become distracted and less likely to respond to the surprises on the road. Tossing a little pup back into the back seat or wrestling your bigger dogs while driving isn't safe for anyone, so avoiding it before it happens is definitely preferable. And, should the worst happen and you be involved in a car accident, the barrier can keep your pup from being thrown into the front of the vehicle, or worse, through the window.
Important Features to Consider A dog car barrier should do several things well. Here is what to consider when selecting a car barrier for your dog:
Seat protection. - This is a feature that will make the barrier pull double duty. Not only will a barrier that has a "bottom" of sorts allow you to place your pup in without worrying about dog hair, you will also be able to look for barriers that are waterproof. That way you will be able to provide your pup with a little bit of water on long road trips and not stress too much about how destroyed the seats will be after. And even taking that aside, any car anxiety or sickness or just simple slobber) will be an easy clean up with a removable and full-cover car barrier.
Universal fit. - Not only will an adjustable barrier help you fit whatever type of vehicle you own, it will likely make it portable. So you will be able to take your pup in any car you own or will own. While you are picking out a universal barrier, make sure you are picking one that won't damage your car while installed. That means rubber feet if it expands and straps that are wide to secure it without digging into whatever base to which you are tying it.
Scratch and tear resistance. - No matter what type of car barrier you get for your dog, you will want to keep in mind that putting a dog in a car often makes them anxious or excited. And excited and anxious dogs tend to scratch and maybe even chew. You will want a barrier that is durable enough to withstand your pup, at least until you can get him used to his surroundings.
Location, location, location. - You will need to keep in mind that location of your dog matters when you choose your barrier. If you plan on keeping your dog in the backseat, then a simple barrier to keep your pup from hopping into the front could be all you need. For those dogs who go in the back compartment of your SUVs or vans, you will need to invest in a different type of barrier that goes along the entire length of the backseat to protect the riders from a jumpy puppy. Even barriers that are a universal fit for all cars are not necessarily "universal" within those cars.
Soft vs. hard. - A soft barrier is one that will likely be easily and quickly installed by just a few quick loops or ties to secure it to your car. It is an easy set up and tear down and will likely have a mesh or small rope construction that won't let even your smallest pups through. In all probability, even last-minute, heavy-braking won't tear down the soft barriers should you have little dogs. Nor will it tear down if your bigger pup is restrained with a safety belt. Hard, heavy-duty barriers are really only for larger dogs who aren't restrained in any other way. They are typically made of wire, bars, tubing or grates and are considered a more long-term install. You can still remove them in most cases, without any permanent effects to your vehicle, but you won't want to switch this kind back and forth between family vehicles frequently. They are commonly installed by suspension or bungee cords or straps. These barriers are only as good as their install, so you will need to make sure that you are securely tightening it down so that it won't wiggle at all. Remember if it wiggles for you, then it will wiggle for your pup, and that means he may scratch and dig at it to try to get to you. And in the event of an accident, that wiggle may be just enough to allow the dog's weight to crumble the installation.
Nonslip. - You will always want to have your dog travel on a nonslip surface to prevent injuries. This may not apply to all types of purchases with car barriers but even if it doesn't you will still want to consider taking precautions. And for the heavy duty, cage-like barriers, that will probably just mean making sure the back of your vehicle is coated in something that will help your dog get his footing while you brake.
Get the right fit. - Size and type of barrier will need to be determined by what kind of vehicle and what kind of dog you have. Of course, you will need to make sure the barrier fits your car as well as it can and that it isn't going anywhere. Some manufacturers offer a factory installed pet carriers for the cargo area so you will be sure to get a perfect fit, but that's not common โ or cheap. And even the best fit of barrier won't matter if you have a dog that won't fit it. A heavy duty cargo carrier that can hold back even the most mischievous dogs won't do anything for a little dog that can fit through the bars. Likewise, if you have a well-behaved dog that happens to be a very large dog, it still won't matter how well the barrier fits the car if it can't hold up to his weight being pushed into it, should you stop suddenly.
Meet the Acelitor Acrabros Deluxe Dog Car Seat Hammock, the best dog barrier you can buy for your vehicle. It's the perfect dog car barrier for an installation that can be long term and versatile. It is particularly practical if you are planning on taking your pup with you frequently, but also have passengers you want to keep transporting. You can convert the hammock-style barrier into a simple car seat cover by releasing and folding the front panel and loop it in place draping the back bench. Once you do so, it will no longer act as a barrier, but will still protect your seats when your kids are on board. In fact, if you have kids and dogs, this is an ideal set up for you. The hammock-style will secure to the driver and passenger seat headrests, along with the headrests of the the back seat with latches, making sure the hammock isn't going anywhere. The fabric of this hammock is waterproof and contains a stain block that will help make clean up a piece of cake. The backing of the material has a nonslip rubber grip and the quilted construction is lined with thick and soft Polytech fill, so your dog will be ultra comfortable. And even if he's a scratching dog, the Ripstop lining will keep him from tearing through. This double duty dog car barrier and seat cover will keep your pup out of the front seat and create a safe haven of space that is all his own.
The NAC&ZAC Hammock Pet Car Seat Cover will wrap from the back of your front seats to the front of your backseats nestling your dog into a comfortable zone that is purely his. And we are big fans of anything that make our pups feel less panicked. A panicked dog is zero fun to take on a road trip. On the bright side, though - even if he still is panicked, at least he is not jumping up into your lap because of this barrier. This hammock-style will protect your seats from your dog's hair and scratching but that's not all it will do. Should your dog be one that drools up a storm or worse, pees when he gets nervous, you will especially appreciate the waterproof fabric that will keep your seats protected from more than just the usual. And while we may need to understand that accidents sometimes happen, that doesn't mean we have to suffer as badly as we may have in the past. Clean up will be much easier for any accidents had within this barrier.
3. AMEIQ 3 Layer Car Mesh Organizer Net Barrier The AMEIQ 3 Layer Car Mesh Organizer Net Barrier is big on multipurpose. Not only will the mesh act as a barrier between your pup and the front seat, it gives a pouch for you to use, as well. The barrier has so many other functions that you won't need to worry about any wasted space. You'll find yourself using this organizer even when your pup isn't with you. You can, of course use the pouch for your pups possessions, but you can also use it for your own. You can face it toward or backward, making it for you or for those in the backseat - your dog or others. In fact, the leather box option could be perfect to pop a few treats or a bit of dry food in for a longer road trip. The mesh is made of an inelastic, high quality nylon so you won't need to worry about it giving too much if pushed. The top secures with a metal alloy carabiner that secures to the head rest of each of the front seats and the bottom corners each secures to the bottom of those same seats with the same metal alloy hook.
4. Doggie World Dog Car Seat Cover Hammock The Doggie World Dog Car Seat Cover Hammock will confine your pup to the backseat and give him an area that is all his. And for the times you aren't taking your furry friend along with you, you can lower the barrier portion of this hammock and use it strictly as a seat cover, as well. That means that no matter the concern muddy paws, or goldfish crumbs, your backseat will be protected. It also has extra side flaps that will protect the sides of the seats, anchors to keep it in place and a non slip backing to prevent your dog from sliding all over. The straps that secure the barrier and cover are reinforced at the seam and they latch together around the headrest of all four front and back seats. So you won't need to worry about your pup tearing or pulling it down. The fabric is a waterproof construction that will keep your seats clean and when the barrier catches a mess, cleaning it is a piece of cake it's completely machine washable.
