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DOGICA® 3D World of Dog & Puppy




Dog Breed Biggest General Common Misconceptions
Dog Myths & Misconceptions
Biggest Collection of Dog & Puppy Common Misconceptions!
Generally Mistaken Dog Facts & Truths
Small & Big Dog Breed Misconceptions
Dog & Puppy Body Language & Emotion Misconception
Shelter, Rescue & Service Dog Misconceptions
Adopting a Senior Dog Misconceptions
Military, K9 and War Dog Misconceptions
Guide and Adopted Dogs Misconceptions
Debunked & Busted Dog Misconceptions
General Misconceptions about Flea & Ticks on Dog
Dog & Puppy Food and Diet Misconceptions
Common Misconceptions about Protections with Dogs
Dog Breeds Misconceptions - African Wild Dog
Dog Breeds Misconceptions - Yorkshire Terrier
Dog Breeds Misconceptions - Pomeranian
Dog Breeds Misconceptions - Pitbull
Dog Breeds Misconceptions - Bulldog
Dog Breeds Misconceptions - Boxer
Dog Breeds Misconceptions - Amstaff
Dog Breeds Misconceptions - Rottweiler
Dog Breeds Misconceptions - Husky & Pomsky
Dog Breeds Misconceptions - Greyhound
Dog Breeds Misconceptions - Bull Terrier
Dog Breeds Misconceptions - Boerboel
Dog Breeds Misconceptions - Teacup Chihuahua
Dog Breeds Misconceptions - German Shepherd
Breeds Misconceptions White & Black German Shepherd
Hyena Dog Misconceptions

Please, kindly notice:
All information on this page presented
For Educational Use Only !
No any article pretend to be a single truth.

Certain Breeds Are More Aggressive Than Others
Dogs are born with inherited tendencies, but aggression is apart of a dog's personality as much as it is a human's - aggression is usually a normal response to a threat. Dogs can learn alternate responses and control them throughout their lifetime, though. Good social skills taught as a puppy as well as patient, kind training are key factors to combating aggression. Some dogs need more careful nurturing than others, but bad experiences at any time in a dog's life can lead to aggression problems. Some breeds have historically been used as fighting or guarding dogs, but aggression is undoubtedly learned through experience.

Mutts are always healthier than purebred dogs
This is not true. Both mutts and purebred dogs can be either healthy or unhealthy. However, mutts generally do not have many of the genetic diseases that may be common in purebred lines.

The dreaded non-pure bred dog super low class and unrefined.
This misconception got nothing to do with reality & drives many dog lovers crazy!


This article is proudly presented by
Laura Palumbo
Julija Televiciute

That KC registered dogs DOES NOT mean it's a reputable breeder... There's no good reason to not register pedigree puppies, but, it means nothing other than that the dog is of that breed and is eligible for registration because it's parents are registered, it's the very tip of the iceberg when it comes to looking for a dog.


Some dog breeds like pit bulls get a bad rap because of negative stereotypes, and as we all know, they are more false than true. While it's true that some breeds were developed for certain functions like fighting, hunting, protecting, and guarding, they are not dangerous by nature. The personality and upbringing of an individual dog will determine his behavior more than his breed. Here is a rundown of some dog breeds that get unfairly categorized as dangerous.

(c) by Laura Palumbo
(c) by Laura Palumbo
(c) by Laura Palumbo
(c) by Laura Palumbo
(c) by Laura Palumbo
(c) by Laura Palumbo
(c) by Laura Palumbo
(c) by Laura Palumbo
(c) by Laura Palumbo
(c) by Laura Palumbo
(c) by Laura Palumbo
(c) by Laura Palumbo



This article is proudly presented by
Diane, Melain & Codi

The misconceptions about dog cloning, are very similar to what we see with all of the species of animals we clone including cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, etc.

MYTH: Cloning is a new science
Cloning is actually not a new science. Dolly the sheep, the first cloned animal from an adult skin cell, was actually produced in 1996. That is over 20 years ago! Many animals have been produced using cloning technology since then including cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, dogs, cats, deer and endangered species.

MYTH: Cloned pets are grown in jars, or petri dishes
Cloned animals, including pets, are not grown in jars. We would have to have some pretty big jars! Just like the babies that are produced in cattle embryo transfer, cloned pets spend a very short period of time, as embryos, in a specially designed petri dish. Very quickly, the embryos are transferred into surrogate mothers or recipients for gestation or pregnancy. And after a normal gestation period, for their species or breed, the cloned puppy or kitten is born and they begin to do the things all puppies and kittens do - drink, sleep, play, drink, sleep, play...

MYTH: Cloned animals have short lifespans, and are born as old animals
Cloned animals, including pets, share very similar lifespans with their non-cloned peers. There was some speculation that cloned animals would be born "old" but due to cell reprogramming, your cloned pet will be born as a newborn puppy or kitten. You can expect them to live a normal lifespan. That being said, cloned animals are not immortal, they will die someday, from the same things that all pets die from.

MYTH: Cloned animals are robots
Cloned animals, including pets, are not robots, made of metal and circuitry. They are flesh and blood animals, just like your other pets, and need to be loved, nurtured and cared for by you. In return, they will give you the unconditional love that comes through the pet - human bond.

MYTH: Cloned animals will be born with the same disease the original pet died from.
If a disease is acquired by the original animal after the birth event, the cloned puppy will not exhibit the disease at birth. Basically cloning is a "do over" for those events that occur after birth, like castration or disease acquisition. For example, a castrated male will be born as an intact cloned male. Many diseases are caused by environmental influences. If the same environmental influences are present during the life of the pet, they may or may not develop the same disease later in life. If the disease is due to a genetic defect, then yes, a cloned animal will have that same genetic defect since they are a genetic match to the original animal.

MYTH: Cloned animals are only for the rich and famous
Not true. A Genetic Preservation is only $1600 and an Express Tissue Bank is a very affordable $500, making preservation of your pet within your reach. Cloning may be a decision that you make at a later point, but if you have a pet you love now, and want to have the ability to consider this option, simply call ViaGen at 1-888-8ViaGen to learn more about preserving the DNA on that beloved pet today.

MYTH: Cloned animals do not look and act the same as the original
Your cloned pet is a genetic twin to the original dog or cat. They will be the same sex, the same color and may have the same mannerisms as the original but that does not mean they will be an "exact" replica. For example, the spot pattern on a cloned animal, although very similar, may vary due to migration of the melanoblasts that cause coat color. You will also find this in identical twins that are not cloned animals. If the original dog was black and white spotted, the color of the cloned puppy will be black and white spotted but the spot pattern may vary. The personality of your cloned puppy or kitten is determined by genetics x environment. We will give you a genetic match but we cannot mimic the environment and experiences the first puppy had. The environment that the cloned puppy or kitten are nurtured in will play a large role in the personality of that pet. That being said, owners of cloned animals will say that they exhibit many of the mannerisms of the original animal.

MYTH: What about the surrogates?
The surrogate, or recipient mothers, are provided the best of care. A very high quality diet and loving care from trained professionals is a must. The dogs are kept inside a secured and safe facility where they are housed in social groups with toys and daily interaction with people who play with them, pet them and groom them. When a cloned puppy is delivered, the client has the option to adopt the surrogate as well so she can go home with the puppy. If the client chooses not to adopt the surrogate, they will be adopted to loving, forever homes.


This article is proudly presented by


Audrey Pavia
Liza K.

MYTH! Sir Barks A Lot
People are often misguided when it comes to small dog breeds. They are even reluctant of buying or adopting one, because of the prejudice about them. We all heard the same things over and over again. They are yappy. They are ankle biters. They are tempered and bad with children, and so on. Well, from all of us proud small dog owners, we say that those myths and stereotypes need to be busted once and for all. First common myth about small dog breeds is that they are all yappy. Yes, some of them are.


For example, Chihuahuas and Maltese dogs have that high pitch bark, that can be very irritating from time to time. But let us not exaggerate and jump to conclusions. Not all small dog breeds are barkers. Italian Greyhounds and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are pretty quiet. We can also mention in this quiet group of dogs a Chinese Cresteds, Boston Terriers, Shiba Inus and Japanese Chins. Let us not forget, that the pet owners are sometimes to blame, when their dog is barking. Unintentionally, they encourage their barking behavior. Instead of yelling at your dog, teach him a quiet command, and you will be pleasantly surprised.

MYTH: They Are Not Athletic
Don't minimize and undervalue the speed and agility of your pooch, because some small dog breeds are quite active and athletic. Don't be fooled by their size. Jack Russell Terriers and Miniature Bull Terriers for example, are quite hyperactive. This may surprise you, but Toy Poodles are super outdoorsy and active and they need plenty of space to run. Some of the small dog breeds are very good company for jogging and hiking as well.

MYTH: Lap Dogs? Really?
Not all of small breeds are interested in sitting in your lap. I could only wish that my Chihuahua wants to snuggle with me on the couch all day long. If I had a Jack Russell Terrier or a Pomeranian, it would be even worse. Of course, this doesn't mean that there aren't small dog breeds who just love sitting in their owners lap. But that is because they show their affection like that.

MYTH: Girly Dogs?
Well, this is just absurd. It is not their fault that they fit perfectly into a woman's purse. Let us consider that not all small dog breeds are Chihuahuas and Yorkshire Terriers or Shih Tzus. It is highly unlikely that the Jack Russell Terrier would ever go into your purse.

MYTH: Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover
People still believe that small dogs are not "manly" enough. And by people, I mean men. Well, for those men I recommend to read this article on a daily basis. Like I said, these dogs are incredibly loyal, sporty and active and they can be extremely good watchdogs, so think twice before you judge their appearance.

MYTH: Small dogs don't need exercise and are easier to care for
This misconception can threaten any household when a Terrier or Chihuahua goes off his proverbial rocker, barking, snapping and growling his displeasure. A small dog needs to be treated just like a larger dog and given proper exercise, discipline and training. Regardless of how large or small a dog is, they all need stimulation both in mind and body to keep them well adjusted and happy. Small dog syndrome is a common behavior problem when owners don't take the lead role in their dog's life. It's up to you to teach your pet limitations and rules you expect him to follow.


One of the major factors that people consider when they buy a dog is their size. Smaller dogs tend to be preferred for several reasons: they are more acceptable for apartment living, food and grooming cost significantly less, and the misconception that smaller dogs are easier to take care of. When I rescued my dog shelter, I made the decision to rescue a smaller dog based on the research I had done about the specific breed I was looking for and made the mistake of assuming a smaller dog would be easier to take care of.

MYTH: Small dogs don't need daily walks
This is one of the most common mistakes owners of small dogs make. Dogs always remain dogs regardless of their size, and they always have natural needs mentioned above. Please don't make your small dog a prisoner. Walk with it on a regular basis like you would do with a large dog. Don't plead a lack of time. When you take a dog, you also take responsibility to take care of its daily needs - both physical and mental to make your companion happy.

MYTH: Small dogs don't need training and discipline
A small dog cannot cause real damage, so sometimes people think it doesn't need much training and discipline. This is not quite so because even a tiny Chihuahua or Yorkshire Terrier can become a trouble maker with its excessive barking, possessiveness, combativeness, being snappish, and so on. Obedience training and discipline are always a must, for both your and your dog's benefit.

MYTH: Terriers are snappy and make bad family pets
FALSE! They are as intelligent and loyal as other breeds and no more prone to snappiness than other dogs.

MYTH: Small dogs don't need daily walks
This is one of the most common mistakes owners of small dogs make. Dogs always remain dogs regardless of their size, and they always have natural needs mentioned above. Please don't make your small dog a prisoner. Walk with it on a regular basis like you would do with a large dog. Don't plead a lack of time. When you take a dog, you also take responsibility to take care of its daily needs both physical and mental to make your companion happy.

MYTH: Small dogs don't need training and discipline
A small dog cannot cause real damage, so sometimes people think it doesn't need much training and discipline. This is not quite so because even a tiny Chihuahua or Yorkshire Terrier can become a trouble maker with its excessive barking, possessiveness, combativeness, being snappish, and so on. Obedience training and discipline are always a must, for both your and your dog's benefit.

MYTH: Guests Are Not Welcomed
Well, this might be true. But with a lot of exceptions. Chihuahuas, Miniature Dobermans and Dachshunds will bark a lot if they see an unfamiliar face standing on their territory. But they will not necessarily attack. I have a Russian Chihuahua, and even though he is loud, he is totally harmless. But not all small breeds will welcome you this unpleasantly. Some of them are quite friendly with unfamiliar faces, and not so territorial. Maltese dogs, Pomeranians and Pugs are super friendly with strangers. In conclusion, having a dog of any size or any breed, is very challenging, but rewarding as well. You should give your dog a lot of attention, especially in its early age. It takes a lot of time, patience and energy to train it and socialize it, but once you do that, your dog will grow up into a great pet and family member.

MYTH: Small dogs are better around children & other animals
It is a common misconception that smaller dogs are less prone to bite or harm small children, and if they do bite they will do less harm. This is completely false. Any dog that becomes aggressive can do serious harm. When choosing a dog to have around a child do not make this decision based on size, make it based on temperament.

MYTH! Pugs Are Lazy
Some people are under the impression that Pugs just want to lay around the house all day. This couldn't be further from the truth. Although by no means hyper, Pugs are active and happy members of the family, and are often underfoot, looking for the next adventure. Even though they aren't bred for jogging alongside their human companions, they still enjoy running around the yard chasing a ball or another dog

MYTH: Small dogs are better around children & other animals
most small dogs have an extremely high prey drive and are more prone to harm your small pet. My particular dog is mixed with three breeds that are associated with dogs that have an extremely high prey drive, and are known to be cat killers.


If you have small pets it is better to choose your dog based on temperament rather than size.

MYTH: Smaller dogs will not protect you or your home as well as a big dog
Most people believe that when an intruder hears a small dog, they will not perceive this dog as a threat. Smaller dogs are actually a greater deterrent to intruders because they are there smaller and harder to catch than a big dog. When a small dog becomes aggressive, they are more likely to run and bounce around the intruder and snap at them before the intruder can you can catch them. Also, barking is barking - any noise made by your dog is bound to alert your neighbors.

MYTH! Long-haired Breeds Need to be Shaved in the Summertime
Although dogs such as Siberian Huskies, Chow Chows and American Eskimos might look uncomfortable in the summertime with their long coats, nature has provided them with fur that allows the heat to escape from their bodies when the weather is warm.

MYTH! Small Breed Dogs Live Longer than Large Breed Dogs
As a general rule, this is actually true: Smaller breeds tend to live longer than larger breeds. While a Saint Bernard might only make it to 7 years, a Chihuahua can live to be 14 or more.

MYTH! Shetland Sheepdogs Are Miniature Collies
Although Shelties might look like small Collies, they are actually a completely separate breed. The American Kennel Club recognizes the Sheltie and the Collie as two distinctly different dogs, both with inborn instincts to herd livestock.

MYTH! Jack Russell Terriers Are Hyperactive
Jack Russell Terriers are busy dogs with a lot of energy, but they are not hyperactive. While they do need lots of exercise, more than anything, Jack Russells need something to occupy their minds. Interactive toys and playtime with their human companions usually fit the bill.

MYTH! Pugs are lazy and mostly inactive dogs
Not truth at all! Pugs are very interactive, playful & happy dogs all the way of their lifes. They love to jump, adore to play with owner and other dogs.. sometimes, they wish to rest, just like any other dog and yourself.