5. Petego K9 Guard Universal Pet Safety Barrier The Petego K9 Guard Universal Pet Safety Barrier will fit nearly any vehicle you can imagine. It has three bars that will adjust and expand, fitting the car snugly and securing there via suspension, to prevent your dog from readjusting the size himself. The bottom of the grate also includes a rail that will loop onto a rod of your car's backseat headrest, securing it even further and making sure the barrier isn't going to cave under the pressure of your enthusiastic dog. We especially like the idea of this barrier should you have multiple dogs that need to be separated so as to prevent fighting. Even if their play fighting at home is acceptable because dogs do tend to play, you shouldn't have that in your backseat distracting you from your drive. Popping one in the backseat and one in the cargo area is a great way to make sure your pups don't add to any risk to your driving. And should you have a cat who excites the dog, but couldn't care less about him as long as he keeps his distance, keeping the cat in the backseat and your dog in the cargo area may make your trip all the smoother.
6. Baileys Premium Pet Car Seat Cover and Hammock This hammock will keep your dog in the backseat and give you two pockets to neatly store his gear. Key Features: Stores and transfers easily, Universal fit, Nonslip backing to keep your pup safe.
7. BarkinBuddy Dog Seat Cover for Back Seat If you want to give your dog a bit more freedom, you can recline of fold down a back seat and still keep this barrier installed. Key Features: Universal fit, Vacuum or machine wash, Reinforced buckle, seams and zippers
8. Kurgo Backseat Reversible Dog Bridge Car Extender If you just need a small barrier to give your dog support and keep him from falling in between the seats while discouraging him from getting into the front, this barrier is worth a look. Key Features: 16D x 52W x 1'H, Max weight capacity of 100 lbs, Lifetime warranty
9. Lucys Car seat Cover for Dog Pets This quilted hammock-style barrier comes with a bonus roller that will keep your car from collecting too much dog hair. Key Features: Nonslip backing, Waterproof fabric, Free hair roller included
10. Meadowlark Dog Seat Covers Along with this seat cover and dog barrier, you will also receive a leash that will let you secure your pup to his seat. Key Features: Includes dog seat belt and 2 headrest covers, 54W x 58L, 100% money back guarantee
11. Transpawt Luxury Dog Car Seat Covers Hammock With a hammock-style barrier like this one, you can remove it and put it back in, making it ideal for your dog who only travels occasionally. Key Features: 57L x 55W, Includes two 8" side seat protectors and 2 dog seat belts, Waterproof and rip resistant
12. AUTOWN Car Dog Barrier Car Seat Net Organizer This barrier is so low-impact on your drive, that leaving it in, even when your dog isn't riding along, won't bother you at all. Key Features: 4 easy to install hooks for nearly universal fit, 18.3"H x 9.3"W, Elastic high intensity polyester fiber material
13. Bushwhacker Paws n Claws Cargo Area Dog Barrier for SUV This is a bit of a hybrid - giving you the best of both worlds: the stability of a heavy duty barrier and the complete coverage of a mesh barrier. Key Features: Tethers securely to car seat tether, Scratch and tear resistant mesh, 47"W x 21"H
14. Coleman Pet Car Barrier This is a compact way to keep the back and front seats separate and your pup from intruding in your driving space. Key Features: 47"W x 21"H, Folds up for easy storage, Wipe clean
15. KALASONEER Dog Car Barrier This lightweight and ultra portable mesh barrier with go with you from car to car and give you a couple pockets to make sure the space isn't wasted. Key Features: 2 aluminum alloy hooks and 2 nickle plated steel hooks, 12.5"H x 13.1"W, Made with high quality elastic and nylon construction
16. ONSON Car Dog Barrier This full panel mesh barrier can be adjusted to your dog's height and your preference, making it a good choice for virtually any dog or any car. Key Features: 45"W x 24"H, Anti-aging material with bungee cords and strong metal hooks, Universal fit
17. PETFECT Dog Car Back Seat Barrier You can use this barrier without blocking any of the air your pup needs to enjoy his road trip. Key Features: Upper eye contact net, lower venting net, 3 color choices, Wipe clean or toss in washing machine
18. SCENEREAL Pet Dog Net Car Barriers Affix this nearly square barrier however you would like to make sure your furry friend stays out of your drive zone. Key Features: 33.86" x 32.68", Universal fit, Mesh net and Oxford cloth with 2 convenient pockets
19. The Pet Net Plus Barrier for Dogs This net comes with the extra durability of a hard frame that will secure it in place, no matter how stubbornly your pup pushes. Key Features: Mesh with supporting frame, 3 sizes available, No permanent hardware and no tools needed for install
20. Arf Pets Dog Front Seat Barrier for Cars & SUV This is a great heavy-duty deterrent for your pup to stay in the back and away from the steering wheel. Key Features: No tools required, easy assembly, Straps with hooks and buckles secure to front seat, 1-year warranty
21. Jumble Pet Dog Barrier for Vehicles Adjust the size of this barrier to fit your van, car or SUV and you won't need to worry about your dog venturing where he ought not go ever again. Key Features: Hooks and tightens to headrests, 16.5"H x 35.5"W, Lifetime warranty
22. LITTLE GIANT Pet Lodge Two Way Adjustable Auto Pet Barrier You can make this barrier wider, or more narrow and adjust the height to your vehicle and your specific preferences with ease. Key Features: Adjusts 39" to 79" wide and 32" to 52" tall, Heavy duty foam protects vehicle ceiling, Secures via suspension
23. PUPTECK Dog Barrier for SUV Cars You will also get a reflective seat belt for your pup with this durable car barrier. Key Features: Hooks and secures to headrests, 35.5"W x 16"H, Steel wire frame
24. Travall Guard for Subaru Outback Pet Barrier This is a great option to make sure he stays in car jail if your dog has a tendency to be naughty. Key Features: Specifically for Subaru Outbacks 2014 - current, 15-minute install, Secures via tethers and suspension
Are you a one of those travellers who want to fulfil their wanderlust but not leave their pets back at home? Moreover, do you want to have a memorable road trip along with your pets without causing any inconvenience to them? Yes, pets, like small children, require a great deal of caring and sometimes pampering during such journeys. You really need to take care of certain things such as your pet's food, medicines, etc before you take off!
Making a checklist of such comforts for your pet is definitely a good idea before carrying out any travel activity. So, while planning a trip, the below list of essential items to carry, will come in handy. The list can be endless but the above mentioned things are good enough to ensure a cheerful outing for you and your beloved pets. Of course, the list is customizable as per your and your dog's preferences and needs. But, these are some basic things that need special attention while going out.
1.Leash and collar It is the first and foremost item on the list. There is nothing more intriguing than the lure of new and unique smells and your dog is bound to go exploring when you stop for those bathroom breaks. A leash and collar will help keep them by your side.
2. First aid kit The first aid kit is a must in order to be prepared to deal with any kind of emergency that poses an immediate risk to the health or life of your pet. There are various kits available for dogs in the market. Also, pack particular medications, for instance, car sickness meds, if required. Don't forget to take medical records along with you.
3. Food and water Make sure you pack adequate quantities of your dog's favorite food and enough water.
4. Cushions and Bed After reaching the destination, your friend would like to have a peaceful sleep and rest its paws after a tiresome journey. Cosy cushion and bedding would be a welcome!
5. Contact of Veterinarian doctors In case of an emergency, the location and other details of veterinary doctors along the route and at the destination will provide a sense of security and relief.
6. Other accessories Don't forget to carry toiletries such as cleaning supplies, brush, and a poop bag.
7. Toys There is no doubt that dogs love toys, be it an old sock, a plastic bone, your shoes and especially that favourite ball which they like to play fetch with.
8. Long-lasting chews A long-lasting chew can help keep your dog busy for hours, so you don't have to worry about keeping your dog entertained.
9. Check the hotel reservations Last but not the least, do a thorough check before booking hotels, on whether proper facilities are available for your dogs.
DOG-FRIENDLY ROAD TRIP PLANNER This article is proudly presented by WWW.CARRENTALS.COM
If you are planning to cover some miles on the road this year, chances are you have thought about bringing along your four-legged best friend. As a dog owner, you know that planning a road trip with Fido can take a bit of forethought: how they handle being in the car, where you will stop for potty breaks and what sites are dog-friendly are all aspects that need to be considered if you both want to have a good time. Maybe you and your pup are new to the road trip scene and still have a bit of practice to go before you can set out on a long adventure. Best of all, you can filter these road trips based on how your dog handles being on the road. We know that some dogs are expert co-pilots while others are still working on it, so this collection of trips is also split up by duration:
Short trips - one to four hours
Long trips - six hours or more
Of course, this is not an exhaustive list, but these routes are a great way to start planning your adventures for the year ahead. Because there are numerous resources that focus specifically on pet-friendly hotels, we decided to stick to what we know best - mapping out road trip routes and attractions that are bound to show you and your pup a good time. If you need more information on where you and your fur child can rest, we suggest checking out sites like Bring Fido.
When you are planning a trip, you have dozens of details to worry about. If you add a pet to the mix, those details may begin to feel overwhelming. Whether you are traveling for pleasure or moving to a new place, that does not mean you have to leave your dog behind. Here are some tips to show you how to keep yourself and your pet calm and comfortable, no matter what distance or mode you travel. This information will help you and your dog navigate every phase of the journey, from planning and packing to boarding and feeding.
Prepare for Your Journey Pre-travel preparation is one of the most important parts of successfully traveling with or without a pet. By making the right plans, you can save yourself and your pet much discomfort or even trouble. Here are some key things you should do before you set out:
Rehearse With Your Pet: If your pet has never been on a long journey before, get them ready by taking them on short drives and then increase the time gradually. Be sure to put them in their crate every time, so they get used to it faster. Take a walk around the airline terminal or station to get them familiar with the smells and sounds. Reward your dog for good behavior and talk reassuringly to them.
Take a Relaxing Walk Before Boarding: It helps to let your pet walk or run around before boarding the plane, bus, boat, or train. See if there are any areas outside of the airport or station for a quick round of exercise. This will help both you and your pet expend excess energy and be more tired during the flight, which will make for a peaceful journey.
Buy the Right Crate or Carrier: If you are buying a shipping crate for your dog, be sure it is IATA approved. Any crate or carrier should be large enough for your pet to sit, stand, and turn around in with ease. It should be secure enough not to slip around when the vehicle or plane moves or stops.
Prepare the Crate for Comfort: Line it with absorbent bedding, like shredded bits of paper or cloth. Before you leave, freeze a small bowl of water, which will melt when your pet gets thirsty and won't spill during loading time. Close the crate securely but never lock it, so it can be opened for feeding or emergencies. Attach a bag of dry food or seed to the outside of the carrier or crate, so your pet can be fed during a long trip or layover. Last but not least, be sure to attach your dog's identification to the crate to avoid misplacing them.
No Crate, No Problem: If you don't plan to use a crate in the car, be sure your pet rides safely with its head inside the window at all times. Keep pets in the back seat in a harness you can attach directly to the seat belt buckle.
Research the Dog Rules of Your Destination If you are traveling internationally or even between states, check the requirements of your destination country, city, town, or state. The rules and laws may be different from your state or country of origin. Many countries and states have specific health, vaccination, and quarantine regulations. You can verify these rules by visiting the official embassy website of the country. More countries are starting to require pets to have a microchip implant, which is an effective way to find your pet if it gets lost or runs away. Ask your pet care specialist about getting one for your dog - they are inexpensive and could save you a lot of heartaches!
Contact A Specialist Pet Relocation Company Just as a pet owner should go to a vet for specialist veterinary advice, or to a relocation company to move their furniture, pet owners should contact a specialist Pet Relocation Company for all the peculiar requirements for the destination, route, crating, air carriers, transit stops etc. that will be required. Every country and every carrier is different and the rules are inclined to change at any time. This Association IPATA (International Pet and Animal Transportation Association ) has specialist members throughout the world.
Learn About Your Airline's Pet Policy Just like different countries have different rules, traveling with pets can vary by airline as well. Make sure you are informed about all requirements and restrictions before flying with a pet in the plane and the terminal, too. Try to book a direct flight so you won't have to deal with stopovers. Moving your pet from one plane to another could be stressful and increase the chances of losing them. You will also need to make different arrangements for in-cabin pet travel versus cargo pet travel. Sometimes, smaller "pocket pets" are allowed in the cabin, like birds, hamsters, and reptiles. Larger animals like dogs and cats are usually housed in a back area. Ask about the environment they will be in while on the plane to see if you need to provide extra blankets, water, or even a comfort item like their favorite stuffed animal. Most airlines have specific web pages that describe their policies on pets, as well as how to make in-cabin or cargo arrangements. Here some links to specific pages with airline information about traveling with pets.
Prepare for Other Modes of Travel With Your Pet Even if you don't plan to fly, you will likely still need to transport your pet via at least 1 mode of transportation. If you have a travel crate or kennel for your pet, that is ideal; especially because they will be in unfamiliar surroundings and may feel threatened or uneasy.
Cabs, Rideshares, and Taxis: Because there are so many cab companies, you will want to ask about their pet policies when you call for a ride or before you get into the car.
Rental Vehicles: When leasing a vehicle, talk directly to the rental company to find out about their dog policy before the trip. You may need to sign an agreement or pay a small deposit upfront.
Buses and Trains: Many buses and trains, including Amtrak, allow small cats and dogs on certain routes, so be sure to ask ahead of time before you board.
Boats: Boats: The same goes for boats as for other types of transportation, even the smaller commuter versions. Take time to call them or check the website so you know their pet policy.
Never leave your pet alone inside a vehicle to avoid dangers like theft, heatstroke, and freezing. As a responsible dog owner, you need to gauge the mode of travel depending on your dog's temperament. You want to protect your pet, but you also want to protect others from scratches, bites, messes, and undue noise.
Find Dog-Friendly Accommodations Although many hotels allow pets, others may prohibit them. If you don't want to get stuck with a hotel that is not pet-friendly, make sure to do your research before you book. Even if you know that your hotel welcomes pets, you should make sure you have a room where pets are specifically allowed. Some hotels may have particular rooms for pet owners. In addition, most hotels will specify the animal's type, size, weight, and other things, so be sure to review all their rules and ask any questions before you arrive. You can also search for pet-friendly hotels, as most establishments readily publish their information online on their official website.
Schedule a Pre-Trip Checkup With Your Veterinarian Pet owners are advised by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to let their vets know as soon as travel becomes a possibility. It may take several appointments before all the paperwork and vaccinations are complete, so plan your vet visits well in advance of your trip.
Immunizations, Certificates, and Tests: Certain countries may require blood tests, rabies certificates, and specific vaccines as much as 6 months in advance of travel. Failure to abide by these rules could lead to separation from your pet in your destination country, because officials may need to quarantine your pet upon arrival.
Medications and Flea Prevention: If your pet is on any medications, special food, or requires flea and tick prevention, make sure to get a sufficient supply from your vet to last through the trip and a few weeks beyond.
Stress Reduction for You Both: In addition to any essential blood tests, vaccinations, medication, and paperwork, your vet can also inform you about treatments that could make the journey with your pet less stressful. For example, getting a microchip implant for your pet could calm concerns about losing your pet while away from home. Also, asking your vet about sedation options for the trip could be a good idea if your pet is susceptible to anxiety.