This article is proudly presented by
Ben Kerns
Linda Cole

Large dog breeds can seem intimidating because of their size, but that doesn't mean they will be aggressive. Big dogs are actually more likely to be "gentle giants." Bans on big dog breeds exist all across the country, mostly for completely unfounded reasons. Breeds like Mastiffs and Dobermans are unfairly stereotyped due largely in part to their appearance and size, but we know it's all hogwash. Here are some common misconceptions and myths about big breeds.


MYTH: Big Dogs Make the Best Guard Dogs
There are large dog breeds specifically bred to discourage intruders, but not all big dogs make good guard dogs. Oh sure, a Newfoundland might accidentally step on a burglar's foot and pin him in place, but as long as his family isn't being threatened, this easygoing big dog is more likely to lick the thief than chase him away. And an intimidating looking Husky is more likely to hold the door open for a burglar than attack him. Many smaller breeds are better at guarding the home front than some larger canines. In fact, the tiny Chihuahua made the Top 10 list of the best guard dogs. Never underestimate the feisty attitude of a Chihuahua, Terrier or any small dog determined to protect their home and family.

MYTH: You Can't Cuddle with Big Dogs
In the same way a Chihuahua believes he is just as big as any large breed dog, many big dogs think they are the perfect size for their owne's lap. Many big dogs are happy to cuddle and love nothing more than snuggling next to their people on the floor, couch or in their owner's bed.

MYTH: Big Dogs Make Good Running Partners
Unless you have a Siberian Husky, Greyhound, Dalmatian or any large breed bred to run, big dogs are more prone to developing hip dysplasia and other orthopedic conditions, because running is a high impact type of exercise. Terriers love to run and are much better jogging companions. Their smaller size means there is less impact on their joints, and you may have to work to keep up with them. Before taking any dog running with you, be sure to get a checkup from your vet to ensure he is up to the task. Most dogs are athletic, but need to be conditioned in the same way human runners develop a workout routine, so remember to take it easy and work up to a comfortable running distance. And like any athletic, a properly balanced diet is important.

MYTH: Big Dogs Can't Live Inside the appartments
Dogs have been our companions for at least 40,000 years. We walked down the same evolutionary path and developed a mutual bond and affection. It doesn't matter if a dog is small, medium or extra large, he is happiest with his people. Our canine friends are social creatures and have a strong desire and need to be with us inside the home. Large dogs can even be comfortable and happy in an apartment - as long as they get adequate exercise.

MYTH: Irish Setters are dumb
It's hard to know how this rumor started. It could be because of the Irish Setter's puppyish, clown-like nature. Not serious and stoic like some sporting breeds, the Irish Setter likes to goof around. The truth is that Irish Setters are intelligent dogs bred to work closely with hunters out in the field.

MYTH: Big Dogs are More Aggressive
Big dogs are not likelier to be more aggressive than smaller ones. Any dog regardless of size can be aggressive if you don't take the time to nurture them. Proper socialization and training are an important part of any dog's education, and are also two of the best ways to build a bond. Because of their bigger size, large dogs can be scary to some people.

MYTH: Big Dogs Can't be Trusted Around Children
Many large dog breeds get along very well with children of all ages and make great family pets. It's crucuial for parents to do their research into dog breeds to find the right canine for their lifestyle and family. Again, socialization and training are important for both the dog and the kids. Young children need to be taught how to interact with any dog regardless of size. Understanding canine body language is also vital, as well as making sure you never leave small children with a dog unsupervised.

MYTH: Big Dogs are Dangerous!
Whether due to their sheer size or storied history of being used as fighting dogs, big dog breeds are often stereotyped as being dangerous. We know Pit Bulls are often unfairly accused of being mean, but the truth is most of them are harmless. Its owner most heavily influences a dog's behavior and training, so if you see a dog acting aggressively it's most likely due to abuse or a lack of socialization.

MYTH: Smart dogs are easier!
Most breeds described as smart need a lot of work to keep busy and out of trouble. Smart dogs will always find a way to occupy themselves if you don't give them plenty to do, and you probably won't like what they come up with! Plan to do a lot more than just walking to exercise them. They need brain work-outs too!

MYTH: Their Jaws Lock
This one seems to be floating around about bigger dogs quite a bit, with a lot of emphasis once again falling on Pit Bulls. The truth is that it's just not true. Pit Bulls and other big breeds have the same mandibles and teeth as other dogs. We are not sure where this one started, but it needs to go away. You may check the table of various Dogs Jaws Pressure over the net and be really surprised with what you will see there.

MYTH: They Bite More Than Other Dogs
Bigger dogs don't bite more than other breeds, but they are more likely to be reported. That's because, due to their size, a bite from a bigger dog is more likely to do damage than a bite from, say, a Chihuahua. People are also more likely to report them out of misplaced fear.

MYTH: Bigger Dogs Are Better Runners
The size of a dog doesn't always have an impact on how fast it can move. In fact, it's usually the bigger breeds that suffer from conditions such as hip dysplasia, making it difficult for them to run fast or run long distances. While some are definitely great running buddies, there are plenty of little guys out there that can outpace them.

MYTH: Big Dogs Need Lots of Land
This one is tricky, because it depends on the breed and not the size. Most Retrievers and Shepherds most definitely do need to go running quite often. But there are some large and giant breeds that are perfectly happy just living in an apartment. Mastiffs, for instance, tend to be a bit on the lazy side and don't require nearly as much activity as you might assume. Greyhounds also make decent apartment dogs.

MYTH: Labrador Retrievers Have Webbed Feet
As odd as this may sound, it's actually true - Labs do have webs between their toes. This feature was bred into the Lab to help him swim, as the breed was originally created to retriever downed waterfowl. Labs can also use their tails as rudders when they are swimming.

MYTH: All large dogs are dangerous!
This one is just plain nuts. Have you read our recent breed profile of the Newfoundland? Those dogs can get upwards of 150 pounds or more and they are as harmless as a stuffed teddy bear. My aunt's two Great Danes think they are tiny lapdogs, and many other large dogs can easily debunk this myth. Other than accidentally knocking someone over because of their size, many large dogs are just puppies in big packages.

MYTH: Great Danes are big, like to slobber, and are not very intelligent
Thats fantastically untrue! Great danes got a decently high IQ by frequently - repeated worldwide test results. The intelligence got nothing really to do with a size of the dog!

MYTH: Big Dogs Aren't Lapdogs
While this myth is technically true, after all, you might not want a Newfoundland or Great Dane actually in your lap - if you think big dogs aren't big cuddlers, there's a good chance you just haven't spent enough time with one. The Mastiff, for example, has a reputation for being one giant wannabe lapdog. Despite the fact that he can weigh up to 200 pounds, he has a penchant for leaning on his family members and lying at their feet.

MYTH: Big Dogs Tend to Be Overweight
Many pet owners think their large dog will eventually go from L to XL or even XXL. It's no more true for a teacup Poodle and medium-sized Corgi, than a large Lab or a Great Pyreneas. Weight gain is primarily about how much you feed - total calories including snacks and how much you exercise your pet. You can keep your big dog or any size dog trim with less food in their bowls and more miles on their feet.

MYTH: cavaliers aren't like other spaniels and are just a low energy & lazy lap dog
FALSE - Cavaliers, whilst they do love being on your lap, are supposed to be like other spaniels - high energy dogs that run through undergrowth and bring half a hedge home in their fur and can keep going all day, if you do. Unfortunately many are kept seriously overweight and never allowed off lead, so people get the wrong idea about Cavaliers.

MYTH: Myth: Big Dogs Are Ideal Running Companions
Although you might think large or giant breed dogs are more athletic, some smaller dogs can actually make better running companions. Running is a high-impact sport that can aggravate some orthopedic conditions like hip dysplasia. Your vet should clear your dog for running before you begin. He might also have some recommendations about diet and supplements that can help make running better and safer for your dog. And no puppy, of any size, can start long-distance training from a young age.


This article is proudly presented by

Sue White

Many skeptical Yorkie owners and breeders, absolutely refuse to believe that the Parti colored Yorkie is anything other than a recent "behind the kennel bred" mutt. They say: "There is NO white gene in our Purebred Yorkies" or "There is NO record of any Yorkie ever breeding to a white or parti colored dog" or "No show breeder who's been breeding and showing for 30 or 40 years, has ever produced a parti colored Yorkie." Regardless of what you may have read or heard, Parti-colored Yorkshire Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers of color are healthy and beautiful pure-bred registered Yorkshire Terriers. In a strong effort to educate individuals, and to correct and clarify some of the common myths and misconceptions being circulated concerning Yorkshire Terriers of color, I have provided as much information as possible through-out my website concerning their heritage. Please take time to read this information! If you are still in doubt, I encourage you to contact AKC - the American Kennel Club. AKC sets and adheres to very strict registration standards and guidelines. If there was any doubt as to the purity of the colorful Yorkshire Terrier, they would not be registering them as such. Color comes from a recessive gene which was intentionally "bred out" many years ago to create the traditional color Yorkshire Terrier that we know today.


However, there are still recessive genes in the lines and occasionally they do "pop up" in litters. Breeders in California took note of this, and decided to bring the color back to the surface and thus the parti colored yorkie resurfaced. Their beautiful color has slowly worked its way east and is now seen and offered by a few breeders in the country who love and appreciate its beauty.

MYTH: Any Yorkshire Terrier of color, outside of the traditional black & tan, black & gold, blue & tan or blue & gold, are not purebred Yorkshire Terriers
Parti-colored Yorkshire Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers of color ARE purebred Yorkshire Terriers and they ARE registered as such. AKC sets and adheres to very strict registration standards and guidelines. If there was any doubt as to the purity of the colorful Yorkshire Terrier, they would not be registering them as such.

MYTH: Parti-colored Yorkshire Terriers or any Yorkshire Terrier of color, cannot be registered
Parti-colored Yorkshire Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers of color can be AKC registered as long as both parents are also AKC registered. Again. Parti-colored Yorkies and Yorkies of color ARE purebred Yorkshire Terriers and they CAN BE registered as such.

MYTH: Parti-colored Yorkies and/or Yorkies of color are not healthy and/or "have something wrong with them
, regardless of color. AKC conducted DNA studies of 42 litters, including sires and dams in 1999 - 2000, and the results proved the parti-color to be in the natural make-up of the Yorkshire Terrier.

MYTH: Reputable breeders do not breed to produce parti-colored Yorkies or Yorkies of any "off color"
There are many reputable breeders that admire the absolute beauty of the colorful Yorkshire Terrier, and YES, they do breed to intentional produce colorful pups. A reputable breeder is someone who puts the health and welfare of their dogs before money and only breeds to produce healthy, beautiful, well-adjusted puppies.

MYTH: Parti-colored Yorkies and Yorkies of color are just genetic freaks of nature
The parti color comes from a recessive gene which was intentionally "bred out" many years ago to create the traditional color Yorkshire Terrier that we know today. However, there are still recessive genes in the lines and occasionally they do "pop up" in litters. AKC conducted DNA studies of 42 litters, including sires and dams in 1999 - 2000, and the results proved the parti-color to be in the natural make-up of the Yorkshire Terrier.

MYTH: Yorkies of color are not allowed in the showring
Parti Yorkshire Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers of color ARE allowed in non-AKC sanctioned dog shows, such as NAKC. The YTCA is a club who governs the show standard for the Yorkshire Terriers to compete against in AKC dog shows. In October of 2007, shortly after the recognition of the Parti Yorkshire Terrier, the YTCA elected to add a disqualification to the Yorkshire Terrier standard stating that "any dog of color or combination of colors other then blue and tan or any white markings other than a small white spot on the fore chest that does not exceed 1 inch at its longest dimension". The Parti Yorkshire Terrier CAN compete in AKC agility but are disqualified from showing in AKC sanctioned dog shows due to the white coloring. Reputable breeders are currently coming together in an attempt to amend this disqualification.


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MYTH: Puppies are better than adult dogs, especially if I have small children
Everyone loves a puppy, and while small children may coo and awww over the sight of a newborn puppy, putting two separate creatures with reduced impulse-control together is more likely to result in chaos than it is in adorable photographs. Getting a puppy for your child is putting a dog, with no impulse control and no sense of what the world is like with a scary, undisciplined figure who might very well hurt it. That is not to say that puppies and babies are incompatible, but potential dog owners should monitor the situation carefully and consider either waiting until the child is older to adopt a dog or adopting an older, more experienced dog who is less likely to snap if, for example, a child pulls his tail or prods him repeatedly. German Shepherd puppies are not necessarily aggressive, but most puppies do have a proclivity to harmless nipping and chewing that might not bother an adult, but might damage the sensitive skin of a toddler, or destroy the lining on her favorite stuffed toy. Bottom line, if you have young kids, don't pass over that older dog who may actually make your life easier.

Another untrue myth that leads to much disappointment and disillusionment among dog owners. Female dogs, like female humans, are no more likely to be meek or docile than their masculine counterparts. In fact, female dogs are commonly more alpha than their male counterparts. They are certainly not to be underestimated. Just like human females, eh? Male dogs can be just as laid-back and mellow as female dogs, perhaps more so, if they have been properly neutered and female dogs can be very alpha.

MYTH: German Shepherd protection dogs are attack dogs
German Shepherd protection training is exactly that dogs trained for protection. They aren't trained to be the stereotypical "violent beast" you might see in the movies - that is nothing more than dramatic hollywood "fiction". For example, Pitbulls have an even worse reputation than GSD's, court mandates have been passed to exterminate any dog even resembling the breed in some areas. Though this poor reputation is mostly due to illegal dog fighting and then exasperated by various forms of mass media, Pitbulls were ironically bred to be loyal and friendly with humans, trusted to watch over children in the early 1900's - earning the nickname "Nanny Dogs", and one of the absolute best breeds to raise around families.

MYTH: An untrained German Shepherd dog will protect me
Most dogs are intelligent animals - they don't blindly leap into trouble if the odds aren't in their favor, and they won't always be able to discern friend from foe. A 60 pound dog isn't going to attack an 800 pound bear over a steak, no matter how tender and juicy, unless he is starving to death. A well socialized, friendly dog probably isn't going to attack a stranger entering your home because all of the other humans he ever met entering your home were friendly - he won't be able to tell the difference unless the invader is violent off the bat. German Shepherd protection training needs to be given by a professional so the animal knows when it is appropriate to act a certain way, when it isn't, and that you both will be safe.

MYTH: Any German Shepherd dog can be a protection dog
Though it is indeed a natural, instinctual part of the GSD's personality to both guard and protect, one of the reasons he is so favored for this purpose, those lacking German Shepherd protection training won't be able to offer reliable or dependable protection. Most of all, a "protection" dog not properly trained can be untrustworthy.

MYTH: Anyone can raise their own protection dog
They don't necessarily need to pass the rigorous Schutzhund training, but all GS protection dogs should receive specific German Shepherd protection training from an experienced professional. If not properly trained, they could wind up overly fearful, exceptionally aggressive, or downright dangerous. Say an inexperienced or first time dog owner decides to train his dog to attack anything that dares trespass into his property. What if a child comes by to pet him, or maybe the paper boy on his delivery route? Innocent people have not only been attacked but killed because uneducated and inexperienced owners decided to take matters into their own hands.