Prepare Your Pet and Pack the Essentials Create a list and stock up on all the things that will increase your dog's comfort during the flight. You should ensure that you have a spacious carrier that is appropriate for travel. If you plan to fly, your airline will specify the requirements. Some items you should acquire and prepare include the following:
Get Your Pet Comfortable With the Carrier: Give your pet plenty of time to get used to the carrier at home by leaving it out with the door open. Put their favorite bed or blanket inside, leave a toy or treat, and praise them for going in on their own. Don't push it, just give your pet time to adjust.
Invest in Calming Products: You might also want to consider anxiety-reducing products like a pheromone collar or lavender oil, which you can sprinkle inside the carrier for a calming effect. Another accessory to consider is a pet calming vest, which applies gentle pressure to specific areas to reduce anxiety. If your pet has a beloved blanket, stuffed animal toy, or even a shirt that smells like you, place that inside the carrier for comfort. Important! Make sure no tranquilizer is used on your pet that will reduce their blood pressure. This is especially dangerous at altitude for brachycephalics.
Pack Items for Restraining: Make sure you have collars, leashes, muzzles, safety vests, and other items that will help you keep your pet under control at all times.
Think Comfort: Check the weather and environmental conditions where you will be going. Be sure to pack collapsible water bowls, treats, toys, rain jackets, swimming safety vests or any other items your pet could use.
Prepare a Pet Travel Kit: Depending on the mode of transportation, pack the essential items for your dog, including:
A small amount of dry food A small collapsible bowl Medications and first aid items Travel documents, like a rabies certificate A favorite soft toy, blanket, or pillow Treats and dental chews Your veterinarian's contact information
Watch Your Dog's Diet If you can keep to your dog's accustomed diet for a while after arrival, it will help to avoid stomach upsets. Your dog will be out of sorts in unfamiliar territory, so changing up its diet could spell disaster. Your pet will most likely be hungry after the long trip, so do your best to ensure they have the food they need to keep them energetic and healthy. Here are some ways to keep your pet on course:
Dry Food: Depending on the mode of travel and destination, if you use a dried food, you can probably carry enough with you for a couple of weeks. You can also research the location to see if you can purchase some food upon your arrival, or even have it shipped there. Some hotels will have your dog's favorite food on hand if you set things up ahead of time. In this case, planning is crucial.
Canned or Fresh Food: If you normally use canned or fresh food, it may be worth getting your pet used to a completely dry food diet before you travel. If they must have canned or fresh food, you will need to make sure you can either buy it or ship it to your final destination.
Seeds: If you plan to transport a bird or small animal that eats seeds, be sure to check the country you plan to go. Some places will not allow certain types of seeds into their country.
Plan for Emergencies and the Unexpected The U.S. Department of State recommends pet owners have an emergency plan in case they need to send their pets back home or leave them behind in the destination country. The plan should include:
Who to Call: Your contact information, as well as your veterinarian's.
How to Care: Instructions about your dog's care and feeding, including medications and preventative treatments.
Where to Stay: Contact details of at least 1 trusted person or facility with whom your pet could stay, both in the destination country and back at home.
How to Pay: Instructions on financial and medical resources your dog might need in an emergency situation and accessibility details, like phone numbers and hours of operation.
Keep Your Dog Calm and Comfortable During the Journey You may be feeling stressed on the big travel day, but it is important your pet sees you as calm and collected. Here are some tips from the ASPCA to help make your journey go as smoothly as possible:
Talk to All the Airline Staff: Tell every airline employee or personnel that you have a pet traveling with you. If your pet is traveling in the cargo area of the plane instead of the cabin, you may want to confirm they have loaded your pet onboard. This is especially important if you and your pet take multiple connecting flights. Sometimes airline staff will voluntarily approach pet owners on the plane once their pets have been loaded safely onboard, but this is not always the case. If you haven't already been notified of your dog's whereabouts before takeoff, don't be afraid to politely request confirmation from the airline staff.
Keep Your Dog Hydrated and Fed, But Not Full: Just like their human counterparts, pets should not have heavy meals before flying. Feed your pet between 3-4 hours prior to leaving. Be sure to give your dog a bathroom opportunity close to departure time. Just like humans, pets get dehydrated while traveling and during flights due to the plane's air filtration system. If possible, give your pet some bottled water to drink during the flight, but not an excessive amount as that will increase the chance of a messy accident. If you are unable to monitor your dog's in-flight hydration, you should ensure they get rehydrated immediately after the flight. Be aware that drinking water that comes from a place your pet is not used to can cause digestive problems. On other modes of transportation, like buses and trains, water may not be easily accessible, so find out if you can carry bottled water for your dog. If not, make sure they have water on board for your dog. You will need to do your research to make sure your pet has all the necessities and is well-cared for, no matter what mode of transportation you choose.
Enlist in the Latest Pet Resources Keeping your dog comfortable and healthy while traveling requires a certain amount of planning and preparation, but it is well worth the time. You will both enjoy the trip more and arrive ready to go! There are a number of gadgets and apps to help make your trip safer and easier, such as:
Pet Trackers: There are a variety of GPS pet tracking devices, like the Nuzzle Collar, that will alert the owner when the pet exits a pre-designated area.
Pet Insurance: You can go online to easily find a dog insurance plan that suits your budget and your pet's needs.
Pet Travel Apps: Install a pet travel app to help you find pet-friendly places and share your travels with friends and family, such as FIGO's Pet Cloud and Bring Fido.
Do you want to know what to pack for a long road trip with a dog? If you are traveling with your dog then you must know in detail about the car travel accessories for dogs so that you can have a comfortable ride with your dog. If you want an epic and stress-free road trip with your dog, you must have all the necessary dog car travel accessories. This is one of the most basic and vital tips for anybody who is planning a long road trip with their dogs. These days we get to see that many people are fond of their pets more than the fellow humans that surround them. They love pets very much and try to go to any extent that they can to keep their pets in a good health condition. And why not? The love and care these pets give us back in return of nothing is indeed huge in this mean world. If you are a dog person then you would definitely like taking a long road trip with a dog or end up buying stuff for your dog when you travel with the pet.
But sometimes it happens that people might love the dogs but they remain confused about what to buy for their dogs to keep them in a happy and healthy mood. If you want to keep your dogs happy then you must know more about their likes and dislikes. And if you are going on a road trip with a dog then you must surely know what to take with yourself so that your dog does not feel any kind of problem while on the road trip.
Before you begin making notes about the things you need for a long road trip with a dog, we suggest you give a little thought about your trip's timing and weather too. Because undoubtedly, the weather plays a huge role in road trips. And if you don't have all the required road trip accessories for dogs according to the weather then it can turn your perfect trip into a total nightmare. So whenever you plan for a long road trip with dogs, get all the valuable things you need for a road trip according to the weather and do not forget any dog car travel accessories if you want a stress-free trip.
Here are the 18 most essential dog car travel accessories you must have in your car:
Dog First Aid Kit It is evident that you can get hurt while on a trip and for that, you need immediate medical assistance to cure the hurt. Likewise, if you are carrying your dog with you for a road trip or a long drive, they can eventually get hurt during the trip as well. So one thing that you can do to provide them with immediate medical assistance is by keeping a dog first aid kit in your car. When you have a first aid kit set in your car you do not have to go blank seeing your dog getting hurt during the travel. You should also know how to implement these first aid kits to keep your dog in a safer condition so that you can save them from all the complications during the journey. Some of the essential things that you must keep on the first aid box include hydrogen peroxide, gauze, and scissors, antibiotic ointment, a small towel, emergency contact numbers of your veterinarian, poop bags, and other important medications.
Dog Car Harness You cannot avoid car collisions and so you cannot control your dog from being hurt when the collisions become frequent. Thus buying a dog harness as one of the dog car travel accessories is one of the best methods to keep your dog safer during a journey. You can surely keep them in a trunk in a crate but if you want to make them feel like a family member then keeping them together with you using a harness would be a good idea. When choosing a harness, go for breathable and durable materials. These harnesses can be fitted in the seat belt and can also be used for going for long walks. But one thing that you must take care of is that you must buy the right sized harness for your dogs so that it does not make them feel uncomfortable. Some key features of the best dog harness include more adjustment points, crash-tested for safety, breathable fabric, reflective strips, quick attachments to the car seats, etc.
Dog Booster Seat for Cars If you want to keep your pet in comfort then this is one must-have accessory to carry with you while you go for a long road trip with your dog. The dog booster seats are specially made for providing comfort to your dog. The dog booster seats come in variable size and shape to fit your dogs. They can be backless form and also high back forms but the booster seats are not attached to the car seat through anything. Dog car booster seats are just like carriers for the dogs, more like soft bedding which allows them to be comfortable while going for a long road trip with a dog. Dog booster seats for cars are not too pricey to worry about and thus every dog owner can think of affording them when they are going for a long road trip with their dogs. It is almost like a must-have accessory for your dog when you intend for a long road trip.
Adjustable Dog Seat Belt for Car Your dog is precious to you just like your fellow human companions when going for a long drive or car trips outside. And when you decide to carry your dog with you, then you must also think and arrange for all their safety precautions. Right from their harness to their seat belt, you must have everything present in your car to keep your dog safer and healthier throughout the trip. The best travel accessories for dogs in the car include adjustable dog seat belts. Well, we humans can put in the car belt easily but what about our pet dogs? Of Course, we love them right? So we can not compromise on their safety or healthiness while we take them for a road trip in our car. Thus, buying an adjustable seat belt for them is the best thing we can do for them. They come in great varieties and you must choose the right size and material keeping your dog in mind.
Waterproof Car Seat Covers for Dogs If you are going for a road trip with a dog you must be aware that they can poop or do toilet any time which you shall not be aware of! Not only that, but they can also spill their water from the bowl or drinking bottle which can cause the car seat to get wet or dirty. And you cannot always expect them to show sovereignty while on a long road trip even if you litter train them well in the beginning. So, the best thing that you can do is to carry a waterproof car seat cover for your dogs to be relaxed throughout the journey. Even if they spill water or toilet in the seat, you do not have to worry about your car seat cover anymore when it is waterproofed. You just need to clean the liquid and your car seat remains in good condition. These waterproof car covers are very necessary when you are going for long road trips with your dog.
Dog Bed for Back Seat of Car Are you confused as to what to pack for a road trip with a dog? Then you must know that buying a dog bed for the backseat of the car is just the thing that you need for your pet. Dogs are easy to be around and do not create much nuisance when taken for a trip. But you must be aware of their comfort and healthiness while on a long trip with them. As you want to take a rest or lay your head on the car seat for a while by lowering it or bending the seat a little, you must also think about the comfort of your dog and thus carrying a dog bed is just the perfect thing you can do. A dog bed must consist of linens and rugs which can help them take rest and feel comfortable. When you choose the right dog bedding you choose their comfort and healthiness without a doubt.
Dog Carrier Backpack How good it feels when we can carry our babies in a backpack and do not have to worry about holding them all the way while on a long walk. Likewise, you can do the same for your pet dog also when you go out for a trip outside or for a long drive. It is indeed alright to let the dogs walk or put a harness around their necks to control them but if you love them like your baby then your affection towards them should know no limits. You can carry a backpack for your dog too when going for long walks and it can be one of the best road trip accessories for dogs that you can buy. It becomes easy to carry your dog when you go for long walks, during your traveling journey. It also does not feel so heavy to carry them on your back and your entire journey becomes easier and better in every aspect for both you and your dog.
Spill-Proof Dog Bowl You can train your puppy to eat in a certain manner but at the end of the day, they must have their own traits for executing any task. Thus, as their nature is, they like to spill food and water given in a bowl, mainly if it is not a puppy anymore but a grown-up dog. But when you are taking them out in your car, you have to also take care of the fact that you need to keep your car clean and hygienic. So, amongst all the things you need for road trips with your dog, taking one spill-proof dog bowl is the necessity. You can put in dog food and water in the bowl and they would feed on them without spilling much into the car which would not be possible otherwise. It is necessary for you to maintain car cleanliness and hygiene at the same time.
Portable Dog Water Bottle If you are not yet aware of this awesome stuff that can be considered amongst one of the best car accessories for dogs, then you are not even close to loving your pet. The portable water bottle for dogs is something that every pet owner would love to own. And more so, when you take your dog out for a long drive or a road trip. These water bottles are easy to use and easier to feed your dogs while traveling in the car. The regular drinking of water from the bowl causes many hindrances while on the moving car. So, carrying a portable dog water bottle along with you is the safest way to travel with a dog in your car and to feed water to your doggy. They come in various sizes and you must choose one accordingly to your needs. The design of these dog water bottles is more like a bowl on the top of the bottle which lets the dogs sip water from the bottle easily.
Dog Calming Treats (instead, Consider Dog Calming Pad!) As you go for long drives on a trip in your car, it becomes irritating or annoying after a point of time even if you like traveling by car or like to do road trips. So, how come one can think that a dog would enjoy such long trips being caged in the car for long hours? These long journeys in the car can make them agitated to certain levels that they can start behaving in a tempted way. So, to calm your pet, you must keep some dog calming treats inside your car which would make your agitated pet calmer during the long drive. Some such treats include chewing toffees or medicinal supplements as well which works well on the nervous system of the caged dogs and helps to make them calmer within a few minutes. You must also keep them with you when you are going for long traveling journeys with your pet dog. Now you know how to road trip with a dog without any inconvenience.
Chew Toys for Dogs Dogs are very active animals and they like to chew on stuff that they get to hold on. And if you have a pet dog and you are taking it out for a long road trip you must know how to keep your pet entertained for long. Obviously, when you are out for a long road trip with a dog in your car, you will not be able to make it take a stroll or have fun activities with you. Thus you need such things which not only keep them busy for some time but is also good for their health as well. The chew toys for dogs are available in various forms and you can get them in the market for a very minimal price range as well. Like you can get duck-shaped toys, bone-shaped toys, and other such designs that are chewy in form but are not edible. Thus your dog would remain entertained or busy when they try to chew the food but they won't be able to do the same.
Portable Air Conditioner If you are taking out your dog for a road trip in your car in the scorching heat of summer or a warm-weather then you must know that you must also care for their cooling effect apart from yourself. Though you have an air conditioner in your car which can pull down the temperatures to a certain degree than outside, still it might not be good enough for the dogs to get a cooling effect. So, the best dog accessories for car travel during summers is to buy a portable air conditioner for them. You can keep it near their bedding or sitting area so that they can feel the cooling effect without any hindrance. It can bring them comfort and harmony in the scorching heat of summer and it is good to carry as well because it comes in a portable size.
Cooling Pad for Dogs These are generally needed for the scorching months of summer when the dogs get heated easily. Although you have an AC in your car and it can bring down the temperature from outside, still you need to protect your dog more as they are your found pets. You can buy a cooling pad for your dog when you are going on a long road trip with your dog. It is, in fact, one of the cheapest solutions to keep your dog away from the scorching heat of the outside and be comfortable in the journey. Out of all the car accessories for dogs, this one counts for one genuine thing that every dog owner must carry with themselves while out on a trip. These cooling pads are not only meant to keep your dog cooler in the hot and humid climate but to also look after a good and comfortable travel experience while on the road trip. You must buy one if you do not have one.