MYTH: All German Shepherds are violent and dangerous
Just like humans in this sense, a German Shepherd's personality will adapt and grow with his environment, and will form according to the people who raise and train him. Just Like Absolutely Any Other Dog Breed - If they socialize him properly with other animals and people during puppyhood, he almost certainly is going to grow to be perfectly friendly with both children and adults. If handlers are mean, cruel, or abusive toward him, he will grow to become a fearful, aggressive animal. If he is rewarded for various acts of aggression, he will grow to want to behave aggressively- in order to satisfy his owner. If he is taught that people are a threat, he will behave in kind. Thanks to the wonders of television, people all over the United States, the world even, see GSDs aggressively attacking or at least what looks to them, criminals on police shows like "COPS", and automatically assume all German Shepherds are violent killers. In fact, these dogs went through very precise German Shepherd dog training, meant more for defensive protection than aggression. In fact, both police and the military favor these breeds due to their intelligence, trainability, and temperament. Dogs like the German Shepherd are used to help keep their humans out of harm's way.

MYTH: All protection dogs have passed Schutzhund dog training
Schutzhund - protection dog, training began in the early 1900's Germany as a way to test suitable GS dogs. By no German Shepherd protection trainingmeans is this classification easy to acquire - it's strenuous and demanding of both dog and handler, requiring an educated and experienced trainer. The German Shepherd protection training ends with a series of tests for the dog which must be all passed for completion. In the beginning, most dogs didn't pass. Even today, many "protection dogs" didn't or couldn't pass the formal, rigorous training. Ironically, the majority of those who received this demanding form of training never met a policeman, and the majority of police dogs today haven't passed Schutzhund training - again, contrary to the stereotype.

MYTH: German Shepherds were bred to be vicious killers!
Few things could be further from the truth. German Shepherds, like the name, were bred in late 1800's Germany in order to assist in herding and guarding sheep. The only "protection" they offered was meant to preserve the sheep themselves from other animals. Like most herding breeds, German shepherds are known to be extremely intelligent - 3rd, behind the Border Collie and Poodle according to the AKC, which is partially why they are favored as protection dogs across the world.


This article is proudly presented by
Alexandra Seagal

There seems to be some confusion and a touch of negative stigma around the Black German Shepherd - AKA Black Shepherd. The Black Shepherd is a beautiful variety of the German Shepherd who is just as loyal, energetic and trainable. She is born a solid black color, has a straighter back and sometimes has longer hair than the standard variety. Remember, she can be a bit pricier, especially if her coat has the longer, luxurious look. Like all German Shepherds, Black Shepherds are prone to numerous health problems. You should make sure you buy from a reputable breeder who can ensure your puppy is healthy and will live a long life.

MYTH: The Black German Shepherd is the same breed as the German Shepherd
Sometimes people think the Black German Shepherd is a different breed to the German Shepherd. This is not true. It belongs to the same breed but is referred to as the Black German Shepherd because, well, it's entirely black!

MYTH: The Black German Shepherd and the standard variety have some different physical differences


MYTH: Black German Shepherd puppies are born black
All German Shepherd puppies are either born black, gray or white and can change color as they grow. Their true coat color can usually be determined at about 8 weeks of age. Black German Shepherd puppies are born black and will stay black through adulthood. So, if you are looking for a solid Black German Shepherd puppy, you will want to get her at this age, and not before, in order to be sure she is indeed a solid black color.

MYTH: A German Shepherd that is not black can produce Black German Shepherd puppies
Yes, you heard right. A German Shepherd that is, say, black and tan, can carry the recessive solid black gene and produce Black German Shepherd puppies. However, both parents must have the recessive gene for solid black to appear in the litter. So if you go to meet your puppy - not before 8 weeks of age, remember! and see that the parents aren't solid black, don't be surprised! It can happen. The second way solid Black German Shepherd puppies are produced is by mating two solid blacks. This mix can only produce a solid black litter.

MYTH: The black color has NO negative effect on the dog
Here's where that negative stigma comes in - people can sometimes fear this dog due to its striking black color. The color of this dog does not affect its temperament. The Black German Shepherd is just as loyal, alert, active and intelligent as the standard variety and is not predisposed to aggression. She is often aloof at first, but once you bond with her, she will be your companion for life. Black German Shepherds are also incredibly trainable and are used as police and military dogs, disability aid dogs, and obedience dogs. Just like any German Shepherd, their protective instinct can be strong. These are dogs that were used to herd and protect livestock, and they will do the same with their human pack! In the case of your family coming into danger, have no doubt this dog will defend you. As a companion dog, however, you want her to recognize that not all people are a threat. Make sure you socialize her from a young age so that she gets on well with people in adulthood.

MYTH: They can be pricey
Black German Shepherds are quite rare and for this reason tend to cost more, especially if they have the long, luxurious coat. While for a standard German Shepherd puppy the price ranges from $300 - 900, for a Black German Shepherd puppy you can expect to pay between $700 - 2000.

MYTH: Like all German Shepherds, they are prone to health problems
The German Shepherd breed can, unfortunately, suffer from numerous health issues. The number one concern for this breed is hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia. This condition occurs when the ball and socket joint is malformed and can result in arthritis or even lameness. This can be helped by maintaining a healthy weight in your dog.


This article is proudly presented by
Alexandra Seagal

The White German Shepherd is a relatively rare, beautiful and often misunderstood breed.

MYTH! Is the White German Shepherd a separate breed to the standard German Shepherd
Technically, it isn't, but it is recognized as a separate breed. Let me explain: The recessive gene that causes this breed to be white has always been present in the original genetic structure of the German Shepherd - White German Shepherds descended directly from German Shepherds. Since the 1930s, however, the White German Shepherd dog has been considered a fault and has yet to be recognized or accepted as a type of German Shepherd. Supporters of the breed began forming their own breed clubs and registries for this dog in the 1970s, and eventually, in 1999 the United Kennel Club, the second largest dog breed registry in the US, recognized the White German Shepherd as a separate breed.

MYTH! The differences to the standard German Shepherd?
The only significant difference between the White German Shepherd and the standard is the color. Let's take a look at what's the same and what's different:


MYTH! What makes the White German Shepherd white?
Like the Black German Shepherd, the White German Shepherd is the product of a recessive coat color gene. Unlike the Black German Shepherd, however, whose true color is solid black, the recessive white gene acts as a mask, blocking the dog's true color and pattern and causing it to appear white.

MYTH! Can a White German Shepherd produce standard colored offspring?
The answer is YES! The only way to get 100% solid white offspring is to breed two White German Shepherds, but if a White German Shepherd is bred to a colored German Shepherd, they will throw colored puppies. What proportion depends on whether the non-white Shepherd also carries the recessive white gene.


If the non-white carries the recessive white gene, the puppies will have a 50/50 chance of being white or colored. If the nob-white doesn't carry the recessive white gene, all the pups will be colored. Given that we cannot know what color or pattern a White German Shepherd is masking, it is not easy to determine what colors the pups will be when bred to a non-white German Shepherd.

MYTH! White German Shepherd have genetic disorders
The answer is NO! In fact, the founder of the German Shepherd as a recognized breed, Max Von Stephanitz rebuked this claim himself. In his book The German Shepherd Dog in Word and Picture, published in 1923, he states: "The coloring of the dog has no significance whatsoever for service." Unfortunately, though, history has been unkind to this breed, and today people still have the idea that she is flawed genetically.

MYTH! The White German Shepherd is an albino German Shepherd!
NO! Incorrect! I've heard people refer to the White German Shepherd many times as an albino German Shepherd. While there are albino German Shepherds, the White German Shepherd is not an albino dog. An albino is an organism that has deficient pigmentation, which causes pink eyes, pale skin, and colorless hair. The White German Shepherd has pink or black skin, gold or brown eyes, a dark nose and solid white fur.

MYTH! Breeding a White German Shepherd with a colored German Shepherd does produce "Color Paling"
No, it does NOT! Some people think that if you breed a White German Shepherd with a standard one, the white gene will cause the puppies to be born a lighter color. This is not the case, however. The white gene is not a dilute gene, like liver and blue, it is a masking gene - meaning the recessive gene masks the dog's true color. The only way for diluting to happen is if the White Shepherd in question is masking a diluted color like liver or blue.

MYTH! The White German Shepherd has separate health issues
No, its untrue. The recessive gene is only responsible for the dog's color - there are absolutely no links to poor health or temperament. The White German Shepherd is prone to the same health issues as the standard, the major concern being hip and elbow dysplasia.


This article is proudly presented by
Alexandra Seagal

If you are a fan of very small dogs, with big beautiful eyes, then most probably you are dreaming about having a Teacup Chihuahua to love and take care of. However, letting yourself get carried away by size is not the smartest thing you can do, especially when we are talking about a dog with a long lifespan and special needs.

Teacup Chihuahua - myth or reality?
The Teacup Chihuahua - micro Chihuahua, mini Chihuahua, and miniature Chihuahua is, in fact, a mythical dog. She is not a breed, nor a version of the main breed. The term "Teacup Chihuahua" is just a description or, more precisely, a marketing trick to attract new customers and it refers to those adult Chihuahuas that have smaller dimensions than the standard ones. Generally, the standards for a Chihuahua's size are between 1.8-2.7 kg, but there's no minimum, so Chihuahuas as small as 0.9 - 1.3 kg are accepted by the national and international clubs, too. And these miniature Chihuahuas seem to be extremely popular among dog owners. This new trend has determined many unethical breeders to try to obtain smaller puppies through selective breeding, to sell their new dogs for higher prices. When getting a miniature Chihuahua, make sure you are not encouraging these practices as they are damaging for the breed in the long term. You should learn how to recognize a reputable breeder and only buy from someone who fits this profile. It's not easy to determine if your Chihuahua puppy will be teacup-sized. No breeder can tell you how large your Chihuahua puppy will be as an adult. Genetics can be tricky when it comes to a Chihuahua's size, so the puppy you see advertised as a "Teacup Chihuahua" could grow into a 5 or 6-pound dog.


An easier solution to get a miniature Chihuahua is to get an adult instead of a puppy. When she is one year or over, she will be fully grown, and you can be sure about her dimensions. Check with the animal shelters, veterinarians and rescue groups in your area for a Teacup Chihuahua to adopt. However, dealing with an adult Chihuahua is harder than starting with a puppy. Mostly because once they grow up, these dogs are stubborn and harder to train, so you will need more time to teach your future dog the house rules. There's more dog than toy in a Teacup Chihuahua! According to data compiled by Barkpost, Chihuahuas are the second most abandoned dog in the US, after the American Pit Bull Terrier. Teacup Chihuahuas have tiny bladders, which means they need to eliminate often. They also tend to have difficulties in controlling themselves, so potty training is a long process, which sometimes doesn't bring any results.


This is often due to people wanting them as an accessory and not realizing that these dogs have needs like any other breed. These dogs are small and have fragile bones, which makes them prone to injuries. Young children shouldn't be allowed to play alone with a Chihuahua, because they are not careful enough. Stepping or sitting on a Teacup Chi that's hiding under the blanket can easily kill the dog. Another reason to keep Chihuahuas away from small kids is their temperament. These dogs love to be the center of attention and can easily become jealous of young children and attack them.


If you have kids in your house, it's better to start socialization at the earliest possible opportunity, to get your dog used to people. The Teacup Chihuahua is not a separate breed, nor even a breed. She is simply a miniature Chihuahua. She is a dog like any other, who needs a dedicated owner. As we have seen, we are talking about a dog with specific needs due to her special size. She does better with a single owner in a household without children and without other pets who aren't Chihuahuas. It's important to look for a reputable breeder, and to bear in mind that, if buying her as a puppy, it is impossible to know what size she will be as an adult. A Chihuahua, teacup sized or standard, is a long-term commitment and you should consider it seriously before starting this adventure.


This article is proudly presented by
Claire Beaudreault

MYTH! They are constantly yipping and barking
This is truth, but yet they don't HOWL like some breeds.

MYTH! They hate everyone and every dog
Socialization is key to a well-adjusted Chihuahua.

MYTH! Chihuahuas ruv only one person
They show loyalty to their human, but they can love others!

MYTH! They live furever
Like the cockroach, Chihuahuas will survive the apocalypse. Thank dog you can enjoy the lil buggers for their average life expectancy of 15-20 years!

MYTH! They are prissy purse/lap/shirt dogs
They are actually dogs, not trinkets, and benefit from being treated accordingly. Play with your Chi like a regular dog.

MYTH! They love chalupas. And tacos. And tequila
Just don't go there.

MYTH! They are basically cats
There are many reports of Chis adopting kittens, and cats adopting Chi puppies, but c'mon. Cats drool!

MYTH! They are actually rats

MYTH! They are a girly dog
You sure about that?

MYTH! They are hyperactive
Their small size and high metabolism gives them more energy but they really don't need as much exercise as other breeds.

MYTH! They think they are bigger than they are
"Small dog syndrome" may occur when owners don't treat them as dogs who need to be trained or exercised like dogs of other sizes.


This article is proudly presented by


Chris White

No other dog has had so much media coverage in the last 15 years as the Pit Bull. It's tough not to be emotional one way or the other about these canines, especially if you have owned one or two or three, or if you or a loved one has been involved in a bad incident involving a Pit Bull. One side says Pits are dangerous and should be banned.


The other side says they are loving, safe dogs and it's the owners who are to blame for any "bad" Pits. What is the truth? Somewhere in between. "Pit Bull" can refer to either the American Pit Bull Terrier breed or a type of dog who has Pit Bull traits. It's all muddled at this point with Breed Specific Legislation, which bans or restricts some breeds, lumping Boxers and Dalmatians in with pits and other bully breeds - such as the American Staffordshire Terrier.


Most Pit Bulls on the street are mixes though there is still breeding of the APBT. Responsible breeding produces a stable, talented dog while breeding for dog fighting must, of course, be stopped. It gets more confusing when trying to identify just how many Pit Bulls are responsible for dog or human attacks. When you see the term "Pit Bull" in the press, it can refer to any type of dog. But there are the sensible people who honestly feel that Pitbulls, and any dog that resembles one, are a danger to society. Pitbulls are like other dogs yet they are also unique. Their gameness, focus, desire to please and boundless energy can be seen as either productive or unproductive traits. The trick is to utilize these characteristics in focused play and work, such as agility, weight pulling, rescue work or nose work.

MYTH! All Pit Bulls Are Bad!
Dogs do not have a conscience - they cannot be "bad." Pit Bulls react to their world based on their breeding and training. You can't breed a dog to fight other dogs for almost 200 years and expect those instincts to vanish.

MYTH! Pit Bulls Are Human Aggressive
Since Pits were bred to fight dogs in a ring, the owners had to make certain they would not turn on them when they went in to stop the fight. Imagine a dog, so riled up from fighting and very aggressive, who was able to then turn it off when his human appeared in the pit. When a Pit Bull attacks a person, there are always other factors involved, such as protection of food. Any dog may bite if provoked.

MYTH! Pit Bulls Can Cause More Damage Than Other Dogs
Sorry, Pit Bull lovers but this is sometimes sadly true. Myths such as the locked jaw have been disproved but a Pit Bull's traits make him naturally more driven. Consider these: tenacity - they often fought til death in rings, gameness, prey drive, a compact, strong, muscular body - pits can pull up to 7,000 pounds and centuries of fighting instinct. But, there are too many factors involved in dog bites, such as the size of the animal and where the bite occurred, to make a blanket statement. In their favor, a Pit Bull will likely listen and obey better than other dogs if properly trained.