Portable Car Vacuum Cleaner One of the most essential dog car travel accessories you must-have for your dog is this one- portable car vacuum cleaner. When you are carrying your dog with you, it is ought to become dirty. The car can become dirty due to various reasons which include spilling of food, dog fur accumulation, paw marks, etc and for those reasons, you need to clean your car frequently so that it remains hygienic all throughout the journey. Obviously, you can not keep your car dirty during the journey neither can you take your car for wash away in the garage during the journey to wash off the dirt. So, you must have this portable car vacuum cleaner in your car when going out of the house with your dog for a long drive. The price of these vacuum cleaners is also not too much to fume and thus, keeping one handy always is definitely the best choice that you can make while going for a road trip with your dog.
Car Odor Eliminator (instead, consider 100% natural \ organic remedy!) You can not deny the fact that your dog smells foul sometimes and carrying your dog in your car for a longer period can also cause your car to smell foul at times. Thus, you need a good car odor eliminator when taking out your dog for long trips. If you do not wish to buy artificial products then you can easily go for homemade or natural remedies to remove the dog odor from your car. Some of these home remedies include using a shampoo for washing stains, using white vinegar, baking soda, steam cleaning, charcoal briquets, etc can also work as a good smell removing agents. You can also go for artificial sprays that are available in the market to keep the smell out of your car while traveling with your dog. There are many tips for road trips with a dog so that it can be a comfortable one and this is surely one of the best tips that you can follow to have a smooth and comfortable journey.
Dog Blankets for Sleep and Warmth When on a long trip we all need comfort and warmth as the journey is also a bit longer than usual. Similarly, we must arrange for the same for our dogs as well. When we take them out for a long drive or road trip we must consider the fact that they also need warmth and a good sleep in the meantime we travel. Thus, arranging for dog blankets for sleep and warmth is one of the best car accessories for dog owners. It is better when the weather is a little colder or when your AC speed is too high. Dog blankets come in various sizes and materials, of which you must choose the best quality products for your dog. You know your dog the best way and thus, choosing the right material for the dog blanket is always in your hands. Never compromise with the quality as it is a matter of warmth and comfort of your loving dog.
Adjustable Dog Ramps for Cars Dogs are indeed playful and active animals who donโt like to be caged in one place for a longer period. Sure if you are going with you for a long road trip then you must know that you should let them be active and playful as well. You can not always carry them on your back or hold them while getting in and out of the car. And for them to climb to the car without your support, you can buy an adjustable dog ramp. These are good for them to be used while traveling long distances.
Safest Dog Crate for Car Travel Well, not many can like the idea of traveling with a crate inside the car for their dog but it can be considered as the safest way to travel with a dog in the car. If your dog is bigger in size than you must carry a big crate and if your dog is smaller in size then a medium-sized crate would be good enough for the travel. When you go for long road trips, being safe with your pet is always recommended. As the dogs have limited movable space inside the car and it can also harm itself along with others. If it moves frequently then it might cause hindrance to the co-passengers and bring discomfort in the entire journey. So, it is better to carry a dog crate which is the best size for your dog to travel with you for a long road trip. Look for good and durable materials so that it makes your dog feel comfortable when they are put inside it.
HOW TO BUILD DOG TRUCK RAMP & STEPS This article proudly presented by WWW.DOGHEIRS.COM
So how to make/ a dog ramp super fast and cheap? Here's how I did it in merely minutes and the good news is Hannah didn't even hesitate getting into the truck on the first try! You will only need a few supplies and a few minutes to put it together - promise!
DOG RAMP SUPPLIES 2' x 4' piece of plywood, 1" thick: we paid about $8 for this but maybe you have one at home
Carpet remnant(s) to cover one side: the ones in the photo of our ramp were from Dollar Tree with sturdy rubber backing, but thrift stores often have cheap carpet remnants you can cut to fit. I chose pieces because I could get them more taut. I worried one gigantic piece might start bulging up over time.
Staple gun: I have one, so no expense there
Stanley staples 9/16": This size is important! Don't use shorter ones which can come out and hurt your dog's paw plus they won't go through the carpet and wood anyway.
Cabinet handles (optional): For ease in carrying, you might want to screw in handles on the side, but we haven't done that as of yet.
INSTRUCTIONS If you haven't figured it out already, simply lay the carpet down and staple like crazy. I used pieces and stapled all around all four sides of each one. They lie so flat and are strongly embedded so no worries of hurting Hannah's paws. All in all, our make your own dog ramp was a complete success and had all of the features we required and more. That said, there are a few considerations to keep in mind, so maybe you will want to enhance my original idea. Obviously, plywood is heavy and getting it in and out of the truck is not a problem for us, but could be for others. I would definitely recommend putting handles on it and putting your tailgate down to remove it, for ease and minimal strain. Also, truck sizes and heights differ, so measure a safe angle and width for your pickup. The board should lay on the floorboard of the passenger seat.
If your dog is lighter than Hannah's 80 pounds or smaller, you can get a thinner or narrower sheet of plywood. But test it in the store by putting your foot on it and pushing with all of your might. If it bows and flexes it will scare your dog, so be sure it stays stiff and is strong. Splinters! Our plywood is really smooth, but splinters are a risk. You can either install handles or put carpet on the back side, too, to minimize the risk.
At a time when the market seems flooded with low quality pet products, it is crucial that you do your research before swiping your credit card. To help you with your shopping, we have picked some of the more popular choices that you have among outdoor dog beds. Dogs love their own bed. One that they can sprawl up on without having to worry about the fussy pet parent sleeping next to them. They can slobber all they want to, sleep tummy curl or superman or any other strange position that catches their fancy.
The best part about training your pooch to sleep in their own bed is that you get better sleep. Science says that if you let your pets sleep in your own bed, chances are high that you may end up waking up more times than you'd like to. Disrupted sleep is as good as no sleep. It starts to affect your productivity, your performance and you will probably end up half sleepy the entire next day.
Contrary to what most people think, a dog bed need not be stored inside the house if you are finicky about it messing with your decor. There is a whole range of outdoor dog beds that are designed for proud canines who boast of their own dog house in the yard or even for ones who are happy to sleep in the porch.
If you have made it so far, then it indicates that you are keen on buying an outdoor dog bed for your pooch but are probably confused at the abundance of shapes, sizes and features that are on display. It is no surprise though. Outdoor dog beds are more popular than ever and this has resulted in an explosion of these beds in the market.
OUTDOOR DOG BED BUYING GUIDE Outdoor dog beds are not much different from indoor ones in their design. The most important difference is that they are waterproof and are made of durable materials that make them resistant to extreme weather conditions.
The Shape: The shape of the bed is one of the most important factors, because you need to ensure that it can be accommodated in the dog kennel or dog crate. Most kennels feature a removable roof that allows you to place dog beds comfortably. But you need to get the size right so that your pet does not feel cramped with the bed inside the kennel. If you are not using a kennel, then you have a lot more options to choose from.
The Material: Outdoor dog beds can be made of spring coil or have a more specialized therapeutic foam surface that helps to alleviate joint pain caused due to osteoarthritis. If you have an older or ailing pet, then a memory foam surface is recommended because it is gentler on their joints and also gives them a soft and comfortable sleeping surface.
Weatherproof: One of the most important features of an outdoor dog bed is that it has to be all-weatherproof. From the occasional slobber session to bladder problems in older dogs, moisture, sunlight and possibly, even snow, your outdoor dog bed will be subject to some extreme conditions all right. You'd expect it to hold up in these conditions.
Heated: If you are placing the dog bed in an outdoor portion of the house, then heated sleeping surfaces are highly recommended. It will automatically adjust the heat according to the ambient temperature and your dog's body temperature.
Elevated: Elevated dog beds feature a mesh like design with non-skid rubber feet and the sleeping surface is elevated from the ground. This keeps it dry and cool. If you do not have a dog kennel, then an elevated surface can be a good choice for an outdoor dog bed.
K&H Manufacturing Lectro-Soft Outdoor Heated Bed The Lectro Soft Outdoor Heated Bed is a patented, comfortable, weatherproof outdoor dog bed that boasts of some very impressive features and a great customer rating. It is a heated sleeping surface that needs to be plugged in to an electrical outlet and comes with a 5.5 feet steel coated electrical cord. The bed features an internal thermostat that keeps the temperature at a comfortable 102, allowing your dog's body to stay warm even on a cold winter night. Further, it uses only 40 Watts of electricity. You can rest aside any doubts you have about the product's safety because the electrical cord is insulated and completely safe. The sleeping surface is an orthopedic memory foam that helps to alleviate joint pains and other niggles that pets have. Further, the heated surface is very helpful for ailing and aging dogs who have rheumatoid arthritis and other joint conditions. The Lectro Soft Outdoor dog bed comes with a waterproof and durable PVC external layer that can be covered with a soft removable fleece cover. Must buy for pets who sleep in barns, garages, or outside the house without a dog kennel. It is a very comfortable and therapeutic sleeping surface.
The Refined Canine Outdoor Dog Bed Are you looking for a stylish outdoor dog bed that is ideal for your patio or poolside deck? This refined canine outdoor dog bed is just what the pooch-doctor ordered. It is a stylish lounge chaise styled dog bed that features a sun shade and a 6 inch thick elevated sleeping surface. Constructed from a durable poly rattan, the canopy offers excellent sun protection, provided you position it correctly. Otherwise, it just looks dapper on your patio as your pet cools off while you are enjoying some pool time. It is easy to remove too when not needed. The outdoor cushion is six inches thick and is machine washable. So, those drool and slobber sessions won't do much damage. Elevated 6 inches off the ground, it keeps your fur ball dry and comfortable. Also, it is ridiculously easy to assemble and construct. This is a very comfortable and stylish patio dog bed that can also be used as an indoor sleeping surface without the canopy. Hard to go wrong with it.
The Orthopedic M/L/XL Premium Grade Memory Foam Dog Bed This outdoor orthopedic dog bed offers your pet a luxurious and roomy outdoor bed that does not compromise on comfort. Featuring a four inch thick sleeping surface that has two inches of durable supportive foam base with two inches of therapeutic memory foam on top, it gives your pet an extremely comfortable and therapeutic sleeping surface that adheres to the pressure changes and helps to reduce joint pain. The bed is available in three different sizes and each one is perfect for different dog breeds who like to stretch out. No hanging limbs on this one. A machine-washable and removable, waterproof outer cover protects the foam from incontinence and possible exposure to other liquids. Resistant to molds, mildews & dust mites, the cover makes this the perfect low-maintenance bed for outdoor use. It also features a durable, denim-grade zipper that holds up perfectly in all kinds of weather. A safe non-slip bottom, ensures that your pet does not slip or skid when getting up or getting on the bed. Value for money! This all-weather orthopedic sleeping surface is completely worth the price. It will be an investment that will keep your pet comfortable and hold up perfectly for years.
Coolaroo Elevated Pet Bed with Knitted Fabric The elevated pet bed from Coolaroo is one of the most popular outdoor dog beds in the market. It has been around for years and is considered by pet parents as possibly, the most durable outdoor dog bed. It features a cot styled design with a powder-coated steel frame and an elevated mesh fabric sleeping surface. The steel frame is ideal for a variety of weather conditions. There are pet parents who have used it year round in snow, sun and rain without any problems whatsoever. No rusting or warping. Unlike conventional thick sleeping surfaces, the Coolaroo elevated pet bed uses a minimalist but breathable HDPE knitted mesh fabric surface. This keeps the dog's body cool even on a warm and sunny day. It is extremely durable and even if you have a scratcher or a digger, it won't tear or give away. You can choose from two different sizes and color options. The large size has a weight load capacity of 150 pounds making it ideal for dogs of all sizes. If you are looking for a durable and minimalist outdoor bed, you just found it. It has a proven track record and comes at a great price.
FurHaven NAP Dog Bed Egg-Crate Orthopedic Pet Mattress The FurHaven NAP pet bed is a compact and cozy sleeping bed for your pooch and their feline brethren. It is 27-inch x 36-inch in size and is available in a whole range of color choices. Completely waterproof, this is an ideal outdoor dog bed. But the compact size also makes it a great choice for picnics and camping trips. Also, if you wish to protect your furniture pieces from dog fur, just place this bed on the couch and let your pooch grab some winks without worrying about dander and drool. The sleeping surface is made from an egg-crate orthopedic foam that offers excellent support to aching joints. If you have an old dog or one that is recovering from injury, then this NAP pet bed is just what you need. It is plush but does not sink even if you have a heavy large sized dog. A step-on mat design allows older pets to step on and get up easily from the bed. It features a water-resistant, coated poly canvas cover that is perfect for outdoor use. Just remove and machine wash it if it's dirty. Low maintenance and extremely comfortable for your pet, this dog bed comes at a great price too. This is a budget priced outdoor dog bed that is perfect for dogs and cats. You can choose from a range of sizes and colors too. Great buy.
CARRY DOG SAFELY ! This article proudly presented by WWW.WIKIHOW.COM
It is illegal to put dogs in the boot of a sedan type car. Dogs can travel in the cabin of the car or behind a cargo barrier in the back of wagon / SUV type vehicles. If on the back of a ute or trailer they must be appropriately tethered or caged.
Remember safety first, if you don't have a large window boot in your car, your dog will have to travel on a seat. Purchase a dog safety seat and it will be safer and more comfortable for your dog if your turn or stop the car suddenly.
If you do have a large window boot, put up a wire grid to stop your dog jumping over the back of the seats, most cars have a wire grid already installed.
Line the boot with dog blankets or place his bed in the corner so he can nap comfortably on the journey. Most dogs find sleeping an easy way to cope with motion sickness.
Be sure to keep the dog's leash firmly in hand when loading and unloading the dog from the car.
Dogs should not be allowed to travel with their head out of the car window; particles of dirt can enter a dog's eyes, ears and nose, causing injury or infection.
Dogs need to be adequately restrained when travelling inside a vehicle for the safety of both the dog and human passengers. Unrestrained dogs can cause accidents and should never be allowed in the vicinity of the driver. In the case of an accident, an unrestrained dog may become a projectile and can damage itself and / or the occupants of the vehicle.
Let a puppy or new pet become accustomed to riding in a car gradually. Begin by allowing your dog to wander around your car with the motor off. Then start with short trips until you and your dog become familiar with traveling by car together.
Do not feed your dog just before the trip. Feed him at least a few hours before. You don't want to make your dog car sick.
Place a few chew toys in the back with your dog to keep your dog occupied. It is better not to give him a bone or food treats because if he feels sick he will vomit it back up. Squeaky toys are also undesirable as they will drive you crazy.
Ensure your pet does cannot roam around the vehicle, consider purchasing a pet safety belt. These belts ensure that should an accident occur your pet is not thrown from the vehicle or into other passengers.
Keep your dog's collar and dog tags on whenever you are driving. There's always a chance - no matter how well behaved your dog may be - that your dog will get out of the car and away from you.
Be aware of how quickly a dog can get heat stroke in a parked car. never leave your dog unattended in your car in warm weather for any length of time.
Make sure that you stop every hour or so and go for a quick walk, even if its only on the grass by a fast food restaurant on the highway. This lets your dog use the toilet, so you can also give him some water around now. Taking him on short walks is important as it means that he can stretch.