MYTH! An Aggressive Pit Bull Cannot Be Rehabilitated
This was disproved by the Michael Vick case where some 50 pit bulls were rescued from a fighting ring. Of those, 49 dogs were rehabilitated. Some went to shelters such as Best Friends and many are well-loved family members today. The testing used to determine these dogs' ability to fit into society was exhaustive and excellent and successful.

MYTH! Anyone Can Own a Pit Bull
Pit Bulls are different from other dogs and their owners need to be told the facts before rescuing or purchasing one. A dog lover who has had Bichons all her life will be sorely surprised unless she does her homework and understands the bully breeds. Pits need a lot of structure, a very pronounced human alpha, training, exercise and lots of attention. The owner needs consistency, time, energy and maybe some muscle.

MYTH! Pit Bulls Will Always Fight Other Dogs
Some Pits are so dog aggressive that they should be the only dog in the house. They also should not go to dog parks or areas where dogs run off-leash. Any Pit Bull could get into a fight with another dog. Any dog could. But breaking up a Pit Bull fight is much harder than a tiff between a Shiba Inu and a Sharpei Inu. If you have a Pit Bull, learn about his body language and the signs that he is getting ready to fight. This will prevent many incidents.

MYTH! Pit Bulls Are Lovers Not Fighters
Since it's been established that they can be fighters, what about lovers? Absolutely! Pit Bulls give more kisses than any other type of dog. They love humans and human interactions. They feed off positive attention. These dogs are loving, friendly creatures. And they are the kings of clowning.

MYTH! Pit Bulls Are Badly Behaved
Any dog who has this much energy and motivation coded into his DNA can cause problems if he doesn't get enough attention and exercise. Pit Bulls put their whole hearts into destruction, of couches, beds, pillows, or your $200 boots. But all they need is to have that energy redirected. Pit Bulls are highly trainable but they do need to be trained. Their intelligence, focus, gameness, loyalty and desire to please makes them one of the most teachable dogs.

MYTH! Compromise is Unthinkable
Unfortunately, both sides of the Pit Bull debate are often stubborn about their views and solutions. For those who think BSL is wrong, they need to be realistic about how to end it. For those that think Pit Bulls are dangerous, they need to recognize that banning Pits tears loved pets away from their families and what they propose will not stop all dangerous dogs. Giving in a bit on both sides, such as allowing muzzling of Pit Bulls in public places in exchange for no BSL, may prove the only hope.

MYTH! I heard that pit bulls have the strongest bite force of any dog. Is that true?
No. We have seen numbers from certain groups that range from 800 PSI, to well over 2000 PSI. First off, bite force isn't measured in PSI. The correct scientific measurement is Newtons or pounds of force for us non metric folks, but when have the hate mongers ever let science get in their way before? Moving on from that, there was only one study I could find that actually measured bite force. The results were as follows:
Rottweiler: 328 pounds of force
German Shepherd: 238 pounds of force
American Pit Bull Terrier: 235 pounds of force

MYTH! Aren't pit bulls the most likely dog to bite?
Far from it. According to the American Temperament Test Society, in 2013, 86.8% of American Pit Bull Terriers passed their tests that involve stability, aggressiveness, friendliness, and protectiveness. Only 85.2% of Golden Retrievers passed, and only 69.8% of Chihuahuas passed.

MYTH! Pit bulls make good guard dogs
The only reason a pitbull may serve as a guard dog is due to their intimidating looks. Pitbulls are generally great dogs who love people. They should never be made to look scary with cropped ears or spiked collars, or ever trained to guard. This could be very dangerous and only further damages the image of these wonderful dogs.

MYTH! All pit bulls with cropped ears were used for fighting
Wrong again. Often times irresponsible dog owners crop their dog's ears only because they want to portray toughness. Cropping a dog's ears makes a dog look more intimidating. It is an unnecessary practice and furthers the negative image people have of pit bull type dogs.

MYTH! The Pit Bull's Brain Never Stops Growing
This misconception likely started from the unusually large head seen on many American Staffordshire Terriers. Many people believe that a Pit Bull's brain starts growing from birth and never stops. As a result the dog will go insane at a certain age or have a truly huge head. In fact, the brick shaped heads found on most Pit Bulls do stop growing when the dog.

MYTH! Pit Bulls Are Commonly Bred for Fighting
Largely publicized cases like Michael Vick's pit bull fighting ring have led to the belief that the majority of people breed pit bulls to fight them in a ring. Originally, pit bulls were bred for physical tasks such as hunting and occasionally fighting. However, the majority of modern breeders choose to breed pit bulls to be a family's companion, not a fighter.

MYTH! Pit Bulls Are Not as Intelligent as Other Breeds
Some people believe a Pit Bull lacks the intelligence of other large breeds such as Labradors. Pit bulls are actually quite easy to train. The Pit's willingness to learn and desire to please their owners makes it easy for them to pick up even the most advanced tricks quickly. Pit Bulls are also great climbers - many can climb trees- and love puzzle toys and hide and go seek type games.

MYTH: Pit Bulls Attack Without Warning
Pit Bulls, like any other type of dog, typically attack vary rarely and always with provocation. All dogs give off warning signs, such as stiffening their bodies, before attacking any other creature. With proper training, good socialization and owner responsibility, a pit bull is just as unlikely to attack another dog or a person as any other breed of dog.

MYTH! Pit Bulls Turn on their Owners
This is just not the truth. It turns out that dogs in general do not "turn" on their owners, even pit bulls. There are many misconceptions about this out there, and where it comes from remains a mystery. It's believed that dogs that bite are automatically bad dogs. In fact, this is just not the truth. However, you don't typically see poodles on the news for biting their owners because they are smaller and far less "scary" than pit bulls.

MYTH! Pit Bulls are Mean
They are not mean. Sure, they can be just like any other dog and any other human. But the truth is that pit bulls are, generally, a very nice and very loving breed with a lot of affection and a lot of love to give. This breed is one that has a lot of misunderstanding as far as their personalities are concerned, but the fact of the matter is that they are not mean dogs by any means.

MYTH! It's all about how you Raise your Pit Bull
I will admit that I really was a believer in this misconception. However, according to the ASPCA, dogs are all individuals. How you raise them certainly does have an effect on how they turn out, but dogs are individuals that turn out how they want to turn out based on their personalities. Fortunately, these dogs are sweet dogs by nature.

MYTH! Pit Bulls Were Known as Nanny Dogs
This is a misconception I hear quite frequently from pit bull owners and lovers. The idea being that we can convince people pit bulls are not dangerous because they essentially used to "babysit" children. Sorry to say but, historically speaking the pit bull type dogs were not referred to as a "nanny dog." There are many vintage pictures of pit bull-type dogs from the early 20th century with children. These do showcase how much the dogs meant to these owners since pictures were not cheap or easy to create - unfortunately, there is no evidence to suggest that they were ever referred to as "nanny dogs," and it's only been a more recent assumption that these were nanny dogs. We do hear people affectionately calling Staffordshire bull terriers specifically as nanny dogs, especially in the U.K., but this doesn't extend to other pit bull type breeds or mixes. Beyond this, it appears this nickname may be more of a recent invention rather than a historic one, considering Staffordshire bull terriers were first recognized by the Kennel Club in the 1930s, but pit bull and bull and terrier type dogs have been around for longer.

MYTH! There Are No Bad Dogs, Only Bad Owners
Some dogs may have a predisposition for aggression or anxiety. Even in these cases, some dogs may still need to have certain environmental factors in place to eventually develop these behaviors. Humans can't control every single thing that happens in a dog's life, and definitely can't control the environmental influences that occur before a puppy or adult dog comes into their home. The stress levels and nutrition of the mother have a massive influence on her puppies. The father's behavior and condition will also affect the puppies, even if he is never introduced to them. There is a lot to be said for what occurs before the puppies are born and within their first 8 weeks of life, generally before they ever go home with their human guardians. That being said, both breeders and owners can do everything right and one small incident at a crucial time can really impact a dog's behavior if they already have a genetic predisposition for certain behavioral conditions. Thus, while owners have a lot of control over the environment and maintenance of a dog, they still cannot control every single thing. So let's stop blaming owners for everything that goes wrong. Sometimes, it's just not the owner's fault.

MYTH! Shelters are Full of Pit Bulls, Proving There's Something Wrong with Them
This is an interesting myth, and I am still not sure where it comes from. Animal shelter intake numbers tend to reflect the current popularity of dogs, and there's nothing to suggest that these intake numbers reflect which dogs are more likely to exhibit problem behaviors. Dogs come into shelters for a variety of reasons - divorce, financial issues, boredom with the dog, landlord issues or decisions to move, new babies, emerging allergies, minor problems like jumping or housebreaking, major behavior problems like aggression or anxiety, and more. Not every dog in the shelter is there because of a behavior issue, and this has been a common misconception about shelter dogs for a long time. As much as people have become educated on this issue, it seems that, at least when it comes to pit bull-type dogs, the myth still exists.

MYTH! Pit Bulls with Cropped Ears are Fighting Dogs
It's been said that there are dogs with cropped ears, and that means that they have been bred to fight. It's not the truth. In fact, many people choose to crop the ears of their dogs for a number of reasons. In fact, we have friends with a pit bull that chose to crop his ears because they thought it would make him look meaner than he really is since he is a big baby who is afraid of everything in the world except for his dinner and not even all the time.

MYTH! Banning Pit Bulls Makes People Safer
It does not. There are statistics, according to the Huffington Post, that state that there are actually not statistics that prove people are safer in areas that "ban" pit bulls for their dangerous behavior. There are not really any statistics to support the banning of animals of this nature.

MYTH! Pit Bulls can't be Trusted
Pit bulls can be trusted. They are very loyal dogs that are very kind and loving, and they are very sweet to their humans. They are very loyal dogs that you can trust absolutely. This dog might not let you know that the mailman is at the door until he knocks, and he might be a bit overly friendly toward everyone else, but he is got your back every second of the day no matter what.

MYTH! Pit Bulls are for Criminals
Some people have this thought that some dogs are just for certain people. Since pit bulls are such horrible, awful dogs, they must be just for horrible, awful people. This is not the case. These are dogs for people that love to have animals that are friendly and loving and affectionate. They are great for all kinds of families, singles, kids whatever. You name it, but they are for all people.

MYTH! Pit Bulls Do Not Feel Pain
Many breeders will tell you that a Pit Bull has a high pain tolerance, or simply does not feel pain. In fact, all breeds of dogs share the same nervous system. This system allows them to feel pain similar to what any human would feel. The misconception that a pit bull does not feel pain comes from the breed's tendency to under react in physically stressful situations. Pit bulls were originally bred for a high level of "gameness," meaning they will continue to try completing a task despite physical discomfort. While many people feel a pit bull not stopping to whine or cry out during stressful training or hunting sessions is a sign of a lack of pain, it is actually a sign of the breed's desire to complete a task and please their owners.

MYTH! Pitbulls have always been unpopular
Actually, this dog did have its day - back in the day. Respected for their loyalty and bravery, Pitbulls were used as mascots to recruit soldiers during World War I, and they also made appearances in pop culture, such as Petey from the 30s cinema serial Little Rascals. During this time, Pitbulls were popular companions for families from all socioeconomic backgrounds, from farm workers to professionals.

MYTH! Don't pit bulls have locking jaws?
No. There have been scientific studies that have proven a pit bull's jaw is no different than any other dog.

MYTH! Aren't pit bulls the only dogs to bite, hold, and shake?
Not even close. Instead of trying to explain the drive behind this behavior, I will simply refer you to the following videos of dogs that could never be confused with pit bulls.








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Hilary Mitchell

They are so vicious and unpredictable!

MYTH! They are such mean-looking dogs


MYTH! They are not good with children... pets.. cats.. other dogs
Well, if they are such mean-looking dogs - probably this biggest ever human myth might scare millions around the earth, but this is untrue. Just like all the rest of the legends about this vicious breed!

MYTH! Bascially, they will attack anything that moves
Oh yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! And so they probably could be the best soldiers in the world and maybe even police agents 007... but suddenly, this is not true. This breed is not that agressive.


MYTH! They don't make good lap dogs

MYTH! They can't stand to be hugged

MYTH! They are far too vicious to be used as therapy dogs

MYTH! It's impossible to train amstafs

MYTH! Amstafs are very lazy dogs

MYTH! They have no sense of fun

MYTH! There's no way anyone could ever want one of these horrible, scary dogs

MYTH! They are incredibly rude

MYTH! They have no patience

Amstaf Myths


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Hilary Mitchell

Doberman Pinschers, despite their popularity among the general population, tend to be completely misunderstood by that same population. The average person recognizes that the name "Doberman Pinscher" is a dog breed and many will also know that it originated in Germany and can recognize one at a dog show, but that's about it. They will know next to nothing about the Dobie-s temperament, physical appearance and physical problems.

The Temperament
The biggest misconception about Doberman Pinschers is that they are born vicious. No dog is born vicious. Dobies do not lie in their doggie beds and dream about taking over the world. Dobies do not hide behind a bush and wait to eat any child that toddles by. Doberman Pinschers have to be taught how to be viscous by monstrous people. These type of people could turn ANY breed vicious but just happen to choose Dobermans because Dobies are so eager to please their people, that they will learn to do just about anything. If you train a Doberman to be gentle, social animals then guess what? They wind up being gentle, social animals. When a person meets a Dobie, they are often surprised at how much of a big goofball the dog is.

Physical Appearance
Most people do not realize that Doberman Pinschers are born with floppy ears and a long, thin tail. At the age of two or three days, usually without any anaesthesia, the breeder will then dock the tail and crop the ears. These are polite terms for chopping off the tail and mutilating the ears so that they stick up. Puppy mill breeders may wait longer, even when the bones have hardened and then get a knife. Some breeders will get tail docking and ear cropping done at a vet, but more and more vets are refusing to do such unnecessary surgeries. Docked tails and cropped ears can get infected and require further surgeries. All of these are done for the sake of tradition and for no medically sound reason whatsoever. Cropping the ears and docking the tail makes the Dobie look meaner. The surgeries are banned in many countries, including the UK, but sadly are still accepted in America, despite protests from the American Veterinary Medical Association.

Health Problems
You may have heard that Doberman's skulls do not grow large enough to hold their brains and this makes then insane. Although skull malformations are problems in other dog breeds, they don't appear in the Dobie and, if they did, the dogs would not have been able to live long enough to reproduce. Dobies are susceptible to health problems of the heart, eyes, coat and a blood disorder called Von Willebrand's Disease, which causes the blood to not clot. Dobermans can also get bloat, which is like a doggie form of horse colic. It is potentially lethal, just like horse colic.


The Doberman Myths...
The Doberman Pinscher dog is said to be a fearsome breed which is often generalized in our culture. The look of a Doberman can strike fear in a person's heart just because of this stigma that has been instilled in our minds. The long limbs, the clipped ears, and the sleek muscular build of the dog is something that puts us in an balance of alarm. But why? There are many reasons why us humans think so, because many of these dogs were trained to be ferocious and wild and bite at will. This does not go for all Dobermans, it is only how they are handle and trained. They are used as police dogs and guard dogs because they are easy to train to be violent and vicious but if they are raised in a gentle manner, the same with any dog they are caring and nurturing and enjoy a human's company.


One of the most common myths in line with Dobermans is that will strike their owners at any given time. This is not true at all and you should not be scared of your own pet! This is a myth that has been implanted within us because of their depiction. They do not turn on their owners at all and actually loving and warm and will treat other pets in the household with respect as well. When raised right they give off a friendly aura and sometimes even act in this light towards strangers! So no, Dobermans are not a vicious and untamed beast as they are often portrayed. Another myth that is quite prevalent about Dobermans is that they will protect you from anything, even since their birth. This is not right at all!

Dobermans, like all other dog breeds need to be trained to protect you or have a strong sense of bond that they will do it on their own. Usually, they actually get quite scared of things bigger than them and will often give a few warning barks and turn away. These dogs are not made for fighting as many people think, they are just like any other dog! Dobermans are very strong and intelligent and will not act strongly out of being vicious and mean. They tend to think first about their actions before putting any thought into them. These dogs are truly a beautiful breed and have the worst dishonor that has been placed on them for many centuries.


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The Dalmatian dog breed is instantly recognizable even to those who don't know much about dogs. This handsome, spotted breed has been made popular by television and movies, but those have also perpetuated some myths about the breed.


MYTH! Dalmatians are born with their black spots
All Dalmatians are born with a solid white coat. Their tell-tale black spots do not start appearing until almost three weeks of age. The number of spots they develop depend on the pattern of the parents' coats.

MYTH! All Dalmatians are deaf and therefore impossible to train properly
While deafness is common in the breed, not all puppies are born deaf. Deafness in one or both ears occurs in over half the Dalmatian population, but training is still possible.

MYTH! Deaf Dalmatians make poor pets because they startle too easily and may bite when unexpectedly handled
While raising a deaf dog may be a challenge, they can still be loving and affectionate pets. If you believe you have a deaf puppy, you should seek out a professional trainer who can show you how to train it properly.

MYTH! Dalmatians were intentionally bred to be deaf in order to make them fire house dogs
The deafness inherent to Dalmatians is a natural breed defect due to an absence of melanin-producing cells in the ear. Breeders did not recognize the deafness issue until nearly the late 20th century.

MYTH! Dalmatians were chosen as fire house dogs because the fire trucks' buzzers and sirens wouldn't hurt their ears
Dalmatians were coach and carriage dogs long before fire stations were established. This breed has an unusual camaraderie with horses, and has been used since the 1800's as companions for the horses, as well as their guardians.

MYTH! Dalmatians are high strung and will bite without warning because of it
This is a high-energy breed, and if its needs for exercise and stimulation are not met, it may become hard to handle. However, these dogs are not naturally aggressive.

MYTH! All Dalmatians have black spots and dark eyes
While the majority of Dalmatians have black spots, there are also liver-spotted dogs whose spots are brown. Many Dalmatians also have blue eyes, but those that do are more likely to be deaf.

MYTH! The animated film 101 Dalmatians led to a huge surge of Dalmatian popularity in America
While this myth has its basis in fact, unfortunately, it also led to many dogs being destroyed or left in shelters when people who bought a puppy couldn't train the dog properly and it became impossible to handle.

MYTH! Early Dalmatian breeders recorded the breed to be unintelligent
Early breeders who didn't realize many dogs were deaf, not dumb, noted the dogs were difficult to train. Today's breeders who understand the genetic defect have found new ways to train deaf dogs and find them to be highly responsive.

MYTH! Deaf Dalmatians don't bark because they can't hear other dogs bark and therefore don't know how
Dalmatians that are deaf do bark, but they may do so less than other dogs. Some may only bark when they see others barking or sense the vibrations of one barking nearby.

MYTH! When Dalmatians are three years of age, they will turn aggressive and attack family members
While young dogs may test boundaries while they’re young, there is no evidence that Dalmatians become aggressive at this age. Neutering a male dog when it is still a puppy will lower the risk of aggressive behavior developing later on.

MYTH! Dalmatians were bred in America after it was discovered that they were highly compatible with horses
The Dalmatian breed has its roots in Croatia, in the area of Dalmatia, for which the breed is named. It is not an American-bred dog.

MYTH! Because of their spotted coats, Dalmatians don't shed
All Dalmatians shed year round. The color of their spots has no effect on shedding patterns. Weekly grooming is recommended to keep shedding at a minimum.

MYTH! Because Dalmatians are so high-energy, they are not good with kids
No dog should be left alone with a child, no matter the breed. A well-socialized Dalmatian is less apt to become excited and bite. Dalmatians can make excellent family pets, but they must be trained properly to encourage proper behavior.

MYTH! Dalmatians do not make good therapy dogs because of their temperament
There has been a rise in the number of Dalmatian therapy dogs in the last decade or so. This is mostly due to their confident and outgoing personalities that, when tempered with training, makes them perfectly suited for this kind of work.


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Alexandra Seagal

Rottweilers are dogs with a bad reputation, but most of what people think they know about them is partially, or completely, false. Each dog is different, so no Rottweiler should be judged by what another dog has done or by what people think. Most of these dogs are not aggressive and no Rottweiler is going to attack you just like that. In fact, they can be trained to obey and can even be used as social dogs or in Police work, which makes them nice companions.


American Rottweilers
There is a misconception that the American rottweiler is tall, leggy, and lacks the distinctive block head that you would expect in this breed of dogs. According to R-CK Kennels, that is far from the truth because this breed is simply one that was born in the US. Sadly, haphazard breeding of these dogs has led to the spreading of numerous Rottweilers who don't fit the breed quality.

German Rottweilers
A German rottweiler is simply one that was born in Germany. However, this breed may seem different from its American counterpart because the Rottweiler Club of German selectively breeds them. The Germans only allow specific dogs to breed, and they must pass stringent physical as well as temperamental stipulations before their owners can breed them.

Roman Rottweilers
A Roman rottweiler is oversized, and through selective breeding, they have the same appearance as a mastiff. This size increase doesn't uphold the standard of the breed. The worst thing is that because of their increased size, these dogs have a propensity to suffer from hip dysplasia among other orthopedic concerns. So if someone is selling a "Roman Rottweiler," it's just a sales ploy unethical breeders have created hoping to attract buyers.

Rare Rottweilers
Occasionally, you may come across a breeder who claims to sell some valuable Rottweilers that are highly prized. You may find red, blue or even albino Rottweilers being advertized as very desirable specimens. Even though such dogs may appear enticing, they are not a standard breed. It's believed that these dogs are what you get when you breed a rottweiler with a different dog breed.

Tailed Rottweilers
A natural tail on a rottweiler is something you don't see every day. However, that is not unusual because Rottweilers have natural tails just like any other dog. The reason why you may find a rottweiler with a tail is that in Germany, docking tails is a practice that has been banned.

Real Rottweilers
So you may be wondering how to tell whether a rottweiler is a real deal. A real rottweiler is the one that adheres to the standard of the breed. The good news is that we have societies that help to maintain the breed quality such that you can't tell an American rottweiler from its German counterpart.

MYTH! Rottweilers are aggressive
Rottweilers are medium-large dogs, with massive and powerful bodies. Not all owners understand the nature of these strong dogs, so sometimes they encourage irresponsible breeding practices and inappropriate training. As a consequence, some Rottweilers can be aggressive. However, there's no scientific evidence to sustain that Rottweilers are a vicious breed. In fact, most of them are playful and affectionate. It's just their impressive looks that scare most people. Males are 24-27 inches tall 61-69 cm and weigh between 95 and 130 pounds 43-59 kg, while females generally are 22-25 inches tall 56-63 cm and reach 85-115 pounds 38-52 kg.

MYTH! You can't train a Rottweiler
With a history going back 2000 years ago, Rottweilers have been working dogs, first used as cattle dogs, then for bear hunting and for pulling small carts. Today, they work as service dogs, and in some countries are trained to participate in military and Police actions.



They are intelligent and obedient dogs that respond well to training. Besides housebreaking, if you introduce obedience training at an early age, you will have a great family dog always ready to follow orders and respect rules.

MYTH! These dogs attack children
In more than 87% of the cases, attacks happen because the child wasn't supervised. Kids don't know how to behave with animals, so leaving them alone with a large and muscular dog is never a good idea, no matter the breed. All dogs can attack small kids, from American Pit Bull Terriers to German Shepherds, to Chihuahuas. But as some dog breeds have bad reputations, the news about a Rottweiler attacking a child spreads faster. Rottweilers are not dangerous to children, as long as you explain to your kids how to treat animals. The truth is these dogs are loving and protective, and make excellent guard dogs.

MYTH! They have unpredictable temperaments
This one is partially true, because a dog's temperament is often determined by her parents. Generally, these dogs should be trainable and loyal to their families, if the breeder uses dogs with good temperaments for having new puppies. As Rottweilers are a dominant breed, who take guarding seriously, early socialization is a must. A Rottweiler that knows how to behave around foreign animals or humans rarely does unpredictable things.

MYTH! Rottweilers can't live with other animals
This is false. Any Rottweiler can be trained to share a home, even with cats or other dogs. However, you should consider some things before bringing a cat home to your adult dog of any breed: dogs need to learn at early ages to live with other animals, small animals can be seen as prey, if your dog has always lived alone and finaly - male dogs that live together should be neutered, to avoid territorial issues.

MYTH! Rottweilers don't shed
As much as I would like it to be true, this is another piece of false information. Rottweilers have a double-coat and shed mostly in spring and autumn, however dog hair is going to be a constant presence in your home all year round. You can reduce the amount of hair by grooming your dog once or twice a week, using a brush. Start brushing from the head and go towards the tail, always in the direction in which the hair grows.

MYTH! These dogs turn on their owners
Rottweilers' loyalty makes them the 9th most popular breed in the US, according to the American Kennel Club. There's no reason to believe they would attack their owners. In fact, they are extremely protective of their families. However, any dog will attack when someone's hitting or hurting her, so never use physical punishment on your dog for training purposes. A Rottweiler that's afraid of her owner develops behavioral issues, including aggression. Positive reinforcement is the best method to train your dog.

MYTH! Rottweilers are outdoors dogs
These dogs have been bred for farm work, but this is no longer valid today, when we adopt dogs to enjoy their loyal company. Thanks to their thick coat, Rottweilers can handle quite low temperatures, but this doesn't mean they should be abandoned outside, especially not during cold winter nights. These dogs love to be around humans. Isolating your Rottweiler will only cause her separation anxiety, depression, and destructive behavior. Allow your dog to run freely in the yard, take her for long walks and make sure she gets plenty of exercise. But, at the end of these activities, bring your dog inside where she can spend time with her family.

MYTH! It's illegal to own a Rottweiler
Most countries in the world allow you to own a Rottweiler, but you will have to deal with restrictions and specific law. In some cities across the US Rottweilers are banned, while some States have rigid regulations regarding breeding or owning such dogs. Breeders are the ones who can give you accurate information about all existing laws in your area. You can find a reputable breeder by checking any Rottweiler Club registered with The Kennel Club.

MYTH! A Rottweiler must have her tail docked
Rottweilers' tails have been docked since the 19th century, when their popularity started to grow in Germany. In the US, this habit gave the standard for the breed, which asks for the tail to be "docked short, close to the body." Lately, this practice has been seen as unethical. As in most countries in Europe, standards have changed and allow their tail in a natural condition, so most probably things will also change in the US and the UK.

MYTH! A Rottweiler must have tail docked
Absurdic commonly accepted & known stereotype!


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Gayle R. Kaye

MYTH! Collies have become too inbred
Not so. Collies are no more inbred than any other breed. Inbreeding does not magically produce certain traits or flaws. Actually certain characteristics or flaws only become intensified by breeding close family members. Inbreeding is neither all good nor all bad. It depends on the animals being used for breeding to begin with. In any case, inbreeding does not make shy or sickly animals any more than any other method of breeding. Likewise, an out-crossed dog does not necessarily have more vigor than an inbred or line-bred dog.

MYTH! Collies have had the brains bred out of them thanks to the long narrow head
This is baloney! It has never been proven that brain size indicates intelligence to any degree. If this were the case, humans would most certainly be considered dumber than most animals walking the earth!

MYTH! Since Collies are a big dog, they need lots of exercise and lots of room to run
Absolutely not. Although a Collie loves to go for long walks, and will love a big yard like any breed, it is not a necessity. They are not like some big breeds that need continual, nonstop exercise. They can easily thrive on a small city lot and some have even done quite well in apartment-type living. The key with a Collie is the need for human companionship. As long as they have that, everything else is workable.

MYTH! A Collie has to be professionally groomed!
Not so! Any average pet owner with the right equipment can groom their dog on a regular basis. There is no need to pay a groomers high prices for a breed that requires little trimming and no clipping! Furthermore, most Collies love to be groomed and relish the attention.

MYTH! All Collies have skin problems!
Absolutely not true. If the owner keeps the coat brushed, removing mats and tangles, especially when shedding coat and keeps the dog free of fleas, Collies are no more prone to skin problems than any other breed. Fleas can make a dog's life miserable and in today's world of excellent flea repellents - such as Advantage, there is no excuse for fleas or ticks on any dog.

MYTH! Collies can be destructive!
Not in my experience. Overall the breed is pretty well adjusted in this regard, although I would never recommend that a new puppy be given free reign of the entire house. Especially during teething age, it can sometimes seem like puppies are wanting to chew everything in sight: 4-6 months, but thankfully most outgrow it! Fortunately, destructive Collies are few and far between!


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Before heading to a Siberian Husky Rescue organization to adopt a new member of your family, it is a good idea to educate yourself about what a rescue group is – and what it is not. There are many misconceptions about rescue organizations, and by clearing up these mistakes you will be better prepared to dive into the process of adopting your new Siberian Husky.

MYTH! Siberian Husky Rescue Groups Are Not Picky
The first mistake many people make is to assume that a rescue group will give their dogs to any potential owner, because they are desperate to place the dogs. The truth is that members of these Siberian Husky Rescues have already seen the ill effects of placing dogs in families that are not prepared to care for them. Because of this, most rescue groups will have rigorous qualification procedures and plenty of hoops for prospective owners to jump through.

MYTH! Siberian Husky Rescue Groups Have Puppies And Make Money
The next misconception is that Siberian Husky Rescue groups often have puppies available for adoption. This is simply not so, and you will be better off to contact your rescue organization with the intention of adopting a full grown dog. These organizations also do not charge an adoption fee to make a lot of money. The adoption fee will hopefully reimburse the cost of feeding and vet bills for a dog until it is adopted. Most of the time, rescue organizations rely on donations to continue running.

MYTH! Rescue Organizations Will Accept Any Dog, Any Time
Another false perception is that members of Siberian Husky Rescues are standing by, ready to nab every unwanted dog and place it immediately in a better environment. Most rescue organizations are run primarily by part-time volunteers, so transfers of dogs can take a bit of time to complete. It is also untrue that Siberian Husky Rescue groups will accept any dog that is brought to them. Dogs that are people-aggressive, or old and dying will not be accepted by these organizations.

Other Misconceptions About Siberian Husky Rescues
Siberian Husky Rescue groups will also not provide dogs for breeding, although some of the volunteers with the organization are breeders themselves. When a dog is brought to a rescue group, the dog will be fixed if it has not been already. Rescue groups subscribe to the philosophy that enough unwanted dogs are in the world already, and breeding should be left to experienced breeders and top-quality dogs only. Siberian Husky Rescue groups do not raid puppy mills and houses, looking for abused and neglected animals. Most of the Siberian Huskies for adoption in these organizations have been brought from shelters to avoid being destroyed.