Accidents involving dogs often threatened her in mortal danger. There are some simple steps that can save the life of a dog.
Finding a dog involved in the incident, first make sure that you can help her without compromising yourself. Making sure do not find yourself in danger, carefully approach the dog, giving her the opportunity to see you. Do not make any sudden movements, and do not make noise: the animal is already in shock, so do not make it worse.
Going to the dog, inspect for any visible damage to the eye. If the dog is not breathing, you may have to give her first aid. The main thing here - do not overdo it. If your dog or another dog is hurt in a traffic accident, knowing what to do can make the difference between helping the dog or making things worse (for either you, the dog, or both of you). Here is how to help a dog hurt in a traffic accident.
Move the dog must be very careful. Take the time to build a makeshift muzzle it: even the best bred dog can bite you if it becomes painful.
To make an emergency muzzle: Use whatever you have to hand, such as a piece of gauze, a torn off jacket sleeve, a piece of blanket, a tie, a sock, etc. Wrap the fabric or gauze around the dog's nose, close to its eyes, and tie firmly under its jaw. This will prevent the dog from opening its mouth.
Approach the dog cautiously and with care. Even if it is your dog and you know him well, the pain may cause him to react aggressively, which could result in injury to you from a bite or an unexpected lashing out. Talk softly, approach slowly, and if you have a restraint such as a dog muzzle, be prepared to use it. Avoid making any sudden movements and continue to speak softly. If the dog appears too frightened or aggressive, stop before moving on, and keep stopping/starting as needed until you can get close enough to help.
The dog may be in a state of shock and will probably be frightened. A frightened dog prefers to run away and hide; if the dog is still able to move, it may try to run off, so be prepared for this possibility and keep an on eye on where he heads to.
Move the dog as little as possible and with great care. Clearly you will need to get the dog off the road or street to get him out of harm's way. However, as with injured people, less movement is best in case you cause more damage. Try to enlist the help of others and find a blanket, large coat, tarpaulin, or other item which you can use to transfer the dog onto for removal.
If the dog appears to have a back injury, moving is likely to worsen things. Try to use a firm moving surface such as a board or flat, hard surface and do not bend the dog's back in any way.
Gently slide the blanket, board, or other item under the dog. Have the other helpers lift the dog with you and carry to safety or the car for transport to the vet.
Check the dog's vitals. Check for a heartbeat, breathing, fractures, etc. Look to see if there are any signs of hemorrhaging. If there is excessive bleeding, attempt to stem it by placing a clean bandage, cloth, or handkerchief on the wound and winding it around tightly. Clip it into place.
If the dog is in shock (feels cold, weak and rapid pulse, shallow and rapid breathing, pale or muddy gums), keep the dog warm, keep the airways clear, talk to him softly and get him to the vet as quickly as possible. If he is unconscious, keep his head lower than his body; you could also try massaging his legs and body muscles to encourage blood flow.
Call, or have someone call, the vet to warn them that you're coming. Get there as calmly and quickly as you can. While transporting your dog, keep your voice calm and reassuring. If it is possible, have someone sit with the dog or be near him to reassure him. Don't add to the stress of the dog's senses by crying loudly, shouting, cursing, etc.
Listen to the vet's advice. You may need to make some very difficult decisions so try to remain logical about the situation and do what is best for your pet. Call other family members or relevant people as needed to come and be with your pet or to help make decisions.
If you can splint a broken leg for travel to the vet, this can help immobilize it to prevent the dog from thrashing it around. Use anything firm and straight for a splint.
Always remember that any first aid administered to your pet should be followed by immediate veterinary care. First aid care is not a substitute for veterinary care, but it may save your pet's life until it receives veterinary treatment.
Reanimation If the dog is not breathing, open her mouth and make sure the airway is not obstructed. If they are loose, place the dog on one side and start rhythmically press on her chest, making two pressure in the second. If this does not help straighten a dog's neck, close to her mouth and gently blow her nose as she begins to breathe by herself.
If you confirmed that there's no heartbeat or that your pet isn't breathing, follow these steps as demonstrated here:
1. Open your pet's airway by gently extending his neck and clearing any obstructions. 2. Check for a heartbeat by placing your hands on both sides of your pet's chest, right behind the elbow/armpit area. Feel for a beat for 10 seconds before moving to step 3. 3. If there is no heartbeat, begin chest compressions and mouth-to-muzzle breathing.
To start chest compressions, follow these steps: 1. Put your dog or cat on their side. 2. Interlock your fingers with both palms facing down to administer compressions. Give 1-2 compressions per second (100-120 beats per minute) for 30 seconds. (If your dog is < 30 pounds, make sure to do the chest compressions directly over the area of his heart. If your dog is > 30 pounds, do the chest compressions on the widest part of his chest cavity as demonstrated here.) 3. Next, you need to give a "mouth-to-snout" breath. Do this by wrapping both of your hands tightly around your dog's muzzle so no air can escape. Give five breaths of five seconds each by blowing directly and steadily into his nose. 4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until your pet's heart starts beating on its own. 5. Most importantly, get to a veterinarian right way. Ideally, have someone drive you so you can continue CPR. 6. Ideally, call ahead on your cell phone to the veterinary hospital, so they are prepared for your arrival.
Hopefully, by knowing how to perform, you can help save your pet's life. Keep in mind that the likelihood of getting a pet back with CPR is < 10% - even if a veterinary specialist in emergency critical care does it. When in doubt, note the warning signs that warrant an immediate trip to the vet to avoid having to do CPR to begin with.
Airway clearance For this operation required two persons. The first is to keep the dog's jaws open and get the most out doggy language. The second is to carefully remove the obstacle, using pliers or a similar tool.
You will need as quickly as possible to deliver the dog to the vet. If the dog can not move on their own, you'll have to take her in his arms. How exactly do you do this depends on its size. If the dog is very bad, do not try to pick it up, call your vet at the scene.
When you deliver the dog to the vet, a doctor must conduct a comprehensive inspection of the animal to determine what exactly is wrong with him. You have to be there to calm your dog, because it will still be scared.
MINIATURE DOG CAMPERS This material proudly presented by WWW.DORNOB.COM
Camper aficionados who have full-sized mobile lodgings of their own can now have a matching miniature version made just for their pets. Designer Judson Beaumont of Straight Line Designs, who typically makes surrealist anthropomorphic furniture, got the idea when his daughter asked him to build a doghouse for their puppy.
The Pet Camper is available in four different versions, or you can order a custom version in any materials, size, color and style that you like.
They're made to be used indoors as a kennel or for brief periods outdoors as a place for pets to get out of the sun.
The trailers are made for small dogs weighing under 20 pounds, though larger models suitable for bigger dogs may be on the way, and the trailers are appropriate for cats, too.
It's easy to imagine these adorable mobile canine lodgings sitting outside the larger versions owned by the tiny occupants' human companions.
DOG MOTION SICKNESS This material proudly presented by WWW.PETMD.COM
Gastrointestinal Distress Related to Motion in Dogs Much like humans who experience a feeling of illness while in on car trips, dogs and cats can also get a queasy stomach when traveling in the car or even by boat or air.
Symptoms and Types Dogs show their uneasiness in various ways. The first signs of motion sickness may be a constant licking of the lips, followed by excessive drooling & yawning, whining or crying out in distress.. immobility or acting afraid to move and finally, vomiting or regurgitation. An extremely emotional dog may even urinate or defecate in the car.
Causes There are several potential causes of motion sickness in dogs and cats. Young dogs may experience this condition more frequently because their equilibrium needs to develop a bit more as they mature. Some dogs may actually "grow out" of the condition if this is the case. The cause of motion sickness can also be emotional (behavioral) and linked to a bad travel experience in early life.
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