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Alexandra Seagal

Anyone who does a quick Google search for these dogs will find page after page of pictures of tiny puppies with the magnificent looks of a Husky, and the delicate body of a Pomeranian. It's almost too good to be true - but the fact is there are plenty of breeders and dog owners who see things differently. The Pomsky, a.k.a. the Pomeranian Husky, looks like the dog of your dreams, especially when she's very young. But is this enough to make you run into the first dog shelter you see and find one to bring home? Is a Pomsky really the right pet for you, and can you handle such a dog for the long term?

MYTH! Pomsky owners can call themselves pioneers
Maybe it's a bit of an exaggeration, but it's not that far from the truth. The Pomsky is a new mixed breed obtained by crossing a Pomeranian with a Siberian Husky, and puppies are hard to find and expensive, so you will be entering into the exclusive club of Pomsky owners, discovering the pros and cons of this new mixed breed. Almost all crossbreeds come with several disadvantages, but the Pomsky in particular seems to have created a lot of controversy. But if you are ready to take on all the risks of the unknown, then this will be a new and wonderful experience for you.


Some dog lovers believe that no mixed breed should be created in the absence of a useful purpose and express serious concerns, regarding the ethics behind creating Pomskies. Furthermore, they are afraid that the growing popularity of these dogs will generate too many puppies before we know enough about the risks of breeding such unique dogs. Pomskies are obtained through artificial insemination, always using a Husky mother and a Pomeranian father, to avoid health complications caused by a small mother giving birth to puppies that are too large. The results are beautiful puppies that in most cases qualify as great companions and wonderful family dogs. It's important to note, though, that there is not enough data yet to get a clear image of all their health issues and behavioral problems. Despite all the arguments against Pomskies, they are recognized by the Dog Registry of America, and there's also two official organizations that promote this new mixed breed, the International Pomsky Association and the Pomsky Club of America. This gives you an opportunity to buy a healthy puppy with verified origins, which are certified by registered breeders, so you can have a complete family history of your dog's parents.

MYTH! A Pomsky is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you are gonna get
Pomskies can inherit any aspect of their parent breeds' temperaments, and in potentially unpredictable combinations. So there's a chance they could develop behavioral issues, similar to the Small Dog Syndrome, which is very often found in Pomeranian dogs that are not properly trained. Be ready to deal with a stubborn and pushy dog that will probably refuse to follow your commands. She may also become overprotective when it comes to you and your family, as the Pomsky has good watchdog abilities, but this can lead to her barking every time someone approaches. With most dog breeds, owners avoid these unpleasant situations with consistent training. In this particular case we are talking about a mix of two hard-to-train dogs, so your puppy should start training at an early age if you wish to teach her to behave. It's a hard job, especially if you have little experience.


On top of this, if your dog takes more from the Husky's temperament and independence, you might need professional help to make her follow the rules. As Pomskies are full of surprises, it's entirely possible you could become the lucky owner of the opposite: a trainable dog with zero tendencies towards aggression and territoriality. Unfortunately, that's something you can't know for sure when you buy a cute little Pomsky puppy. Their unpredictable temperament is the main reason why some breeders don't recommend Pomskies for families with small children. Pomeranians are usually not good with kids as many of them tend to be jealous animals - he's number one, not the kids. They can become stressed, shy, or aggressive when handled roughly, as children tend to do, so unfortunately there's a chance a Pomsky and your small kids won't get on either. Most Pomsky breeders say they only breed Pomeranians with no such behavioral problems. Pomskies are cute dogs, with no problems if you find the best puppy from the most responsible breeder. However, there's a lot of considerations to make in such a choice, and this makes a Pomsky unsuitable for families with small children, or for people who can't adapt easily to the unpredictability.

MYTH! No one can guarantee how big a full-grown Pomsky will be
The Pomsky's size is one of the key things that makes them so popular or better said, what most people know about them is their size. Fans can't be blamed for that; most images online show cute, fluffy puppies, and you rarely get to see an adult Pomsky in a relevant picture that shows how big she can actually get. Pomskies can grow as much as 15 inches high and reach up to 30 lbs. These dogs grow up like all other pets, and tend to lose much of their "baby Husky" looks, so if the only reason you are planning to buy this dog is because she's small and cute you should start thinking seriously about long-term responsibilities. Breeders are confident about the fact that they will obtain Pomskies smaller than 4,5 kg but the fact is that no one can guarantee the weight and size and your fluffy puppy might reach dimensions closer to a medium-sized dog, rather than that of a lap dog.

MYTH! There will be no more relaxing on the couch right after work
Pomskies are active dogs and love to play, so you will have to make sure your dog is getting plenty of exercise. Daily walks, maybe a short trip to the park and a lot of playing is what your dog will be expecting from you every day, including weekends. Besides the physical activities she also needs mental stimulation, as she's very intelligent, so, you will have to come up with games and special dog toys to keep her entertained. Keeping your dog busy is essential when you have a Pomsky. If she gets bored, you will have to deal with a sad dog and her behavioral problems such as chewing, and in some cases, excessive barking. Leaving her alone for too long in the yard is not a great idea either, as she loves to dig, and thanks to her Husky blood she will most probably find herself a way to escape once she's bored. So if you are working too much, you should be prepared to hire a pet walker or have a friend over regularly to play with your Pomsky.

MYTH! You might have to cut down expenses
The price of a Pomsky will generally start at around $1,000, but it can reach as much as $5,000 depending on her parents' pedigree. And this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the costs of having this dog. According to the AKC, the average cost of the first year of having a medium-sized dog is around $2,889, while in the following years you are going to pay a little less than $2,000 per year. For now, Pomskies haven't registered too many hereditary health problems, being prone only to eye disorders common with both parent breeds and skin problems. However, as this mixed breed is relatively new, there's no way to tell for sure if your dog is going to develop more serious medical conditions when she gets older. You might want to consider investing in medical insurance to cover potential expensive interventions, so add between $200 and $700 a year to your budget, depending on the coverage and the age of your dog.

MYTH! Grooming a Pomsky is like taking on a part-time job
A Pomsky has a wonderful coat, generally in similar colors to her mother's, that needs consistent brushing 3-5 times a week, starting at an early age. As you are having such a beautiful dog, you should also consider also taking her to a professional groomer every now and then, for that "professional touch." These dogs shed all year round, with higher intensity during warm seasons, which means that for about six months a year you will have to brush her up to twice a day if you don't want to have hair all over your house. Your efforts will reduce the amount of hair considerably, but they won't make it completely disappear, and even with all this brushing you still have to find time for cleaning. If you don't have a powerful vacuum cleaner yet, I suggest you start looking around for one.

MYTH! You should do some detective work to find a reputable breeder
All dogs should come from responsible breeders only, but with Pomskies, this is an absolute must. This being said, as this mixed breed is relatively new they don't have official standards, and breeders have little experience compared to other dogs. So if you want to have a healthy puppy with certified origins, you should buy it from a person who puts their dogs' health before personal profits. Never buy a Pomksy from a pet store, even if it's bargain - everything you save on your initial purchase will go in medical expenses and extra training sessions. Instead, call an official organization such as PCA or IPA, and ask for references for registered breeders in your area. You might have to wait up to a year for a puppy, but this is the only way you will get reliable information about your future dog's parents, and you will have an idea about how your Pomsky will develop.


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Roger Clark

Greyhounds are a largely misunderstood breed. Most people believe they are vicious animals because they are muzzled when they are out in public and when they race. The muzzles are there to protect other dogs who may not be on leads and who may decide to attack them or become too boisterous in an attempt to get them to play when they are still in training mode. They are called "athletes", they are treated as commodities, and they often cop suspicious glares because of those big ugly muzzles they have to wear. But greyhounds are just about as gentle as you can get and while they may be bred to race - they are born for much more. It's time to put a few misconceptions about this gentle giant to rest. Once you have opened your heart to a rescued greyhound, there's no going back - these sensitive dogs have a way of leaving their mark on all those who love them! For many greyhounds, their adoption into a forever home will be the first time they have ever had someone to love them for who they are, not how fast they can run. And they will gladly return that love and more for the rest of their days if given the chance.


Once they have been away from the track and out of the training environment for a short while, the biggest problem is trying to get enough room to sit on the couch with them! They also like their share of the bed if they are allowed anywhere near your sleeping quarters. Contrary to popular belief, they do not require a lot of exercise, just the normal amount you would give most large family dogs. However, they do require a good healthy diet and an eye kept on their weight which is a rule that should be applied to all family pets.

MYTH! Greyhounds need a lot of exercise
There's a reason why they are known as "60km couch potatoes": greyhounds love sleeping and they are REALLY good at it. And on the rare occasions they can be caught upright, these guys would rather be eating or playing than joining you on a strenuous hike or 10km run. Greys are built for speed - not endurance. So a short daily walk and some play time is usually enough to keep them happy and healthy. Discover just how great life can be with one of these amazing dogs in it, by temporarily fostering or permanently adopting a "60km couch potato". They may never know you saved their life, but they will be forever grateful for the new life you have given them.

MYTH! Greyhounds are hyperactive
Greyhounds are affectionately considered to be the laziest breed, however just like any dog, they love to play! A grey will bow and vocalise to let their human or animal friends know when they are ready to have some fun. This usually ends with what are known as "zoomies" , running around in circles and bowing, a hilarious and infectious display of joy that may only last 10 minutes before it's time to nap again.

MYTH! Greyhounds are dangerous near cats and other small animals
Greyhounds are naturally gentle dogs, but as "sight hounds" they can easily be incited to chase moving objects. Cut-throat trainers can take advantage of this by "taunting" dogs with tethered live animals, and tying animals to fast-moving lures. This cruel and illegal practice, called "blooding" is not the choice of the dogs — it is the choice of cruel people looking for a "winning" edge. Many greyhounds are discarded by the industry because they simply refuse to chase at all. It's important to remember that, just like all dogs, each greyhound is an individual, so while some of them may not like cats and other small animals, others see them as best friends. Speak to your local greyhound rescue group for advice about the perfect grey for you and your other furry friends!

MYTH! Greyhounds are special dog breed, not like other dogs
Greyhounds are unique in that they are one of the most exploited canine breeds. To many, their only value lies in their ability to run fast, and ultimately win money for their owners. But to those who love them, these incredible dogs are so much more. They are loyal, devoted, affectionate, playful, sensitive, and loving. In fact, in all the ways that matter - greyhounds are just like any other dog.

MYTH! Greyhounds must be vicious and they must wear muzzles
In most instances, state laws require greyhounds to wear muzzles when in a public area. This is based on the assumption that the dogs have been trained to chase and possibly harm small animals. But, as many greyhound rescuers are well aware, a muzzle does not signify that its wearer is in any way aggressive or a threat to you or other animals. If you see a greyhound with a muzzle on - try not to judge! There's likely to be a big softy behind that "mask" who'd love nothing more than to meet you and your canine companion! As with any dog, it's always polite to ask the person at the other end of the leash if their greyhound is open to meeting new friends - communication is always key!

MYTH! Greyhounds are cuddly
One of the best things about big dogs is that there's more of them to love. And after a life confined in a small kennel, many rescued greys will relish the opportunity to be at your side or on your lap or couch or bed. They may be 90% legs but that doesn't mean they don't snuggle up as well as the next dog!

MYTH! Greyhounds love to race
Greys may be the fastest dog, but this doesn't mean they are happy in the racing industry. In fact, many dogs live a life of deprivation in kennels - kept in pens or crates for up to 23 hours a day. Not to mention those who are injured and/or killed on the racetrack. Greyhounds love to RUN, not race. They also love to play, sleep, cuddle and be loved for who they are just like any other dog.

MYTH! Greyhounds are suited to outdoor only environment
With hardly any body fat and a very fine coat, greyhounds are particularly susceptible to the cold. Access to a warm, dry and safe area is vital at all times, and extreme measures - AKA greyhound pyjamas may be required on especially cool days.

MYTH! Greyhounds are large dogs and therefor need many space to live
Greyhounds are very space-efficient. Not only can they compact themselves into an impossibly small ball for optimum cat-cuddling, they have even been voted as one of the best breeds for apartment living. As long as their sharp minds are kept active - lots of play time and interaction and they are walked regularly, a greyhound can make a perfect inner-city companion!


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MYTH! Labradors, Golden Retrievers make great dogs for families with young children
Not necessarily! Regardless of the breed of the dog, making a blanket statement suggesting any individual in a specific breed is great or not great for families with young children is an uneducated, naive and potentially harmful statement. Individuals in any breed can potentially bite if the circumstances call for such a response. Your number one guide to choosing a suitable pet for your family is the soundness of the dog's temperament, regardless of the breed.


Most "common knowledge" concerning retrievers, their abilities, and attributes, has come from books - old and new, hearsay, and lore handed down from generation to generation. The majority of these information sources have slim basis in practical experience. Fact has become mixed with fiction, so that much of what is heard, while possibly entertaining, is of little practical value in working with your own dog. Two sorts of unfortunate consequences commonly result from mistaking retriever mythology for retriever fact. Owners are led by unrealistic assumptions to expect more of their dogs than any dog can be reasonably expected to accomplish. The result is disappointment, frustration, and sometimes embarrassment - if they were so blithe as to brag to their hunting buddies.


Worse, in many instances the results have been serious abuse resulting in a ruined dog, sometimes even in the dog's death from training abuse or from hazards or exposure while hunting. The worst errors you can make with your retriever generally proceed from applying someone else's standards to your dog. The retriever owners having the most fun are those who use their dogs within the range of the dogs' abilities, are realistic about those abilities and, when out hunting, concentrate on what the dog does right. Perpetual frustration is the lot of those who constantly seek someone else's standards to compare their dogs to. I hope this look at popular misconceptions helps you stay squarely in the former category. Happy hunting.


First, don't expect your retriever to be super dog. The "Rin Tin Tin" image, for those of you whose memory of dog-hero movies goes back that far, often subtly works on the minds and expectations of dog owners, and they begin to believe in super dogs that can do everything but answer the phone. Belief is bolstered by tales of bloodhounds following a 2-week-old human scent trail through New York City, and by knowing that your dog's own pedigree includes 3 time National Field Trial Champion and Dual Champion Shed of Arden. Extraordinary feats performed by dogs of any breed are rare, and the tales of them often exaggerated. Sure, those of us who have spent a lifetime with hundreds of dogs have seen a handful of unbelievable performances by spectacular individuals, but these occurrences are far from what we expect in the ordinary course of events.


The reference to natural retrievers is often used by the less knowledgeable people in the sport. For all practical purposes, there are no natural retrievers, some just come to you with a better starting point, i.e. better mouth, nose, water-going traits, bird interest, and so forth. In 25 years of professional training, I have had only two out of hundreds of retrievers that retrieved naturally and kept doing it. Many puppies will retrieve naturally for a short time but quickly realize other activities are more interesting. Those that retrieve well, naturally, into adolescence soon start dropping dummies, refusing to go, taking a deviated route back, etc. when the pressure to do things right is applied. Therefore, almost all dogs must be force-fetched - a procedure that will take anywhere from ten days to a couple of months depending on the aptitude of the individual. There is little question that, in order to arrive at the desired goal with a retriever, you must embark upon, and continue, a sensible, regular program of careful training.


Another phrase we often hear is soft mouth. The issue of soft mouth is to a large extent a false one in the respect that almost all retrievers have an acceptably soft mouth. Many retriever mouths are gentle to a fault, the dogs being neither aggressive enough in their pick-up nor firm enough in their hold. More desirable is a dog with a good, solid, confident mouth and eagerness to grab and hold things. In my life as a trainer I have had only a small handful of bird-mashers that could not be taught to handle a bird properly. These truly hard-mouthed dogs are so rare and easily identified that the problem does not deserve a lot of attention. If you get really unlucky and get one of these outlaws, and persist in training it, I wish you luck because it rarely works. Much controversy and many misconceptions surround the use of electric training collars.


Many people assume that all "collar trainers" grind their dogs down to the point where they move extremely slowly and appear to be working in fear. This was indeed a common observation 25 years ago. While such results may still be seen today, a greater number of highly-skilled amateur and professional trainers have figured out how to use modern collars to teach obedience and advanced work while maintaining style, speed, and the dog's love of retrieving. At the same time, however, "the collar" is not any kind of cure all.


There are many misconceptions concerning the length of time it takes to train a retriever. The best answer to the question, "How long does it take to train a retriever?" might be, "a lifetime." Most appropriate responses to this question are questions themselves, such as: how old is the dog? What has he learned to date? How does he respond to praise and correction? What are his natural abilities? And what would you like him to be able to do? Rough outlines of time schedules can be given, but they are just that, rough approximations. There are too many variables. And once the formal lessons have been accomplished, a lifetime of frequent workouts of increasing difficulty is necessary to maintain and improve your working companion. We see only a handful of truly exceptional retrievers, and no perfect ones, in a lifetime of dog work. Each individual embarks on a training career with faults that must be overcome. In most cases, making a dog into a finished retriever means identifying and developing the dog's strengths so as to compensate for its flaws - not bemoaning its weaknesses.


The nature of retrievers, particularly with respect to toughness, is often misrepresented, exaggerated, and poorly understood. Among the most colorful myths surrounding retriever work are the stories of Chesapeakes braving the icy surf retrieving hundreds of ducks in a day for the early market hunters. It is true that many Chesapeakes are very tough water dogs, as are a lot of Labs and Goldens, but none of them is immune to cold. It is a bad idea to expose a retriever to long hours of standing in, or doing an excessive number of retrieves in, extremely cold water. A simple expedient on those long, cold days in the blind is to buy one of the highly insulated coats or wetsuits that can either be worn throughout the day or slipped on and off for the retrieves. No matter how tough the books say they are, dogs get cold, and when they get cold, it hurts! A really good retriever of any breed is endowed with an almost insatiable desire to work. Good judgment is required in order to avoid such disasters as hypothermia, heat stroke, and general fatigue, both physical and psychological. All breeds and all dogs have limits, and, especially with individuals of excess desire, the owner must know when enough is enough.

MYTH! Labradors & Retrievers have trouble restraining themselves and are often overexcitable
Sometimes this comes true, but not always!


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Michele Welton

Many people have misconceptions about Poodles, that they look and act like "sissy" dogs. That is one of the biggest myths in dogdom. First, ignore the silly show-ring clips. Poodles can be clipped into shorthaired, normal, looking dogs who are a snap to brush. Poodles also have the advantage of being the lightest-shedding, most hypoallergenic of all coated breeds. Second, Standard Poodles are elegant, energetic athletes who move with a light, springy gait. They excel in advanced obedience competition, where retrieving and jumping skills are required, and in agility obstacle course competitions, where they fly over and under and through the obstacles with a strength and grace that is breathtaking to watch. Even better, a good Standard Poodle is one of the smartest and most trainable of all breeds.


He is a "thinking" dog who pays rapt attention to his owner, learns quickly, and responds eagerly to positive training methods. Indeed, Standard Poodles NEED some sort of mental stimulation in order to be happy, advanced obedience classes - not just basic, agility classes, or challenging games such as hide&seek or fetching a variety of named toys. This intelligent breed cannot simply sit in the backyard and be ignored. Most Standard Poodles make great watchdogs and some even have mild and sensible, protective instincts, but this is not an aggressive breed.


Their attitude toward people varies from friendly to politely reserved. Early socialization is important to avoid excessive watchfulness or timidity. With other dogs and cats, Standard Poodles are usually peaceful and accepting. However, this breed is by no means perfect or low-maintenance. Besides the regular clipping - every 4-6 weeks, they need a good deal of daily exercise. Their energy level varies from moderate to high and they require brisk walks, jogging, swimming, and or vigorous play sessions to keep them fit, satisfied, and calm indoors. Most Standard Poodles are "soft" and sensitive dogs, sometimes hypersensitive. If you touch them unexpectedly or startle them with a sudden loud sound, they tend to flinch. The most sensitive individuals are not good with small children. Keep in mind that the inheritance of temperament is less predictable than the inheritance of physical traits such as size or shedding. Temperament and behavior are also shaped by raising and training.


Providing enough exercise and mental stimulation
If you like poodles but you have limited space in your home and yard, get a Miniature Poodle, not a Standard. Standard Poodles do differ, from dog to dog, in how much exercise they want and need. But to keep them fit and healthy, you should be able to provide a good-sized yard where they can run, and regular play sessions at the park. Some Standard Poodles want even more opportunities to vent their energy and do interesting things, otherwise they will become rambunctious and bored, which they usually express by hyperactivity, barking, and destructive chewing. It makes me sad to see these extremely intelligent and capable dogs relegated to homes where the owner just wanted a casual pet. It's a waste of a brilliant breed. I strongly encourage you to get your Standard Poodle involved in advanced obedience classes and agility obstacle course classes at your local dog club. These dogs deserve it.

Young Standard Poodles - up to about two years old, romp and jump with great vigor, and things can go flying, including small children and infirm people.

Providing enough socialization
Standoffish by nature, Standard Poodles need early exposure to people and to unusual sights and sounds. Otherwise their natural caution can become skittishness or suspiciousness, which are difficult to live with.

Emotional sensitivity
Be honest - is there tension in your home? Are people loud or emotional? Poodles are extremely sensitive to stress and can end up literally sick to their stomachs, with digestive upsets and neurotic behaviors, if the people in their home are having family problems. Poodles are peaceful, sensitive dogs who need a peaceful, harmonious home.

To keep their curly coat short and free of mats, Standard Poodles require regular brushing, plus clipping every 4 to 6 weeks. Don't like the frou-frou look of most Poodles? Just clip him to look like a normal dog, with a short coat and no pompoms.

Standard Poodles are alert dogs, which can make them quick to sound the alarm at every new sight and sound. You have to be equally quick to stop them so that it doesn't become an established habit.

Serious health problems
Inbreeding is extremely high in Standard Poodles, which has led to a host of health problems becoming embedded in the gene pool. Standard Poodles are at risk for eye diseases, skin diseases, digestive diseases, immune system diseases, seizures, and more. Read more about Standard Poodle Health.

MYTH: Poodles are poncy and are only good for prancing around a show ring and crossing with more interesting fun breeds for their non-moulting fur
FALSE - Poodles are energetic, extremely intelligent, trick dogs. They look very much like a lot of their crosses when given a basic, rather than show clip. They make energetic, fun, engaging/interesting and highly trainable pets.

MYTH: Poodles are stuck up and hate having fun


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ebecca OConnell

Don't let their fluffiness fool you: Pomeranians are closely related to wolves. They are a spitz breed, meaning a type of dog that has several wolf-like characteristics. Other breeds that fall into this category include the Alaskan malamute, the Akita, the Samoyed, and the Norwegian elkhound.


More specifically, they are part of the German Spitzen group, a subgroup of the spitz type, which is comprised of five different sizes of dogs. The Poms are the group's smallest members.

MYTH: Their look used to be slightly Different
Believe it or not, Poms used to pull sleds and herd animals. That is because they were once a lot bigger. Originally, the dogs weighed an average of 30 pounds and were all white, until the 19th century, when they were bred down to become companion animals. The gene for bigger dogs is still present in the breed: Sometimes breeders will get a "throwback" Pom. These dogs resemble their larger ancestors in both size and behavior.

MYTH: Their breed name comes from the Baltic Shore
Pomeranians are probably from Iceland, but the breed didn't begin to resemble the dogs we know today until it reached Germany. There, Poms were bred in a small region in the northeast, Pomerania. The region's name comes from the Slavic po more, or "land by the sea," referring to its proximity to the Baltic Shore.

MYTH: Dog of Queen Viktoria
Queen Victoria of England first fell in love with the breed in 1888. She imported four Poms from Italy: Marco, a sable colored male; Gina, a white female; and two others. The queen's love of the breed was infectious and soon Pomeranians became the era's hottest pet. Dogs that looked like Marco were especially in-demand. The Toronto Daily Mail had this to say about the pampered pet in 1894: The Queen has her favorites among the dogs, and some of them become jeaIous of the attentions she pays to others. Among those she likes best is one named "Marco." This is said to be the finest Spitz dog in England. It has taken a number of prizes. He weighs just about twelve pounds and he has brighter eyes, quicker motion, and sharper bark than any other dog in the kennel. He is just 3 years old, and he carries his tail over his back as though he owned the whole establishment. At one time, Queen Victoria had 35 Poms in her kennel, and on her deathbed, asked for her Pomeranian Turi to be at her side. The queen & her dogs likely influenced the standard of smaller Pomeranians.

MYTH: They are Survivors
Along with the approximate 2240 people that boarded the Titanic in 1912, there were also 12 dogs, all in first class. Unfortunately, only three dogs survived the accident: one Pekingese and two Pomeranians. One was named Lady and belonged to Margaret Bechstein Hays, who was returning from a trip to Europe with her friends. The other was an unnamed pet of Elizabeth Jane Anne Rothschild, the wife of clothing magnate Martin Rothschild.

MYTH: They are for artists
As companion dogs, Poms make excellent friends and have rubbed shoulders with some of history's greatest creative minds. Mozart dedicated one of his finished arias to his pet Pomeranian, Pimperl. Frederic Chopin, inspired by his friend's pet Pomeranian chasing his tail, wrote the song Waltz of the Little Dogs. When Michelangelo was painting the Sistine Chapel, his Pom was sitting below on a satin pillow watching the action.

MYTH: They have a lot of Fur
The dogs no longer pull sleds, but they have held on to their warm, fluffy double coats. This luxurious fur needs a lot of attention to keep it from getting knotty or matted - the dogs need to be brushed twice a week and have regular appointments at the groomers.

MYTH: They are even Cuter in groups
As if a group of Pomeranians isn't cute enough, they have special names. A Pom duo is called a "puff," while a group of three or more is called a "tuft." We will give you a minute to let that sink in.

MYTH: Troubling Competitively
Despite Queen Victoria's little Poms cleaning up in competitions, the rest of the breed has had trouble bringing home the gold at least at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Since its inception, only one Pom has won Best in Show: Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II, who weighed a mere four and a half pounds, took home top honors in 1988.

In 2014, a Pomeranian named Jiff made headlines when he set the Guinness World Record for "Fastest Dog on Two Paws." The California pup can scurry on both his front and hind legs at an impressive clip: He can run 10 meters on his hind legs in 6.56 seconds and five meters on his front in 7.76 seconds. Unfortunately, Jiff's status as top dog didn't last long - soon after, a mix named Konjo completely smashed his record. The newcomer's front paw five meter run clocked in at 2.39 seconds.


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Loretta Baughan



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MYTH! English Bulldogs Have a Flat Face Due To a Breeding Mistake
The English bulldog is one of the most distinguishable of all dog breeds with its stocky shoulders, jutted-out jaw, and also having wrinkled skin. It is also related to iconic British figures, most popularly Winston Churchill. In spite of being such a famous breed, the English bulldog has a long list of health concerns compared with the other dogs. One of the most common risks with bulldogs is a brachycephalic syndrome, a defect found in dogs with narrowed nostrils and short heads. An obstructed airway causes dogs with the syndrome to constantly grunt as they struggle to take their breath.


Ironically, the English bulldog was to have this irregular facial structure to improve its breathing for its early purpose. the main purpose of English bulldog is for bull baiting. At the time, people believed that it is easy to cut the meat by thinning the blood of the animal. The belief satisfied laws to be made in many areas of England stated that the bulls to be baited before they going to kill them. The short, flat skull of the bulldog helped him breathe when baiting bulls as he could maintain the firm grip on the bulls while still being able to breathe through his nose. This design was completely based on the requirement. Although bulldog suffers today due to its different facial shape, the main purpose of this is to assist the dog.

The French bulldog has jumped into the American Kennel's top ten favorites list in America and tops the British list for favorite breeds. Common Frenchies traits include stubbornness and gold medalists in farts. They are also sweet, loyal companions who usually have one alpha in a family. While many people want a Frenchie and have seen various celebrities - Lady Gaga, Hugh Jackman, The Rock and more, flocking to the breed, there are a lot of misconceptions about the breed. Any potential Frenchie parent should do their research.


MYTH! All Frenchies Are Friendly
This is actually not true. A lot of humans assume this about dogs in general, without checking with the human companion. Being a litigious society, if you approach a dog and it bites you, many people try to have the dog put to sleep. Humans should not punish dogs for their own lack of self-control. Always use caution and make eye contact with a dog's alpha, their human. Even then, listen to what the human says, if their dog doesn't like some category and you or your company fall into, respect it. Please note, this goes the same for their humans. Mostly I find people with Frenchies have a good sense of humor, but there are those who are rigid and do not want to be approached. A single person eating a meal does not want to be joined because they are sitting with their French bulldog. They might also bark loudly at you for sticking a camera in front of their Frenchies' face without asking.

MYTH! Frenchies are a cross mix of English Bulldogs & Pugs
While this is true for the most part, some of the small bulldogs were crossed with terriers. In this instance, the Frenchie will have a longer snout, which helps to overcome some of their breathing issues.

MYTH! Frenchies have litters naturally
Due to their small bodies, 80% of Frenchies are artificially inseminated. This in turn, does add to the cost of Frenchies from breeders as most of the dogs have to have a C-section. While the average litter is 2-3 puppies, the record number was 13, some of whom we have met during the London Frenchie Meetup at Regents Park.

MYTH! Frenchies cannot swim
This goes on a case by case basis, however, Frenchies carry 85% of their weight in their shoulders, making them top-heavy. While Frenchies are comfortable in the water, please do not try letting your Frenchie near a body of water without a life jacket if their swimming skills have not be proven. Frenchies are known to sink like a stone, thus a dog life jacket doesn't sound so ridiculous to their humans, but necessary.

MYTH! Frenchies don't make good guard dogs
There is a joke saying Frenchies don't make good guard dogs because they think everyone is there to stroke them. If you haven't seen this, Jules the Frenchie wants you to watch this video of her defending her home from bears above!


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Alexandra Seagal

It's surprising how myths about Boxers exist, with all the information available online about this breed. These dogs are playful and loyal, being in the top of the most popular breeds in the US. However, there are still so many people who won't adopt such a dog, based on their reputation. Boxer is the perfect dog for any family! If you take her out for a walk each day and organize one or two play sessions, you will have a happy dog, always ready to guard over you and your family.

MYTH: Boxers are aggressive
This is probably what scares most potential dog owners. The truth is that any dog can be aggressive, from Chihuahuas to German Shepherds, in the absence of proper training. However, there's no reason to believe that Boxers are more aggressive than other breeds. Despite their imposing looks, with large heads and muscular bodies, Boxers are gentle dogs, with a friendly and playful temperament. In fact, they are guard dogs, and your Boxer will always be ready to protect you or your family when needed, but they are not going to attack anyone. Aggression can be normal in dogs and depending on what causes it, you will be able to solve the problem with training. In rare cases of selective breeding it has genetic causes, so there's little chance of getting an aggressive dog if you buy her from a responsible breeder.

MYTH: Boxers are hard to train
Boxers need three years to become fully mature, which is why many people say they never grow up at all. But this doesn't make them hard to train. You just need to be patient and consistent, and results will appear gradually. Boxers are very intelligent and belong to the working group of dogs. They can learn to work with the military, and are good guides for the blind. In most cases, you will be able to train your Boxer without too much effort, if you follow these simple rules: start training at an early age, before she gets the chance to develop bad habits. Use positive reinforcement and rewards to motivate her. Never punish your dog, as she will respond badly to your methods. Boxers are indoor dogs, so teaching them to eliminate outside is a must. When they grow, they tend to become a little stubborn, so the sooner you start with housebreaking and obedience training, the better results you will get.

MYTH: Boxers aren't suitable for families with small children
This is another false myth about Boxers. In fact, the American Kennel Club says these dogs are a popular choice for families, being patient and spirited with children. Furthermore, Boxers are protective with their children and always ready to defend them. The only inconvenience when you have small kids can be the Boxer's habit of jumping on people, but this can be controlled easily once you start obedience training.


Always remember to watch your young children when they are playing with a dog, to prevent incidents. After all, a Boxer is a medium-large dog 27-31 kg, with a powerful body and high energy levels.

MYTH! Boxers are loud
This is partially true. Having great watchdog abilities, a Boxer will bark every time she senses an intruder coming close to her home. Many of these dogs also snore loudly. However, Boxers rarely develop excessive barking, and when they do it's caused by a lack of exercise, or by boredom. Boxers need between one and two hours of intense activity each day: walking in the park, running, playing fetch or Frisbee, jumping or chasing balls. You need to keep your dog in good shape not just physically, but also mentally, so organize training sessions and stimulating activities to keep her mind busy. Don't keep your dog locked up for too long either, either. Boxers love spending time with their families, so keeping her away from you for too long can make her bark out of loneliness.

MYTH! Boxers don't shed
As these dogs have a short coat, many potential owners tend to think they will have little or no problems with dog hair. The truth is that Boxers do shed, especially during spring, so if you want to have such a dog, get ready to be removing pet hair from your clothes quite often, and to use the vacuum cleaner several times a week. To keep hair loss under control, you need to brush your dog's coat three times a week to remove dead hairs from her body. On the other hand, Boxers have moderate-to-low grooming necessities, so you won't spend too much time bathing or cleaning your dog's ears.


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Boerboels are not mind readers or psychic. They are not instinctively aware when an owner feels threatened. Many dogs can pick up on psychological differences after spending time with an owner. The best environment for Boerboels and owners is one in which the dog is treated almost like a family member. They will, then, develop the sense of something being wrong in much the same way that other family members do. There are many misconceptions about Boerboels but with proper training they are very well-behaved and useful dogs. Because of good-naturedness as puppies, many owners do not feel the need to have Boerboels trained. Allowing any large dog breed to develop and decide who presents a threat, on its own, is irrational and irresponsible. There have been many innocent dog bite victims because of owners' lack or vision.

Many Boerboels do have a natural tendency to protect and guard. That cannot be a blanket statement. Known cases of Boerboels abandoning children to pursue and kill an animal, that might become dinner, have been documented. Boerboels have descended from ancient dogs. Good dogs were matched with good dogs to derive the species that now exists. That fact does not guarantee that Boerboels are the healthiest breed in the world. Proper care and training go into having a healthy dog. Like so many other large dogs, they are susceptible to bloating and hip dysplasia. Having a large fenced yard is, of course, ideal for this breed. It is not a necessity. Boerboels thrive when they live indoors and are treated like one of the family. The need for mental stimulation and physical exercise can be provided without having acres of land.

Train Your Dog to Avoid Further Misconceptions About Boerboels!
Training for Boerboels is absolutely necessary. The kind of training these dogs receive is just as important. Kindness must be blended with training to develop a pet that provides protection of its owners. Improperly training a Boerboel can result in a dog that displays avoidance behavior. The dog may not fully bite. If a decoy relaxes, the dog will not re-grip. The attack mode is mainly lunging nips and an unwillingness to fully engage in fight mode. Boerboels need to have their drive challenged on a continuous basis. Along with socialization and friendly treatment, the dogs need to be taught to counter attack by re-biting a different body part. Boerboels also need to learn to avoid being hit. Putting these dogs in a frenzy, will not turn them into close personal protectors. There is a great deal of hype about Boerboels. They are not necessarily the strongest, most fearless, healthiest, protective, or dangerous animal that is sometimes reported. Don't believe all the misconceptions about Boerboels that you may hear.


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African wild dogs are some of Africa's lesser known animals and certainly some of the most misunderstood. Due to their being critically endangered, with only 5,000 left in the wild, sightings are rare outside of specific areas. However, they are probably Africa's most effective predators, boasting an 80% success rate with hunts - far higher than the 30% rate of lions.

1. A fascinating Physique
Their scientific name Lycaen pictus literally means painted wolf, referencing their mottled fur with black, brown, yellow and white colourings. Every dog's coat has a unique pattern making individuals easy to spot. They have an extremely powerful bite with specialised molars for shearing meat and breaking bone and have exceptionally keen senses of sight, smell and particularly hearing. Large rounded ears lined with numerous muscles allow the dogs to swivel them like two radar dishes, picking up the minutest of sounds. Long legs, a lean build and rapid muscle recovery all assist in making this animal a formidable endurance hunter.

2. They have a Unique Social Hierarchy
The social structure of a wild dog pack is a fascinating, almost altruistic system. Like other pack animals there is a strict hierarchy, with an alpha breeding pair in charge of the group and the rest of the pack members are all subordinates. When a litter of pups is born, they take priority over even the alphas. At first pups are fed by the dogs regurgitating fresh meat after returning from a hunt, but once old enough, they are taken to the kill and given first choice over the spoils. The other dogs patiently wait on the side lines, standing guard until their turn to feed. They almost never fight amongst themselves over food due to this ranking system. When a dog becomes ill, injured or elderly restricting or even incapacitating their effectiveness as a hunter, the rest of the pack cares for and feeds them. Recently the alpha female of a pack in Botswana lost one of her forelegs during a hunt. For any other predator, this would be a death sentence. However, she remained the alpha female for a few years afterwards continuing to breed and raise pups while being looked after by the pack.

3. They are Nomads
Wild dogs are nomadic animals and can traverse 50km in a single day. As a result, their territories can range between 400 and 1500 square kilometres. They only remain in one area when denning.

4. Wild dogs are Well Coordinated
The 80% success rate in wild dog hunts can be attributed mainly to the coordinated nature of the pack. Communication is key and the dogs constantly let one another know both their location and that of the prey. Their high intelligence and teamwork allows them to adapt to changing scenarios during a hunt.

5. They are Agile Hunters
Most predators rely on stealth to hunt their prey, but wild dogs rarely require such tactics. The dogs are built for high stamina chases. A typical hunt will involve the pack spreading out in a line to cover more ground and give each member space to manoeuvre. Upon finding prey the dogs will immediately approach and test the animals' defences, probing a herd for any weak members. Once a target is selected, the pack attempts to panic and separate the herd. The pack then gives chase to the selected individual, with some dogs performing flanking movements to cut off any avenues of escape. Like an Olympic cycling team, the dog at the head of the chase will pull back as they tire and another one will take their place. Eventually, after a few kilometres, the prey begins to become exhausted. At this point the pack, with their high endurance and teamwork, easily take the animal down.


Another favorite tactic of the wild dogs is to herd their prey towards rivers, lakes and other bodies of water. Most wildlife in Africa is afraid of deep water due to the risk of crocodiles. So when an animal is chased towards water it will either be brave enough to dive in, or, the more likely outcome is that they will panic, turn back into their pursuers and be quickly dispatched. Sometimes the dogs use tactics similar to the lions, where one pack member flushes out and drives prey into the others waiting in ambush.

6. They have Few Natural Enemies
Humans are easily the largest threat to the wild dogs' survival. For a very long time they were considered pests though there was little to no evidence suggesting so. They would only go after livestock if desperate, and to this day there are no recorded incidents in Africa of wild dogs attacking humans. In the wild, lions are the dogs' main threat. When an area has a high population density of lions, it directly correlates to a low population of wild dogs. Other predators, while still a threat, generally don't cause the dogs any problems. Hyenas will attempt to steal kills from them but wouldn't hunt adult members of the pack.

THIS PHOTO (c) by Richard Denyer
7. We are the Reason They are Endangered
The reason why there are only about 5,000 African wild dogs left is mainly down to people. Farmers, believing them to be vermin, would shoot any dogs they saw, sometimes even tracking down dens and poisoning the inhabitants inside. Poachers' snares meant for other game and human civilisation encroaching on their habitats also contribute. The main causes of their population decline though are diseases such as rabies, contracted usually from domestic animals. Because of their highly social nature one rabid wild dog would quickly infect the rest of the pack, wiping them out entirely.

8. Wild Dogs have Great Relationship Values
The dominant pair is monogamous and would usually be the only ones to breed in a pack, though a beta pair does sometimes produce pups as well, which are then either killed or adopted by the alpha pair. Each litter can have between four and 12 pups. Unlike most other pack animals, male wild dogs tend to stay within their pack's territory once reaching sexual maturity, whereas the females will travel long distances to find a mate. This behaviour is a good countermeasure against inbreeding.

THIS PHOTO (c) by Richard Denyer
9. An Interesting Set of Genetics
African wild dogs used to be found across the whole continent but are now limited to countries in the south and east of Africa, the main strongholds being in the Okavango Delta and the Selous Game Reserve. East African wild dogs are slightly smaller than their counterparts in the south. There are five subspecies of wild dog in Africa. The Cape wild dog, the East African wild dog, the West African wild dog, the Chadian wild dog and the Somali wild dog, though the genetic diversity of these subdivisions is under debate. Although wild dogs do share a common ancestor with wolves from a few million years ago, they are not genetically compatible, so interbreeding with any other canid is not possible. The selective breeding applied to domesticated dogs which formed the different breeds could never work with African wild dogs. These long-legged canines have only four toes per foot, unlike other dogs, which have five toes on their forefeet.

10. They Cannot Be Domesticated !
People have attempted to tame wild dogs but never successfully. They are naturally distrusting of humans or indeed any animal outside of their own pack. When humans have domesticated dogs in the past, it was due to certain character traits prevalent in canines that could be amplified through breeding. One of these traits was a willingness to be touched by humans. This combined with traits of curiosity and opportunism paved the way for humanity's greatest symbiotic relationship with an animal affectionately named man's best friend. Wild dogs have never displayed these traits and it's unlikely they ever will.



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Alina Bradford

There are many misconceptions about hyenas. They aren't just scavengers. Not all of them laugh. They aren't wild dogs. They aren't even related to dogs. Spotted hyenas are known for their "laughs," but research shows the hyena giggles are anything but light-hearted. The animals usually make the noise during social conflicts. Here are some facts to clear up these misconceptions.


Size & Description
Though many people compare hyenas to dogs, they are actually much more like cats. In fact, they are members of the suborder Feliformia, which is a classification for cat-like carnivores, according to Integrated Taxonomic Information System. There are four species in the hyena family, and they vary in size. There exists 4 types of Hyenas: Brown Hyena, Aardwolf, Striped Hyena and Spotted Hyena.

Where hyenas live depends on their type. Brown hyenas have a very limited range and live only in Southern Africa, including the Kalahari and Namib deserts. They are usually found between the Angola-Namibia border and the Orange River in South Africa. There are two distinct populations of aardwolves. One subspecies lives in southern Zambia, Angola and Mozambique, as well as northeastern Uganda and Somalia. The other subspecies extends into central Tanzania, Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt. Spotted hyenas have a little bit larger range and live south of the Sahara Desert. They occur throughout sub-Saharan Africa, and are the most numerous large predators in the Serengeti. The striped hyena has the largest range of all. It lives in north and northeast Africa, the Middle East and Asia, all the way to southern Siberia. Hyenas can adapt to almost any habitat and are found in grasslands, woodlands, savannas, forest edges, sub-deserts and mountains as high up as 3962.4 m.

Hyenas are very social and live in groups called clans. Clans can have up to 80 members. Not only are spotted hyena females larger, they are also more aggressive and are dominate in their clans. All females rank higher than males in the clan. However, the brown and striped hyenas and aardwolves have male-dominated clans.

Food & Diet
Aardwolves are insectivores, and they only eat termites. Though the termites secrete a toxin, aardwolves do not seem to be affected by it. They consume the termites by licking them off surfaces with a flat, sticky tongue. They can consume 30,000 termites every night. The other hyena species are carnivores, which means they only eat meat. They are known to take advantage of other animals' kills for easy meals, but they aren't just scavengers. They also hunt and fill their diet with wildebeest, antelope, hippos, birds, jackals, lizards, fish, snakes, foxes, porcupines, eggs and insects. The size of the meal often is determined by how large the hyena's clan is. Clans work together to take down prey, so the bigger the animal, the more members the clan needs to have for a successful kill. They often hide extra food in watering holes, since nothing is wasted. Hyenas will eat every part of an animal, including bones and hooves.

Matting typically happens outside of the clan. Non-related males and females will mate after a courtship that can last several days. After a gestation of around three months, female hyenas give birth to two to four young. Baby hyenas are called cubs. Mothers in a clan will share the responsibility of nursing each other's young and other members of the can may bring food to the den for the cubs. Cub's eyes are sealed shut for the first five to nine days. At 2 weeks old, they are ready to leave the den, but eat nothing but mother's milk for the first six months and nurse for over a year. At around 2 years, the cubs are considered mature and ready to leave their mother. Hyenas usually live around 10 to 21 years.

Conservation Status
There are currently around 10,000 mature adult hyenas in the world. The hyena's only predator is humans. These animals are losing roaming areas due to farming and they are commonly shot by ranchers for attacking livestock. Even so, the brown hyena is the only one in danger of extinction, currently. The brown hyena is classified as near threatened, according to theInternational Union for Conservation of Nature. This is because the mean global population size is estimated below 10,000 mature individuals, and it is estimated that the population may continue to decline 10 percent over the next three generations, which equals 24 years.

Other Facts
Spotted hyenas can run up to 60 km/h. Spotted hyenas are known as "laughing hyenas" because they have a distinctive call that sounds like human laughter. It isn't a laugh at all, though. They make this sound when they are excited, but nervous, or when they are submitting to another hyena. Spotted hyenas also make 10 other vocalizations to communicate with their clan. Stripped hyenas, unlike the spotted hyena, usually doesn't make any noise and communicates with body movements. Maasai people of Kenya and Tanzania leave their dead to be consumed by hyenas instead of burying them.



1000 CUTE PUPPIES! :o)

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